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《孔子家语·七十二弟子解》:“ 宰予 字 子我 , 鲁 人,有口才著名。”《新唐书·奸臣传下·卢杞》:“ 杞 有口才,体陋甚。” 茅盾 《子夜》十五:“ 苏伦 也算是半个‘理论家’,口才是一等。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第二章:“他为自己拙劣的口才和沉不住气的架势而懊恼!”
Luckily, she is a smooth talker. A few sentences should be enough to clear the matter.
好在她口才好,只要几句话就把事情解释清楚了。And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
他们就都被圣灵充满、按著圣灵所赐的口才、说起别国的话来。You say that the question of how prepared in advance, no eloquent eloquence and thinking how fast possible?
你说这样的问题事先怎么准备,没有雄辩的口才和飞速的思维怎么可能做到?he has a theatre named after him in the ancient English city of Bath, and has honorary doctorates galore- but his real gift is of the gab.
在英国古城巴斯有以他的名字命名的剧院;他还有许多荣誉博士的称号--然而,他的真正天才是他的口才。When you want to continue to go on, and the other party issued a "let the voice" of the signal, you can ignore the views of his eloquence.
当你想继续讲下去,而对方发出了“让出发言权”的信号时,你也可以无视他的意见口才。As we heard Mr. Obama speak from his desk with his usual calm clarity and eloquence, it made us wish we heard more from him on many issues.
当我们听到奥巴马在他的办公桌后用他那镇定清晰地口才发表演讲时,我们也想听到他的关于其他事情的演说。On this point of taxes the ablest pens and most eloquent tongues have been exercised; the greatest spirits have acted and suffered.
在纳税问题上,人们至今仍在使用最有力的文笔和最雄辩的口才,最能干的人物都参与进去,却都不能加以解决。There is no doubt that you are a passionate, eloquent speaker and I applaud you for that, but when you look at what we face in this country.
毫无疑问你是个有热情的,口才好的演讲人,我为这向你鼓掌,但是当你看看我们面对的这个国家。A great deal depends upon the petitioner on the charm of the petitioner, on his ardor, on his eloquence. Myra, look at me.