








1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……






  1. One day you're gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Like the sun rises and sets with you.


  2. He said, "I really wanted to enjoy the sunrise and sunset together with you" .


  3. Between the taste of life in this beautiful sunrise and sunset, in which San-ching Shuilv pleasure between the harvest of a state of mind.


  4. Others happen repeatedly, like the rising and setting of the sun.


  5. summer evening, on this walk in the Wolong Boulevard, quite free to see sitting sunset view of the indifferent and quiet.


  6. Percentage ratio of actual amount of bright sunshine to the total possible between sunrise and sunset.


  7. and moon phase as well as number of day in year, number of week in year, julian day number, remaining days in year, remaining weeks in year.


  8. Let us go fill this credibility gap, let us start from the side, stick to integrity, to show self - what difference does it sunset?


  9. The long axis of the house is perpendicular to the axis of the peninsula, aligning it with sunrise and sunset.


  1. 观日出日落

    see the sunrise and sunset.

  2. 欣赏海岛日出日落得美景,

    Not only see the beautiful sunrise and sundown on the islands

  3. 欣赏海岛日出日落的美景,

    Not only see the beautiful sunrise and sundown on the islands

  4. 阳光总要有日出日落的,

    The sun light has rise and set

  5. 以日出日落, 以午夜以咖啡, 以寸以哩。

    In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles.

  6. 应是的, 日出日落我整日劳作。

    Yeah, from dawn to dusk I work the fields all day.

  7. 我们每天都可以看到日出日落。

    Everyday, we can see sunrise and sunset.

  8. 不用吹灰之力, 我们就可以享受日出日落。

    Without lifting a finger, we get to enjoy sunrises and sunsets.

  9. 与日出日落时的杆影相交于两点。

    And sunset shots time of impact intersect at two points.

  10. 你可以根据日出日落确定正南正北方向。

    You can decide according to sunrise sunset Na Zhengbei direction.

  11. 日出日落,雨下雨歇,小树们都长高了。

    The rain came the sun shoneand the little trees grew tall.

  12. 欣赏季节得更迭, 日出日落, 为所有得宁静惊奇。

    Surprise yourself by admiring the changing seasons, sunrise or sunset, in all serenity.

  13. 欣赏季节的更迭,日出日落,为所有的宁静惊奇。

    Surprise yourself by admiring the changing seasons, sunrise or sunset, in all serenity.

  14. 只要你在身旁,任何的日出日落都会让我神往。

    Any sunrise or sunset will take my breath away if you're aside.

  15. 那早晚日出日落的磅礴景象,更是这边独好。

    And nothing really can compare with the splendorous scene of sunrise and sunset here.

  16. 那早晚日出日落得磅礴景象,更是这边独好。

    And nothing really can compare with the splendorous scene of sunrise and sunset here.

  17. 实际日照时间与日出日落间可能录得的日照时间百分比。

    Percentage ratio of actual amount of bright sunshine to the total possible between sunrise and sunset.

  18. 日出日落图案的添加, 白天与黑夜的黑白似乎更分明。

    The accretion of sunrise sunset design, by day with the night black and white it seems that more trenchant.

  19. 日出日落, 花开花谢, 不会因为谁的一声悲叹而停止脚步。

    I know I will be fine coz I can hear ur sigh.

  20. 日出日落,永不改变的是山与水彼此间永远是最忠实的听众。

    Sunrise and sunset, never change is the mountain and water other forever is the most listeners.

  21. 孤独地回忆日落日出的琐碎!

    Lonely recollects the sunset sunrise triviality!

  22. 泰山得日出与日落, 闻名遐迩。

    The mountain is most famous for its spectacular sunrise and sunset.

  23. 秦山得日出与日落, 闻名遐迩。

    Mount Tai is most famous for its spectacular sunrise and sunset.

  24. 秦山的日出与日落,闻名遐迩。

    Mount Tai is most famous for its spectacular sunrise and sunset.

  25. 你可以眺望美丽的日出和日落。

    You have a good view of the beautiful sunrise and sunset.

  26. 白天日出和日落之间的那段时间

    The time between sunrise and sunset.

  27. 日出和日落时间为指定的地点和日期。

    Sunrise and sunset times for the specified location and date.

  28. 日出和日落时间为指定得地点和日期。

    Sunrise and sunset times for the specified location and date.

  29. 在主时钟上还可看到日出及日落时间。

    For the main clock you can see the time of sunrise and sunset.

  30. 一个程序控制树的生长,风起风没 日出,日落。

    A program was written to watch over the trees and the wind, the sunrise and sunset.



“日出日落”是个多义词,它可以指日出日落(IOS软件), 日出日落(电影作品), 日出日落(图书)。