







汉语拼音:shuǐ jiǎo






  1. 用水煮的饺子。

    清 二石生 《十洲春语》卷下:“小食则以蚕沙饼、椒卷、王兰酥、芙蓉饺、水饺、苏叶饼、鳧茨糕诸种为最佳。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第十七章:“这时堂倌把水饺端来,并端来两碗饺子汤,在 开封 又叫做饮汤。”



  1. Miss - how much is a bowl of dumplings?


  2. I usually buy frozen dumplings at the supermarket. It's usually only at the weekends that I make my own dumplings.


  3. Noon eating dumplings, she and her three children and I had a fried sweet and sour pork ribs, special delicious!


  4. They are called Chinese Dumplings. Please mix a little soy sauce and sesame oil on this plate and dip them into it before eating.


  5. Others tuck into a tasty lunch of silver carp caught from the Amur, or pork dumplings.


  6. The quality inspection agency in Hebei Province where the dumplings were made briefed reporters Friday on the investigation.


  7. Keeping frozen boiled pork dumplings in the refrigerator is very convenient because you can cook them up to eat at any time.


  8. One of factors influencing quality of deep-frozen dumpling was mainly wheat flour quality.


  9. Selling dumplings look in the eyes of the aunt, the little girl to smile, said: "It appears you are hungry, right? "


  1. 四川钟水饺

    Boiled Dumpling in Sichuan Style.

  2. 白菜鲜肉水饺

    pork and vegetable dumpling.

  3. 香菇油菜水饺

    Jiaozi Stuffed with Mushroom and Cabbage

  4. 猪肉茴香水饺

    Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Fennel

  5. 牛肉大葱水饺

    Dumplings Stuffed with Beef and Scallion

  6. 韭菜猪肉水饺

    Dumplings stuffed with leek and minced meat

  7. 猪肉西葫芦水饺

    Jiaozi Stuffed with Pork and Marrow

  8. 今日来吃水饺吧!

    Dome and get your dumplings today!

  9. 你有时会煎水饺吗?

    Do you ever fry dumplings?

  10. 我想要水饺当晚餐。

    I want dumplings for dinner.

  11. 今天来拿你的水饺。

    Take your boiled dumpling today.

  12. 是的, 我经常包水饺。

    Yes, I frequently make dumplings.

  13. 是得,我经常包水饺。

    Yes, I frequently make dumplings.

  14. 是的,我经常包水饺。

    Yes ,I frequently make dumplings .

  15. 今天早上他吃的水饺。

    He had dumplings this morning.

  16. 小姐,水饺一碗多少钱?

    Miss how much is a bowl of dumplings.

  17. 水饺太烫了, 不能吃。

    The boiled dumplings are too hot to be eaten.

  18. 水饺太烫了,不能吃。

    The boiled dumplings are too hot to be eaten.

  19. 水饺经常被烹煮来吃。

    Dumplings are often eaten boiled.

  20. 大娘给你下碗水饺吃。

    Aunt will give you to eat a bowl of dumplings.

  21. 我们煮海鲜水饺给你吃。

    Well cook dumplings with seafood for you.

  22. 我是特别喜欢吃水饺的。

    I am like eating the boiled dumplings specially.

  23. 你们有生的水饺可以外带吗?

    Do you have any uncooked dumplings to take out?

  24. 这些水饺尝起来像网球似的。

    These water dumplings taste like tennis balls.

  25. 水饺带汤得特价只售10元。

    The dumpling and soup lunch special is RMB 8.

  26. 水饺带汤的特价只售10元。

    The dumpling and soup lunch special is RMB 10.

  27. 水饺质量的评定方法及其应用

    The Quality Evaluation Method of Jiaozi and Its Application

  28. 水饺质量得评定方法及其应用

    The Quality Evaluation Method of Jiaozi and Its Application.

  29. 他一口气吃光了所有的水饺。

    He ate up all the dumplings at one go.

  30. 我要一份中碗份量的水饺。

    I would like a medium bowl of dumpling.


  1. 问:水饺拼音怎么拼?水饺的读音是什么?水饺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水饺的读音是shuǐjiǎo,水饺翻译成英文是 boiled dumplings; dumplings

  2. 问:水饺拼音怎么拼?水饺的读音是什么?水饺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水饺的读音是shuǐjiǎo,水饺翻译成英文是 Boiled Dumplings