


人或某些动物体内器官之一,在肝脏右叶的下部:~囊。苦~。~固醇。肝~相照(指对人忠诚,以真心相见)。不怕凶暴和危险的精神、勇气:~量。~气。壮~。~魄。~大妄为(wéi )。装在器物内部而中空的东西:球~。暖瓶~。……


1. 识 [shí]2. 识 [zhì]识 [shí]知道,认得,能辨别:~辨。~破。~相(xiàng )。~途老马。所知道的道理:知~。常~。辨别是非的能力:见~。远见卓~。识 [zhì]记住:博闻强~。标志,记号。……



汉语拼音:dǎn shí








  1. 胆量和见识。

    《醒世恒言·卢太学诗酒傲王侯》:“此非有十二分才智,十二分胆识,安能如此。” 明 袁宏道 《策·第五问》:“至於生死之际,坦焉若倦鸟之投枝,此岂寻常胆识所敢望乎?” 太平天囯 洪秀全 《防守浦口诏》:“今朕復思 天浦省 乃 天京 门户,弟有胆识,战守有方,定胜镇守之任。” 峻青 《海啸》第四章:“我 黑老五 算佩服你了,真是既有计谋,又有胆识。”



  1. What you said is all some mediocre incompetent person, is not really a courageous person.


  2. No one could doubt his grit or calm, even if he owed some of his steadiness to a prodigious consumption of cigarettes.


  3. Voters do not want to bear the cost of their elected leaders' aspirations, and those leaders have not been brave enough to push them.


  4. Schmeichel was an imposing presence in the United goal, with a bravery that made the very most of his considerable natural talent.


  5. If the boss is the old ideological, County market under, ran to make money, or for the courage of young people, or not-for-ass for his head.


  6. Bolivia may have been an irritant and an obstruction but the other negotiators knew it was right about this.


  7. It is a manifestation of the dark shadowy side you dare not look into as a civilization, but also very often on a personal level as well.


  8. The only people with the guts to talk about such things have been various independent commissions which the two parties have ignored.


  9. And with these people, just as certainly the fee is first and the work second, as with brave people the work is first and the fee second.


  1. 她胆识过人,充满活力。

    She's so spunky and spirited.

  2. 他为人精明而有胆识。

    He was intelligent and brave.

  3. 应注意培养大学生的胆识

    On Fostering the Courage and Vision of University Students

  4. 一位成功的金融家的胆识

    the audacity of a successful financier

  5. 超酷, 而且拥有超人得胆识!

    Rap and possesses superhuman courage!

  6. 超酷,而且拥有超人的胆识!

    Rap and possesses superhuman courage!

  7. 她对我们也许有用, 有胆识。

    We might be able to use her. She has spunk.

  8. 他具有眼光,创造力和胆识。

    Here is the person with vision, originality, and daring.

  9. 我羡慕他胆识过人,学问渊博。

    I admire him for his bravery and learning.

  10. 已经具有颠覆世界权威的胆识

    Already has the authority to subvert the worlds courage

  11. 技艺精湛的, 有胆识的, 精力充沛的

    performed or performing with unusually great skill and daring and energy

  12. 元杂剧中包公的胆识与智慧

    On Lord Bao's Courage and Wisdom in Yuan Operas

  13. 伟大的军事领袖无不胆识过人。

    Never forget that no military leader has ever become great without audacity.

  14. 你做这件事还算有胆识。

    It takes a lot of guts to do what you did.

  15. 勇敢的需要或显示勇气和胆识的

    Requiring or exhibiting courage and bravery.

  16. 胆识和魄力就是她成功的基石。

    Boldness and courage are the cornerstonesof her success.

  17. 比如说,我就很钦佩他的胆识。

    I, for one, admire his audacity.

  18. 然而, 领导不只是勇气及胆识而已。

    However, leadership is much more than courage and daring.

  19. 他没有足够的胆识承担这项工作。

    He's not man enough for the job.

  20. 非有过人的胆识,超绝的武艺,不得入内。

    Must has the excellent courage and wisdom, the extraordinary skill in wushu in do not enter.

  21. 只有你这样有胆识的制作人才能做到。

    Only a producer of your courage could get it made.

  22. 他救父时表现出来的胆识得到了嘉奖。

    He was rewarded for his courage after saving his father's life.

  23. 他救父时表现出来的胆识得到了嘉奖。

    He was rewarded for his courage after saving his father's life.

  24. 需要作出许多具有胆识的决定,而且时不我待。

    Many bold decisions need to be taken, and taken soon.

  25. 因而,做出了有胆识的尝试和不懈的努力。

    And they are making courageous attempts and great efforts.

  26. 目前政界总的看法是,她有胆识,坚持原则。

    Current opinion among politicians is that she is courageous, stands for her principles.

  27. 别忘了所有伟大的军事领袖都胆识过人。

    Never forget that no military leader has ever become great without audacity.

  28. 我们认为,这是一个有胆识和可嘉的步骤。

    We deem this a bold and commendable step.

  29. 个性是一种财富,要有胆识有勇气去保持它。

    Personality is a kind of fortune. You should have the courage to keep it.

  30. 兼具创造力、神经质和胆识的人常偏好紫色。

    Purple is often favoured by very creative and eccentricpeople who are not afraid of appearing daring.


  1. 问:胆识拼音怎么拼?胆识的读音是什么?胆识翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胆识的读音是dǎnshí,胆识翻译成英文是 courage and insight


胆识 ,指胆量和见识。多用于褒义。胆识是成功的重要影响因素。胆怯退缩是人们生活中的一大障碍。树立自信心是战胜胆怯退缩的重要的法宝,而做好充分的准备,为树立自信心打下基础 。提高胆识心理,还需要学会对失败进行总结、主动与人交往、注意身体语言。胆识,是指同时具有见识和勇气,这是历经苦难的才能培养出来的人性品质。人生四识中常识,知识,见识都是为胆识所作准备,胆识是唯一将理论付诸实践的过程,是创造执行力的过程。实践是检验真理的唯一标准。