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1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……
1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……
汉语拼音:kě hǎo
I did not do, do not know how to calm the situation now, I know William these days, returned to his country, but I'm constantly looking.
我还没呢,不知道静现在情况怎么样了,我知道威廉可好了,回到了自己的国家,但是我正在不断地找。Whenever I am free, I keep thinking of him, I wonder if he thinks of me occasionally and how he is doing these days.
每当我有空的时候,我总想到他,不知他最近过得可好,有没有偶尔想到我。check on All through the night, he would wake up to check on me . . .
整个晚上他会常常醒过来察看我情况可好How was the trip. It must be very tiring, flying for more than ten hours.
一路可好?十几个小时的飞机很辛苦啊。Others praised the two children, said the child had Kehao.
别人也夸奖这两个小孩说,这孩子可好了。SUSAN: You'll love this, he said. . . "it doesn't mean anything, it was just sex. "
说得可好了,他说“这根本不能说明什么,仅仅是性而已”。How have you been? Hope things are going all right with you. Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season.
近来可好?但愿你一切顺利。时值美好的圣诞节之际,谨致我的思念与祝福。Each of these types of defensive actions contains elements of the others and usually contains both static and dynamic aspects?
各种防御类型的影响因素有同有异,通常分为静态与动态两个方面。这样可好?Did you leave Nature well? Oh, March, come right upstairs with me, I have so much to tell!