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1. 仙 [xiān]仙 [xiān]神话中称有特殊能力、可以长生不死的人:~人。~女。~子。~界。~境(a.仙人居住的地方;b.形容景物美好的地方)。~风道骨。~山琼阁(喻虚无缥缈的美妙幻景)。具有高超才能的人:诗~。酒~。婉称死:~去。……
1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……
汉语拼音:xiān nǚ
唐 沉佺期 《昆明池侍宴应制》诗:“灵鱼衔宝跃,仙女废机迎。”《太平广记》卷六二引《仙传拾遗·蔡女仙》:“老父与仙女各乘一凤,昇天而去。”《西游记》第五回:“七衣仙女道:‘我等奉旨前来,寻不见大圣,怎敢空回?’” 艾青 《给乌兰诺娃》诗:“不是天上的仙女,却是人间的女神。”
Villagers all admired her excellent weaving skill and started learning from her. She was now well-known as the Weaving Girl.
由于七仙女纺织的技艺非常精湛,村民们纷纷向他学习,于是人们就称她为织女。In the Dragon King's palace, he saw lots of wonderful things. When he left, the fairy gave him a little box.
在龙宫里,他见到了好多奇妙的东西,离开时,仙女送给他一个小盒子。I was really led by her and how much she was able to handle, in the same way as I did with Father Christmas and the tooth fairy.
我真的是由她,以及她能够掌控多少,所引导的。就与我告诉她关于圣诞老人和牙齿仙女的一样。The poor fairy maiden's face turned red and quickly withdrew to a shady spot , following the object of her love with her longing eyes.
这位可怜的仙女羞红了脸,迅速退到遮阴处,含情脉脉地凝望着心上人。He had strict orders to refuse the prince nothing, yet he remembered the prophecy, and felt that this was a serious matter.
因为有“不得拒绝王子”的严格命令,但又想到仙女们的预言,他觉得这是一个严肃的问题。When all at once a lovely, bright fairy appeared and asked the woodman what was the matter.
这时,一位美丽而又快活的仙女突然出现了,她问樵夫为什么事而悲伤。In the folklore of the British Isles, fairies are not the innocuous Tinkerbell creatures they are usually thought to be today.
在不列颠群岛的民间传说中,仙灵并不是我们今天认为的没有危害的小仙女。Well, I've got so much to choose from. I'd just say, "Come into my Aladdin's cave, let me give you whatever you want. "
恩~~我想说我有太多选择了。“来我的仙女洞吧,我会给你一切你想要的”"Now, " said the Fairy to Beauty, "I suppose you would like me to send for your father and sisters ? "