







汉语拼音:yǒng xù







  1. 长久持续。

    梁启超 《二十世纪之巨灵托辣斯·托辣斯之弊》:“以生计学公理论之,此等现象,断非可永续。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》三四:“ 英国 的资本主义尽量发展 英国 的生产,同时并尽量吸吮 爱尔兰 农民的膏血,使 爱尔兰 的工业永续地落后。” 汪静之 《海滨》诗:“你如此永续地忙着,也不觉得倦么?”



  1. Taiwan aborigines' myth of Shooting the Sun came into being in the precondition to pursue permanent survival.


  2. Ian: They'd also like to see how you're going to help the world. Maybe you want to encourage sustainable coffee growing.


  3. What then is sustainability? As is often the case when a concept is widely embraced, there seem to be a great number of definitions.


  4. the company of "sustainable development, continuous improvement and striving for first-class quality" of the enterprise approach.


  5. "But. . . " said the uncle, and out came the traditional belief in Atman, the soul, the permanent entity which continues.


  6. Bonnie Nixon, HP's director of sustainability, said green practices should be integrated throughout the company.


  7. An Jinlei, a permaculture peasant I mentioned at the end of this article, is one of my most admired role models.


  8. By constantly learning, continuous improvement, the company expanded market, and sustainable management.


  9. The company always to the management principle: human-oriented, customers first, quality foremost, honesty and continuance.


  1. 追求卓越,永续经营

    To Pursue Excellence to Push Development

  2. 毕生致力于永续建筑设计

    He's dedicated his life to sustainable design.

  3. 应采用永续年金法

    Land Compensation by Perpetuities Annuity Should be adopted

  4. 实存制和永续盘存制。

    Periodic inventory system and perpetual inventory system.

  5. 永续的生命靠你的支持!

    Continuous life lives on your continuous support!

  6. 让银发岁月的财富永续

    Making the gold last in your golden years

  7. 传承绿色文明、缔造永续发展。

    Green civilization heritage and create sustainable development.

  8. 黄山植物资源的永续利用

    Sustainable Utilization Plant Resources in Huangshan Mountain

  9. 诚信, 创新, 互利共荣, 永续经营!

    Integrity, innovation, mutual benefit and common prosperity, sustainable business!

  10. 我们很难保持企业的永续经营。

    value for very long if we don't trust each other.

  11. 这个制度是所谓的永续盘存制度。

    This system is called perpetual inventory system.

  12. 牯牛降生物资源和旅游资源的永续利用

    Sustainable Utilization of Biological and Tourist Resources in Guniujiang Nature Reserve

  13. 公司坚持追求品质,永续创新的企业理念。

    Quality Pursuit, Continuous Innovation is the enterprise concept for the said company.

  14. 诚信为本,精诚合作,立足长远,永续经营。

    It is a foundation to be sincere, sincerely cooperated, base on future, Manage continuously forever.

  15. 我有永续收入,我无需为自己的开支担忧。

    I have residual income and I need not to worry about my spending.

  16. 我有永续收入并对我的花销很负责任。

    I have residual income and I spend responsibly.

  17. 使用永续盘存制的会计系统叫做成本会计系统。

    Systems of accounting for manufacturing operations that incorporate perpetual inventories are usually called cost accounting systems.

  18. 本公司的存货盘存制度为永续盘存制。

    The company's inventory system as the perpetual inventory system.

  19. 本公司得存货盘存制度为永续盘存制。

    The company's inventory system as the perpetual inventory system.

  20. 家庭生活的开始是源于满足欲望,确保家庭永续

    family life in the desire to gratify appetites and secure family perpetuity

  21. 安徽绣线菊属植物资源及永续利用探讨

    The Sustainable Utilization of Spiraea Resources in Anhui province

  22. 风能是一种清洁、安全、永续的可再生能源。

    Wind is a renewable energy which is clean, safe and permanent.

  23. 其中最简单的东西叫做公债或叫永续年金

    The simplest thing is something called a consol or perpetuity.

  24. 企业文化是保证企业永续经营的可以传承的因子。

    Corporate culture is an inheritable factor which can ensure the perpetual operation of an company.

  25. 我们得全球政治学还无法适应永续力得挑战。

    Our global politics is not yet adapted to the challenges of sustainability.

  26. 交期的经营理念与中外客户共同成长,永续经营!

    Delivery business philosophy and common growth of Chinese and foreign customers, and sustainable Business!

  27. 成为顾客首选的事业伙伴是我们永续的经营目标。

    Be the customers preferred business partner is our sustainable business objective.

  28. 如此这些同情和给予的精神才会被永续传承。

    Thus the whole spirit of sympathy and giving would be passed on.

  29. 追求卓越,永续经营追捕者一跳越过了栅栏。

    To Pursue Excellence to Push Development The pursuer cleared the fence in one hop.

  30. 永续,健康的生活环境,是每一个人共同的愿望。

    Living a sustainable and healthy environment is a common goal of humanity.


  1. 问:永续拼音怎么拼?永续的读音是什么?永续翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续的读音是,永续翻译成英文是 continuance

  2. 问:永续性拼音怎么拼?永续性的读音是什么?永续性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续性的读音是yǒng xù xìng,永续性翻译成英文是 perpetuation

  3. 问:永续的拼音怎么拼?永续的的读音是什么?永续的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续的的读音是,永续的翻译成英文是 long-lived

  4. 问:永续修饰拼音怎么拼?永续修饰的读音是什么?永续修饰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续修饰的读音是yǒng xù xiū shì,永续修饰翻译成英文是 permanent modification

  5. 问:永续存货拼音怎么拼?永续存货的读音是什么?永续存货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续存货的读音是yǒng xù cún huò,永续存货翻译成英文是 perpetual stock

  6. 问:永续年金拼音怎么拼?永续年金的读音是什么?永续年金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续年金的读音是yǒngxùniánjīn,永续年金翻译成英文是 perpetual annuity

  7. 问:永续设计拼音怎么拼?永续设计的读音是什么?永续设计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续设计的读音是,永续设计翻译成英文是 Sustainable design

  8. 问:永续盘存制拼音怎么拼?永续盘存制的读音是什么?永续盘存制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续盘存制的读音是yǒng xù pán cún zhì,永续盘存制翻译成英文是 perpetual inventory system

  9. 问:永续盘存单拼音怎么拼?永续盘存单的读音是什么?永续盘存单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续盘存单的读音是yǒng xù pán cún dān,永续盘存单翻译成英文是 perpetual inventory sheet

  10. 问:永续盘存卡拼音怎么拼?永续盘存卡的读音是什么?永续盘存卡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续盘存卡的读音是yǒng xù pán cún kǎ,永续盘存卡翻译成英文是 perpetual inventory card

  11. 问:永续盘存法拼音怎么拼?永续盘存法的读音是什么?永续盘存法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续盘存法的读音是yǒng xù pán cún fǎ,永续盘存法翻译成英文是 perpetual inventory method

  12. 问:永续存货记录拼音怎么拼?永续存货记录的读音是什么?永续存货记录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续存货记录的读音是yǒng xù cún huò jì lù,永续存货记录翻译成英文是 perpetual inventory record

  13. 问:永续盘存账户拼音怎么拼?永续盘存账户的读音是什么?永续盘存账户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续盘存账户的读音是yǒng xù pán cún zhàng hù,永续盘存账户翻译成英文是 perpetual inventory account

  14. 问:永续盘存明细记录拼音怎么拼?永续盘存明细记录的读音是什么?永续盘存明细记录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:永续盘存明细记录的读音是yǒng xù pán cún míng xì jì lù,永续盘存明细记录翻译成英文是 detailed perpetual inventory records