




1. 裂 [liè]2. 裂 [liě]裂 [liè]破开,开了缝(fèng ):~开。~纹。~缝。~痕。~变(原子核分裂成几个其他原子核,并放出中子的过程)。~隙。~罅(裂缝)。分~。破~。决~。割~。扯~。裂 [liě]物体的两部分向两……



汉语拼音:gē liè







  1. 从整体中分割出若干部分;割开。

    《后汉书·宦者传·曹节》:“﹝ 朱瑀 等﹞因共割裂城社,自相封赏。” 三国 魏 曹冏 《六代论》:“割裂州国,分王子弟。”《新五代史·职方考三》:“ 唐 自中世多故矣……自 僖 昭 以来,日益割裂。”

  2. 常指把不应当分割的东西分割开。

    明 张居正 《请申旧章饬学政以振兴人才疏》:“炫奇立异者,文虽工弗録,所出试题,亦要明白正大,不得割裂文义,以伤雅道。”



  1. Through the introduction above, we can understand how much harm the knowledge of schizophrenia.

  2. I wonder if there is a way out of all this division into something that cannot be divided, separated?

  3. The technical performance of a technology cannot be isolated from its agronomic, social and institutional contexts.

  4. In the eyes of science historians, Darwin's most consequential claim was that the discontinuous face of life as a whole was an illusion.

  5. As a fashion statement, can be extended to real life of a thing, someone always separate emotional refused.

  6. Sometimes I said the words out of context to see if by deflection, some quirk of physics, the meaning would suddenly come to me.

  7. Shanghai used to be a "paradise for adventurers" , cut apart by the concessions of western powers.

  8. But throughout the history of translation both in China and in the West, the integrated whole is often treated separately.

  9. We have compartmentalized the Gospel message down to a Sunday morning service and maybe a study or two during the week.


  1. 会计信息割裂

    separated accounting information

  2. 频繁网络割裂

    frequently network disconnection

  3. 割裂尖部充填法

    split cone method

  4. 割裂了绿色的山岗。

    Across the soft green sod.

  5. 万物皆被割裂, 毫无生息

    Everything seems cut and dry

  6. 把问题割裂开来看

    look at the problem in isolation

  7. 翻译评估标准的割裂与统一

    integration in Translation Evaluation

  8. 割裂大地对数字信号的影响

    The effects on digital signals of slotted ground

  9. 个人电脑业被这种前景割裂了。

    The PC industry is torn by the prospect.

  10. 儿童腕掌割裂伤的治疗

    Treatment of laceration of carpus and metacarpus in children

  11. 你不会有历史被割裂的感觉。

    You don't get the sense of history being excised.

  12. 何必人为地将空间永久性地割裂呢?

    Cut apart the space permanently artificially why?

  13. 不能把政治与经济割裂开来。

    One can't separate politics from economics.

  14. 士兵们还砸碎了出租车的窗户, 割裂车胎。

    The soldiers also smashed the windows of the cabs and slashed the tires.

  15. 教育、培训和研究不应割裂开来。

    Education, training and research should not be compartmentalized.

  16. 母亲和孩子之间的连系减弱, 甚至割裂。

    The nexus between the mother and children weakens and breaks.

  17. 母亲和孩子之间得连系减弱,甚至割裂。

    The nexus between the mother and children weakens and breaks.

  18. 这些代表着潜在意识 和实际意识间的割裂

    All of these represent gaps between potential mind and actual mind.

  19. 这种审核不应当作为一项割裂的业务。

    Any such attestation shall not be the subject of a separate engagement.

  20. 这种审核不应当作为一项割裂得业务。

    Any such attestation shall not be the subject of a separate engagement.

  21. 我最恨那种掩饰真相,割裂真相的虚伪策略。

    I hate that false plan of disguising, mutilating the truth.

  22. 这一问题可能会割裂欧洲同美国的关系。

    The issue threatened to decouple Europe from the United States.

  23. 可是, 现在百花齐放不提了, 没有了, 这就是割裂。

    However a hundred flowers bloom is no longer mentioned and has, in fact, been abandoned.

  24. 并行设计中耦合任务集割裂规划的新方法

    A New Tearing Method of Coupled Task Set within Concurrent Design Process

  25. 这场角逐割裂了不同的餐厅、总统、国家。

    It has divided restaurants, presidents, and nations.

  26. 放血重命名为增强割裂, 并且不再影响血浴。

    Bloodletting has been renamed to Improved Rend once again, and doesn't affect Bloodbath anymore.

  27. 他指出,好的管理和领导能力是不能割裂的。

    Good management and leadership, he argues, cannot be separated.

  28. 你怎么就知道这个手术就不会割裂他的腹膜?

    How do you know those things didnt rupture his peritoneum

  29. 传统的割裂、道德的沦丧从未象今天这样彻底,决绝。

    The traditional fragmented, the moral breakdown has never been so thoroughly today, Juejue.

  30. 我们并无意要把这两种美割裂开来。

    We do not intend to make these two kinds of beauty to be separated.


  1. 问:割裂拼音怎么拼?割裂的读音是什么?割裂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:割裂的读音是gēliè,割裂翻译成英文是 separate

  2. 问:割裂脑拼音怎么拼?割裂脑的读音是什么?割裂脑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:割裂脑的读音是gē liè nǎo,割裂脑翻译成英文是 split brain

  3. 问:割裂基因拼音怎么拼?割裂基因的读音是什么?割裂基因翻译成英文是什么?

    答:割裂基因的读音是gē liè jī yīn,割裂基因翻译成英文是 split gene, interrupted gene




拼音:gēliè 英文:cut apart