







汉语拼音:lěng xiào








  1. 含有讽刺、轻蔑、不满、无可奈何等心情的笑。

    《北史·崔赡传》:“ 赡 别立异议, 收 读讫笑而不言。 赡 正色曰:‘圣上詔群臣议国家大典,少傅名位不轻, 赡 议若是,须赞其所长;若非,须詰其不允。何容读国士议文,直此冷笑?’” 唐 韩偓 《六月十七日召对自辰及申方归本院》诗:“如今冷笑 东方朔 ,唯用詼谐侍 汉皇 。”《西游记》第六三回:“那駙马闻言,微微冷笑道:‘你原来是取经的和尚,没要紧罗织管事!’”《红楼梦》第三一回:“ 寳玉 笑道:‘还是这么会説话,不让人。’ 黛玉 听了,冷笑道:‘他不会説话,就配带“金麒麟”了!’” 老舍 《四世同堂》四十:“ 瑞宣 愣起来。愣了一会儿,他忽然的笑了。对这群人,他没有别的任何办法,除了冷笑。”



  1. I sneer at him as he turns to leave.


  2. When suddenly a friend asked me this deadly problem, I was stopped a few seconds, then out sneer, she did not answer.


  3. I sneered her name out like it was the nastiest cuss word on this Earth and finished the last part of my tirade.


  4. You seem to have more than the average share of intelligence for a man of your background, " sneered the lawyer at a witness on the stand. "


  5. She looked at me with a grim smile.


  6. Michael would have given him a cold smile and gone out of the house, not to be seen for months.


  7. The policeman obviously didn't believe a word I said. He had a sneer on his face the whole time I was talking.


  8. "Those remarks ought to be printed" , he said with a cold laugh, "and recommended to all tutors" .


  9. She said "You could write on your hand instead of cocktail napkins. " She sneered at Rodney.


  1. 少点冷笑话

    Less bad jokes.

  2. 它冷笑着说。

    it said with a sardonic grin.

  3. 轻蔑地笑冷笑

    sneer to smile or laugh scornfully or derisively

  4. 莎拉冷笑了一声。

    Sara snorted a laugh.

  5. 她用冷笑刺激他。

    She stung him with sneers.

  6. 他冷笑着答复我。

    He gave me a reply with a sneer.

  7. 她发出一声冷笑。

    She gave a little snort of laughter.

  8. 她发出一声冷笑。

    She gave a little snort of laughter.

  9. 孙侦探冷笑了一下。

    Detective Sun laughed caustically.

  10. 七焰心中冷笑, 哼!

    Sneer at in seven Yan hearts, hum!

  11. 她冷笑地看着我。

    She looked at me with a grim smile.

  12. 七焰心中冷笑,哼!

    Sneer at in seven Yan hearts, hum!

  13. 求几个经典冷笑话

    Seek cold several classics jokes

  14. 是的,这就是冷笑话。

    Yep it is the frost joke.

  15. 是得,这就是冷笑话。

    Yep it is the frost joke.

  16. 嘴角挂着一丝冷笑。

    A faint sneer hangs on the lips.

  17. 他很擅长讲冷笑话。

    He is very good at telling dry jokes.

  18. 一脸冷笑, 从容赴死。

    Going to his doom with a grim smile on his lips.

  19. 一脸冷笑,从容赴死。

    Going to his doom with a grim smile on his lips.

  20. 默特尔冷笑了一声。

    Myrtle gave a brittle laugh.

  21. 年长的哥哥冷笑于柳树之下。

    The elder laughsneath the willow tree.

  22. 警察官员对这些冷笑措手不及。

    Police officers are being caught on the hop with all these rioters.

  23. 警察官员对这些冷笑措手不及。

    Police officers are being caught on the hop with all these rioters.

  24. 噢, 是吗司法官冷笑着说。

    Oh, is it.said the sheriff with a sneer.

  25. 记忆与回忆的交错,火花的冷笑

    Memory and memories mingle, the sparks of jeers.

  26. 他看着我的袜子带着冷笑

    He looked at my sock with a sneer. sneering adj.

  27. 大多数人对此会报以冷笑。

    Most humans would scoff at that.

  28. 唯一的冷笑话是那类恶作剧。

    The only silent jokes are the practical jokes.

  29. 唯一的冷笑话是那类恶作剧。

    The only silent jokes are the practical jokes.

  30. 所以我冷笑着说, 世界是如此

    So I cynically, cynically say, the world is that way


  1. 问:冷笑拼音怎么拼?冷笑的读音是什么?冷笑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷笑的读音是lěngxiào,冷笑翻译成英文是 smile sarcastically

  2. 问:冷笑话拼音怎么拼?冷笑话的读音是什么?冷笑话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷笑话的读音是lěng xiào huà,冷笑话翻译成英文是 cold joke

  3. 问:冷笑式地拼音怎么拼?冷笑式地的读音是什么?冷笑式地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷笑式地的读音是,冷笑式地翻译成英文是 cynically

  4. 问:冷笑式的拼音怎么拼?冷笑式的的读音是什么?冷笑式的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷笑式的的读音是,冷笑式的翻译成英文是 cynical


