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Sand Cleanout is a method which brings sand particles up to the surface by circulating a liquid.
冲砂是通过循环流体将油层中砂粒带到地面的方法。When such a reservoir is drilled, it behaves a bit like an uncorked bottle of champagne.
当我们在油层上钻挖,情况会有点像拔起香槟的瓶塞。The results of field application indicate that this technology can restore original reservoir permeability and oil well productivity.
现场应用结果表明,该技术可使油层恢复原有的渗透性,使油井恢复原始产能。Physical vibration of oil production technology has no harm, simple process, wide application scope and low cost, and many other advantages.
物理震动采油技术具有对油层无伤害,工艺简单,适用范围广和成本低廉等诸多优点。In the light of geologic features of A-nan oilfield, the major factors that ca use reservoir pollution and plug have been analyzed.
针对阿南油田的地质特征,分析了造成油层污染和堵塞的主要原因;The invention relates to a petroleum extraction technology, aiming at a strong sensitivity oil layer water injection well.
本发明是针对强敏感油层注水井的石油开采技术。If you could "see" an oil reservoir, you would notice only a rocky structure seeming to have no room for oil.
如果我们能「看到」油层,看到的也只是似乎没有空间可以容纳石油的岩石结构。Excessive scrubbing or frequent washing can have similar effects by stripping away the oily layer that the body provides for protection.
过度擦洗或者频繁洗澡也会因为去除身体所提供的用来保护皮肤的的油层而产生类似的后果。An enhanced oil recovery process in which water mixed with chemicals is injected into a depleted oil reservoir.