


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……





汉语拼音:běn àn






  1. 此案,这个案件。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·刑名·遴捕役》:“若果能擒获本案真盗,絶不株连,则必尔赏。”



  1. The difficulty in this affair was that from the start nobody seems to have noticed one very important thing.


  2. Because he was the last known person to see her, he is considered a person of interest in the case, but has not been named a suspect.


  3. A former official in a previous national government who has investigated the matter thinks the true figure was closer to $1 billion.


  4. The judge has asked at least two hospitals for a medical opinion on whether surgeons could render the attacker's spinal cord non-functional.


  5. When you are the auditor, however, you can hardly complain that you were deceived, and this will have no real effect on the case.


  6. Fortescue said it was "fully prepared to defend the matter in court" .


  7. Having any other relationship with a party or attorney thereof in the case, which may affect the rendering of a fair award; or.


  8. The trial was one of several linked to what was then Europe's largest case of bankruptcy, and which was dubbed "Europe's Enron" .


  9. Case shocked the local community, the police chief said the people broke our hearts, can not imagine that someone can be evil to the point.


  1. 本案庭审材料

    materials relating to the court proceedings of the case.

  2. 反对,与本案无关

    Objection. Relevance.

  3. 负责本案的警察

    the officer in charge of the case

  4. 非本案调查人员

    person who is not one of the investigators of the case

  5. 本案缺少书面证据。

    This case lacked documentary proof.

  6. 适用于本案的法律

    lex in casu

  7. 该问题与本案无关。

    The question is not relevant to the case.

  8. 本案由道德法庭审理。

    This case will be heard in a moral court.

  9. 本案由道德法庭审理。

    This case will be heard in a moral court.

  10. 那条证据与本案无关。

    That evidence is irrelevant to the case.

  11. 我仔细审查本案的实情。

    I picked over the facts of the case.

  12. 我们不是本案的受害人。

    We aren't the victims at this trial.

  13. 只要能查明本案的真相。

    That may speak to the truth of this case.

  14. 他装作好像与本案无关。

    He pretend as though he have have nothing to do with the case.

  15. 本案中没有提出这种证据。

    No such evidence was put forward in the present case.

  16. 据说他与本案有牵联。

    He is said to have been concerned in the crime.

  17. 法官认定证据与本案无关。

    The judge ruled that the evidence was not relevant to the case.

  18. 本案正由最高法院审理。

    This case is being judged by the Supreme Court.

  19. 本案下周交库珀法官审理。

    The case comes before Judge Cooper next week.

  20. 本人愿意停止对本案的辩论。

    I rest my case.

  21. 本案将由公正仲裁员审核。

    This case will is hold by an impartial arbitrator.

  22. 法官们听取了有关本案的陈述。

    The judges heard the case.

  23. 他也许掌握着与本案有关。

    He might have information that has a bearing on the case.

  24. 我同意委员会对本案的意见。

    I have joined the Views of the Committee in this case.

  25. 你已经假设他和本案无关了。

    You assumed he was off the case.

  26. 本案事实及其争议焦点忠诚卡

    The Lawsuit The Chronology of Facts Alleged, and the Loyalty Card at Issue.

  27. 因此,随时可就本案举行听讯。

    The case is therefore ready for hearing.

  28. 我们会竭尽全力追查本案的凶犯。

    We will spare no effort to find the culprit of this crime.

  29. 当然,这反映了本案的独特性。

    That, of course, reflects the peculiarities of the case.

  30. 警方不会按违规行为对待本案。

    Police are not treating the case as foul play.


  1. 问:本案令状拼音怎么拼?本案令状的读音是什么?本案令状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本案令状的读音是běn àn lìng zhuàng,本案令状翻译成英文是 writ upon the case