


1. 俟 [sì]2. 俟 [qí]俟 [sì]等待:~机进攻。〔~次〕依次。俟 [qí]〔万(mò)~〕见“万”。……









汉语拼音:sì hé zhī qīng







  1. na.
  2. wait till the Yellow River runs clear water;once in a blue moon;wait for the millennium

  3. >

  1. 俟河之清, 人寿几何

    how long does a man live, that he can wait for the River to run clear?

  2. 俟河之清,人寿几何?

    How long does a man live, that he can wait for the River to run clear?

  3. 陈诚的家世生平,一直存在一些隐匿不清之处。

    There exits some points unclear about Chen Cheng's life and his family.

  4. 两小时之内将把顽抗之敌肃清。

    All resistance will be mopped up within two hours.

  5. 但在真理的所有砌体是充满了含糊不清之处。

    But in truth all Masonry is full of ambiguity.

  6. 当贷款还清之时,你可以开始真正的财富积累过程。

    Once you are debt free you can begin to accumulate real wealth.

  7. 黄油通过加热,去除牛奶的固体沉淀使之变清。

    Butter made clear by heating and removing the sediment of milk solids.

  8. 通过加热,去除牛奶的固体沉淀使之变清的黄油。

    butter made clear by heating and removing the sediment of milk solids.

  9. 用雾笼罩因或似因雾遮盖或使之轮廓不清

    To cover or obscure with or as if with fog.

  10. 清诗学之主导及其知识清理 清代诗学主潮研究评

    On A Study of the Main Trends of Poetics in the Qing Dynasty

  11. 美国价值观之清教主义根源

    Puritanism as the Origin of American Values

  12. 打开心灵之窗,看清事物本质。

    Open your eyes and see as they really are.

  13. 打开心灵之窗, 看清事物得本质。

    Open you eyes and see as they really are.

  14. 打开心灵之窗,看清事物的本质。

    Open you eyes and see as they really are.

  15. 文档可能有很多模糊不清的微妙之处。

    Documentation can be ambiguous in the most insidious ways.

  16. 对于畛域不清之地,双方仍在商议。

    The two parties are negotiating the unclear boundaries.

  17. 对于畛域不清之地,双方仍在商议。

    The two parties are negotiating the unclear boundaries.

  18. 水笔仔在泥沼中,以坚韧的生命力,等待河清之日。

    Tough Formosan kandelia hold on in the muck waiting for a better day.

  19. 明清之交,由于漕运兴盛带来了聊城文化事业的发展。

    At the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, because transportation prosperity brought Liaocheng cultural development.

  20. 渴望清澄之水

    A Thirst for Clear Water.

  21. 之形板清选机

    zigzag table separator

  22. 脑为清阳之府。

    Brain is known as the house of lucid yang.

  23. 清康乾盛世之文字狱

    On the splendid times of Kang Qian of the prisons of words

  24. 明末清初禅悦之风

    the prevailing of Buddhism

  25. 清末部院之争初探

    An Analysis of the Contending Between Fabu and Daliyuan Towards the End of the Qing Dynasty

  26. 明末清初经世之学

    Statecraft thought of the late Ming and early Qing

  27. 清代尚裘之风及其南渐

    Fur Clothing Fashion in the Qing Dynasty and Its Spreading to South China

  28. 清代打击拐卖妇女犯罪之考察

    A Review on Beating Kidnap Women Crime in the Qing Dynasty

  29. 清代晋中奢靡之风述论

    The Habit of Extravagance of Central Shanxi Province in the Qing Dynasty

  30. 治疗中多用疏肝, 清肝之剂。

    The treatment is mainly to dredge and clear liver.

