


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……


1. 冒 [mào]2. 冒 [mò]冒 [mào]向外透或往上升:~烟(a.烟往上升;b.发怒)。~汗。~尖。不顾(恶劣的环境或危险等),顶着:~雨。~险。~死。不加小心,鲁莽,冲撞:~失。~昧。~进(不顾具体条件,急躁进行)。用假的充当……



汉语拼音:jiǎ mào








  1. 以假乱真,冒充。

    《魏书·李安世传》:“三长既立,始返旧墟,废井荒毁,桑榆改植,事已歷远,易生假冒。” 唐 刘餗 《随唐嘉话》卷下:“代有《山东士大夫类例》三卷,其士族及假冒者,不见録。”`中国近代史资料丛刊《太平天囯·天情道理书》:“又有 李裕松 假冒天囯官员,自造金印……逆天背理之行,擢髮难数。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致赵家璧》:“如来信地址,与此无异,那就不是别人假冒的。”



  1. Who knew I'd do it as a profession ? Well, if it makes you feel better, You were a great fake girlfriend.

  2. But the truth is that passing for a straight person had become more of a hassle than I figured it was worth.

  3. actually am doing all that because its not allowed anymore in ksa to let any fake brands to inter the country.

  4. The organizers have the right to refuse participation of any exhibitor found guilty of infringement of IPR and cancel his qualification.

  5. This allows the end user must face up to use positioning may be used for blocking the imitation, fake embarrassing situation.

  6. But the same technology also has made it easy to copy and trade pirated and counterfeit goods across national borders, he said.

  7. Hypocrites, you know how to discern the face of the earth and of the sky. How is it then that you do not discern this time?

  8. And counterfeit drugs are beginning to be sold by manufacturers to pharmacies in New Delhi's government hospitals.

  9. But anybody could have created that site with a false registration, just as anybody could pose as somebody else on a blog or Facebook page.


  1. 谨防假冒。

    Beware of imitations.

  2. 假冒伪劣产品

    fake, sub-standard goods

  3. 模仿或假冒

    An imitation or a counterfeit.

  4. 假冒的也是。

    Even the counterfeit ones.

  5. 假冒专利罪

    Crime of counterfeiting a patent.

  6. 假冒他人专利

    to pass off the patent.

  7. 显性反向假冒

    visible reversal imitation

  8. 反向假冒行为

    reverse counterfeit behavior.

  9. 假冒公职人员

    impersonate a public officer.

  10. 商标反向假冒

    trademark reverse passing off.

  11. 假冒注册商标

    counterfeit registered trademark.

  12. 制售假冒伪劣产品

    To produce and market counterfeit and shoddy goods

  13. 论商标反向假冒

    Research on the reverse passing off trademark

  14. 假冒注册商标罪

    Crime of counterfeiting the registered trademark of another

  15. 打击假冒盗版联盟

    Coalition Against Counterfeiting and Piracy

  16. 假冒署名美术作品

    Selling fine art work with signature counterfeited

  17. 论反向假冒商标行为

    On the Reverse Passing Off

  18. 坚决反对假冒伪劣产品!

    Fighting against counterfeit and shoddy products!

  19. 高档品牌易被假冒。

    Premium brands are more likely to be counterfeited.

  20. 你去做,假冒甜心

    You do that, Sweet'N low.

  21. 将马肉假冒作牛肉

    horse meat passed off as beef

  22. 将马肉假冒作牛肉

    horse meat passed off as beef

  23. 假冒内行的人夸夸其谈的假冒内行的人

    A flamboyant charlatan.

  24. 我假冒警官应该被捕。

    I ought to be arrested for impersonating an officer.

  25. 假冒的存货意味着假冒的质量。

    Shoddy maintenance means shoddy quality.

  26. 假冒专利与冒充专利辨析

    Differentiation and analysis of imitated patent and counterfeited patent

  27. 生产和销售假冒伪劣产品

    Production and marketing of fake and shoddy goods.

  28. 健全法制, 制裁假冒商标

    Perfect Legal System, take Sanctions against Imitation of Trade Mark

  29. 对假冒专利罪的澄清

    Clarifying the Crime of Passing off the Patent

  30. 不允许操作假冒的表。

    Operation disallowed on SMI pseudo table.


  1. 问:假冒拼音怎么拼?假冒的读音是什么?假冒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒的读音是jiǎmào,假冒翻译成英文是 pass oneself off as

  2. 问:假冒伪劣拼音怎么拼?假冒伪劣的读音是什么?假冒伪劣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒伪劣的读音是jiǎmàowěiliè,假冒伪劣翻译成英文是 Sell the fake as the real.

  3. 问:假冒品拼音怎么拼?假冒品的读音是什么?假冒品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒品的读音是jiǎmàopǐn,假冒品翻译成英文是 bastard

  4. 问:假冒的拼音怎么拼?假冒的的读音是什么?假冒的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒的的读音是,假冒的翻译成英文是 bastardly

  5. 问:假冒者拼音怎么拼?假冒者的读音是什么?假冒者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒者的读音是,假冒者翻译成英文是 personator

  6. 问:假冒商品拼音怎么拼?假冒商品的读音是什么?假冒商品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒商品的读音是jiǎmào shāngpǐn,假冒商品翻译成英文是 counterfeit goods

  7. 问:假冒商标拼音怎么拼?假冒商标的读音是什么?假冒商标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒商标的读音是jiǎmào shāngbiāo,假冒商标翻译成英文是 counterfeit trademark

  8. 问:假冒知道拼音怎么拼?假冒知道的读音是什么?假冒知道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒知道的读音是,假冒知道翻译成英文是 bluffer

  9. 问:假冒签名拼音怎么拼?假冒签名的读音是什么?假冒签名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒签名的读音是jiǎmàoqiānmíng,假冒签名翻译成英文是 forged signature

  10. 问:假冒经营拼音怎么拼?假冒经营的读音是什么?假冒经营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒经营的读音是jiǎ mào jīng yíng,假冒经营翻译成英文是 palm off

  11. 问:假冒行为拼音怎么拼?假冒行为的读音是什么?假冒行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒行为的读音是jiǎmàoxíngwéi,假冒行为翻译成英文是 act of passing off

  12. 问:假冒身份拼音怎么拼?假冒身份的读音是什么?假冒身份翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒身份的读音是jiǎmàoshēnfèn,假冒身份翻译成英文是 falsely impersonate

  13. 问:假冒主人罪拼音怎么拼?假冒主人罪的读音是什么?假冒主人罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒主人罪的读音是jiǎ màozhǔ rén zuì,假冒主人罪翻译成英文是 false character

  14. 问:假冒商标罪拼音怎么拼?假冒商标罪的读音是什么?假冒商标罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒商标罪的读音是jiǎmàoshāngbiāozuì,假冒商标罪翻译成英文是 crime of counterfeiting trademarks

  15. 问:假冒赖钩虾拼音怎么拼?假冒赖钩虾的读音是什么?假冒赖钩虾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒赖钩虾的读音是jiǎmàolàigōuxiā,假冒赖钩虾翻译成英文是 Aorapseudotypica

  16. 问:假冒警务专家拼音怎么拼?假冒警务专家的读音是什么?假冒警务专家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假冒警务专家的读音是jiǎ mào jǐng wù zhuān jiā,假冒警务专家翻译成英文是 self-professed police expert


