







汉语拼音:zuǐ liǎn








  1. 脸;脸庞。


  2. 容貌;模样。

    《西游记》第九三回:“那驛丞看见嘴脸丑陋,暗自心惊,不知是人是鬼。”《醒世恒言·两县令竞义婚孤女》:“那 月香 好副嘴脸,年已长成。” 艾芜 《人生哲学的一课》:“摆出做生意人的正经嘴脸,把货拿到灯光灿烂的街上,去找主顾。”

  3. 丑恶的面目;猥琐的模样。

    元 秦简夫 《东堂老》第一折:“挐来!你那嘴脸是掌财的?”《红楼梦》第六回:“ 刘氏 一旁接口道:‘你老虽説的好,你我这样嘴脸,怎么好到他门上去?’” 鲁迅 《伪自由书·后记》:“这真是‘胸中不正,则眸子眊焉’,寥寥几笔,就画出了这位文学家的嘴脸。”

  4. 犹言面子;脸面。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第五本第三折:“小孩儿有甚嘴脸来见姑娘!”《醒世恒言·杜子春三入长安》:“我当初出 长安 别亲眷之日,送什么《感怀诗》,分明与他告絶了,如今还有甚嘴脸好去干求他?”

  5. 脸色。指脸上的表情或对人的态度。

    《醒世恒言·李玉英狱中讼冤》:“那 焦氏 因用了许多银钱,不能够中选,心中懊悔气恼,原翻过向日嘴脸,好衣服也剥去了。”《官场现形记》第二一回:“但是他自从到省以来,署院一直没有给他好嘴脸,差使更不消説得。” 茅盾 《昙》:“对于姨太太的假意周旋,她早就不高兴,但如果她又看见了那女仆退出房外时的一副不尴不尬的嘴脸,她一定还要大大地生气。”



  1. On this point, oddly, Europe's nationalists shed their chauvinism for a saccharine solidarity beyond borders.


  2. The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks.


  3. The hateful faces of the Czar's officers flared up in heR mind.


  4. I learn to disguise themselves hate well into cardiac, just for a laugh, for you see your eyes flashed across a surprise.


  5. To me, he's one of those faces you see in the pages of Women's Wear Daily. With the Helmut Berger hairdo.


  6. He was the best Yapi spokesman, but now torn off the warmth of the mask to reveal the face of ferocious .


  7. He had no politicians' sleazy graces, and was proud of that.


  8. Their debut was marked by a tripartite release consisting of their debut single, "Real Face" , a "Real Face Film" DVD and their debut album.


  9. Mr Das has a keen eye for an anecdote, and the early chapters give the reader plenty of chances to chuckle at the hubris he reveals.


  1. 狞恶的嘴脸

    ferocious features.

  2. 一副丑恶嘴脸!

    What a hideous face!

  3. 一副丑恶嘴脸!

    What a hideous face!

  4. 一副丑恶的嘴脸

    an ugly mug

  5. 撕毁虚伪的丑恶嘴脸

    Tear ugly hypocritical faces into pieces

  6. 你的嘴脸上都贴满了。

    it sticks out all over your mug.

  7. 它们总一副皮笑肉不笑的嘴脸

    They've got that wryly smile on their mouth.

  8. 就摆出这样一副嘴脸,好不

    live in Mission hills now, all right?

  9. 我们终于开始认清叛徒的嘴脸。

    We are beginning to get on to the traitor at last.

  10. 你的嘴脸上就表示着这一切。

    It sticks out all over your mug.

  11. 你还是收起你讥笑人的嘴脸吧!

    You can wipe that sneer off your face!

  12. 她闻到怪味时总是这副嘴脸

    She always looks like she smells something bad.

  13. 萨莉最后不是认清了马克斯得嘴脸。

    Sally finally wised up to Max.

  14. 萨莉最后不是认清了马克斯的嘴脸。

    Sally finally wised up to Max.

  15. 这几天 实在不喜欢现在这副嘴脸。

    Over the past couple of days, I gave myself a long hard look in the mirror, and I did not like what I saw.

  16. 你这幅谎话连篇的嘴脸真让我恶心。

    Makes me sick that you can look at me and lie to me like that.

  17. 取而代之的是他自己的嘴脸,现在前进或灭亡。

    And Replaced with his own face, mosh now or die.

  18. 科学已经迎头赶上,巫师的丑恶嘴脸终被曝光。

    The science has caught up and the shamans are exposed.

  19. 对着他自昨天起就那样的那副嘴脸。

    Because of the way he's been looking at me since yesterday.

  20. 他奉承雇主的那副奴颜婢膝的嘴脸令我恶心。

    His servile expression of praise for his employer was disgusting to me.

  21. 他奉承雇主的那副卑屈的嘴脸令我恶心。

    His servile expression of praise for his employer was disgusting to me.

  22. 我不想再看到你这副丑恶的嘴脸了。

    I don't want to see yourugly Mug around here again.

  23. 她的脑海里闪现出一副副沙皇军官的可憎的嘴脸。

    The hateful faces of the Czar's officers flared up in her mind.

  24. 那猥琐得嘴脸,贪婪得看着被他手下压着得女子。

    That is trivial looks penurious of looking at be pressed by his under dictate woman.

  25. 我记得那副在奥斯特利茨战场的自鸣得意的嘴脸。

    I remember his fatuous and limited face on the field of Austerlitz.

  26. 那猥琐的嘴脸,贪婪的看着被他手下压着得女子。

    That is trivial looks penurious of looking at be pressed by his under dictate woman.

  27. 我对康佩森说过, 非打烂他那张嘴脸不可。

    I had said to Compeyson that I'd smash that face of his.

  28. 她干嘛不把自己那副愚蠢的老嘴脸留在家里?

    Why doesn't she keep her silly old mug at home?

  29. 寥寥数笔,就把这高利贷者贪婪的嘴脸勾画出来了。

    A few words successfully bring out the greediness of the usurer.

  30. 在许多左翼人士眼中, 跨国企业依稀仍是一副邪恶嘴脸。

    Multinational companies still have a vaguely villainous image for much of the left.


  1. 问:嘴脸拼音怎么拼?嘴脸的读音是什么?嘴脸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘴脸的读音是zuǐliǎn,嘴脸翻译成英文是 features



(1) 容貌;模样。《西游记》第九三回:“那驿丞看见嘴脸丑陋,暗自心惊,不知是人是鬼。”《醒世恒言·两县令竞义婚孤女》:“那 月香 好副嘴脸,年已长成。” 艾芜 《人生哲学的一课》:“摆出做生意人的正经嘴脸,把货拿到灯光灿烂的街上,去找主顾