







汉语拼音:bù pǐ







  1. she sat down and made, as well as she could, a pair of little shoes out of some old pieces of red cloth.


  2. Material, fabric: a week, in Changxing textile city overall smooth cloth market, price does not change.


  3. She invented and patented special arrangements of mirrors and concocted chemical dyes for her draperies.


  4. At this time, it began to rain. The wool and cloth got wet. The cold and hungry business man tottered and tripped in the slough.


  5. Before the industrial revolution the hand-spinning of raw cotton into thread was the main bottleneck in the production of cloth.


  6. Because of the heavy wool merchant but unable to bend down and cotton cloth to pick up take farmer with silver cutlery.


  7. Sell the cloth you to wholesale market's small commodity place many owners to recruit workers.


  8. Fabric soft to bright color, and common clothing fabrics do not see any difference.


  9. Material, fabric: this week in Changxing textile city cloth trading is not smooth, and shrinking daily trading volume material in products.


  1. 布匹及纺织品

    piece goods and textile fabrics

  2. 布匹机绣花

    The cloth machine embroiders the flower.

  3. 纹理布匹的构造部分

    The structural part of cloth.

  4. 上压式布匹打包机

    upper compacted cloth packer

  5. 他们在桌上把布匹拉开。

    They unrolled the cloth onto the table.

  6. 这些布匹是按重量销售的。

    These rolls of cloth are sold by weight.

  7. 这些布匹是按重量销售得。

    These rolls of cloth are sold by weight.

  8. 布匹或衣服向外的一面的。

    of the side of cloth or clothing intended to face outward.

  9. 布商布匹, 衣服或纺织品商人

    A dealer in cloth or clothing and dry goods.

  10. 生染的织成布匹以前染上色的

    Dyed before being woven into cloth.

  11. 赤脚大仙在这里晾晒布匹。

    The Barefoot Immortal once hung some cloth to dry on it.

  12. 售货员从布匹上截下一大块。

    Tile salesman cut a large piece from the cloth.

  13. 马瑟泼拉特布匹连续蒸化机

    Mather Platt ager

  14. 那是因为我们转向布匹生意的缘故。

    Thats because we have switched to piece goods market.

  15. 印第安人用毛皮换取枪支和布匹。

    The Indians bartered furs for guns and cloths.

  16. 由折叠布匹而产生的小皱纹或褶子

    A small fold or pucker made by gathering cloth.

  17. 在纺成纱线或者织成布匹之前就染色。

    Dyed before being spun or woven into cloth.

  18. 这七个女儿个个都能织美丽得布匹。

    All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful clothes.

  19. 这七个女儿个个都能织美丽的布匹。

    All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful clothes.

  20. 诺森德大陆得新布匹叫做霜纹布。

    The new cloth in Northrend is called Frostweave.

  21. 诺森德大陆的新布匹叫做霜纹布。

    The new cloth in Northrend is called Frostweave.

  22. 衣褶由折叠布匹而产生的小皱纹或褶子

    A small fold or pucker made by gathering cloth.

  23. 为有特殊要求的儿童或年轻人创造适应的布匹

    Created adaptive clothing for children and young adults with special needs.

  24. 遵照你方要求,我们正寄上一套布匹剪样。

    We are sending you a set of piece goods samples at your request.

  25. 我公司专注于布匹专用设备的研制、开发工作。

    I focus on companies cloth and special equipment is the research and development work.

  26. 镶边窄条织物, 用作修饰, 完善或加固布匹。

    A narrow strip of fabric used to trim, finish, or reinforce articles of clothing.

  27. 工业革命以前,手摇纺线是布匹生产的主要瓶颈。

    Before the industrial revolution the handspinning of raw cotton into thread was the main bottleneck in the production of cloth.

  28. 基于聚类分析和支持向量机的布匹瑕疵分类方法

    Fabric Defect Classification Based on Cluster Analysis and Support Vector Machine

  29. 染布匹的手。我头一次见到这样的双手时大骇。

    Hands dyed by dye. I scared to death first saw them.

  30. 你所关心的那个孤儿现在经营布匹和服装,生意很好。

    The orphan in whom you took an interest is now doing well in the drapery way.


  1. 问:布匹拼音怎么拼?布匹的读音是什么?布匹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:布匹的读音是bùpǐ,布匹翻译成英文是 cloth


