


1. 觉 [jué]2. 觉 [jiào]觉 [jué]人或动物的器官受刺激后对事物的感受辨别:感~。知~。触~。视~。~察。醒悟:~悟。~醒。“~今是而昨非”。觉 [jiào]睡眠(从睡着到睡醒):午~。睡了一大~。……





汉语拼音:jué wù










  1. 亦作“ 觉寤 ”。觉醒。

    《荀子·成相》:“不觉悟,不知苦,迷惑失指易上下。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·杂说上》:“向若二书不出,学者为古所惑,则代成聋瞽,无由觉悟也。” 金 王若虚 《题<渊明归去来图>》诗:“ 靖节 迷途尚尔赊,苦将觉悟向人夸。” 巴金 《新生·五月十四日》:“我像一个勇敢的战士那样坚定地演说,解释在时局变乱中劳动者应有的觉悟。”

  2. 引申为觉察。

    宋 司马光 《论横山疏》:“安有虏中独不觉寤,寂然无事,曾无诛讨之意乎?” 沙汀 《医生》:“老医生显得害羞地笑起来,因为他忽然觉悟出这不是布客有意同他作对,实在不该使他为难。”

  3. 比喻通情达理。

    柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第七章:“今儿我和 银凤 一路从四乡回来,我看这个女子很觉悟,很正派。”

  4. 自觉悔悟。

    《史记·韩长孺列传》:“太后日夜涕泣,幸大王自改,而大王终不觉寤。”《宋书·范晔传》:“祸败已成,犹不觉悟,退加寻省,方知自招,刻肌刻骨,何所復补。”《续资治通鉴·元顺帝至正二十四年》:“然吾闻之,天之所废不骤也。逞其得志,肆其宠乐,使忘其觉悟之心,非安之也,厚其毒而降之罚也。” 郭沫若 《豕蹄·楚霸王自杀》:“一个人最怕是不觉悟,觉悟了是有办法补救的。”

  5. 启发;开导。

    《国语·吴语》:“王若不得志於 齐 ,而以觉寤王心,而 吴国 犹世。” 汉 王充 《论衡·刺孟》:“谓 孔子 之徒、 孟子 之辈,教授后生,觉悟顽愚乎?” 晋 孙楚 《为石仲容与孙皓书》:“今麤论事势,以相觉悟。” 宋 曾巩 《谢中书舍人表》:“方当觉悟邇遐,使遍知于上意;训齐内外,用丕变于羣心。”

  6. 佛教语。谓领悟佛教的真理。

    南朝 宋 谢镇之 《与顾道士书》:“若深体三界为长夜之宅,有生为大梦之主,则思觉悟之道,何贵於形骸。”《隋书·经籍志四》:“﹝ 释迦 ﹞捨太子位,出家学道,勤行精进,觉悟一切种智,而谓之佛。”《老残游记续集遗稿》第六回:“你们老爷现在心上已脱尘网,不出三年必弃官学道,他的觉悟在你之先。”

  7. 亦作“ 觉寤 ”。见“ 觉寤 ”。



  1. Only the individual's sense of morality, fairness, and compassion stand up to rampant greed, violence, power, and corruption.

  2. When a party to pay all of a sudden one day awareness, get away with it high above the party will fall badly battered.

  3. Enlightenment for Gautama [the Buddha] felt as though a prison which had confined him for thousands of lifetimes had broken open.

  4. As an awakened man, I must shout loud even break my throat or run out of the last drop of my blood should I also do so.

  5. The Bodhisattva-mahasattva has no teacher to ask and no place to learn, and yet he attains supreme Enlightenment.

  6. Out of that discordance arises the consciousness of a new class, and with its rise to self-consciousness the fall of ownership begins.

  7. In those days it was popularly believed that you could attain Enlightment by means of self-mortification--the more extreme the better.

  8. And just a great understanding among the poor can bring a revolution in the world.

  9. However, I found a greatest benefit of writing home letters, that it made me aware of the hidden humor of my parents.


  1. 共产主义觉悟

    communist consciousness.

  2. 我终于觉悟了

    I finally came to my senses.

  3. 你高风尚高觉悟?

    That you're high maintenance?

  4. 唤醒某人使觉悟到

    wake sb. to sth.

  5. 疏离是觉悟之母。

    Absence is mother of disillusion.

  6. 觉悟到改革的重要性

    become aware of the importance of reform

  7. 这有助于通往觉悟之门。

    on the road to your enlightenment.

  8. 他是个觉悟了的长者。

    He is a disillusioned elder.

  9. 我们愿意等到他们觉悟过来。

    We are willing to wait till they come to reason.

  10. 觉悟不过是无明的对称。

    Realisation is but the opposite of ignorance.

  11. 觉悟不过是无明得对称。

    Realisation is but the opposite of ignorance.

  12. 现在这些人应该觉悟过来了。

    It is time for these people to wake up.

  13. 你该觉悟了, 你个小美国佬!

    You're gonna get it now, you little yank!

  14. 我们希望他能觉悟, 改正错误。

    We hope hell come to his senses and correct his mistakes.

  15. 这个自我觉悟存在永恒的观念。

    The eternal consciousness of our own existence.

  16. 我们现在就是劝他们觉悟过来。

    What we are doing now is persuading them to wake up.

  17. 他们的政治觉悟有了迅速的提高。

    They grew rapidly in political understanding.

  18. 我们希望她能觉悟过来,改正错误。

    We hope she'll come to her senses and correct her mistakes.

  19. 觉悟者会否如是, 或有甚之?

    Does not the same happens to a jnani, but more so?

  20. 没有人民的觉悟, 计划生育很难实施。

    Without the people's awareness, family planning can hardly be practised.

  21. 没有人民得觉悟,计划生育很难实施。

    Without the people's awareness, family planning can hardly be practised.

  22. 他觉悟到了改造世界观的重要性。

    He has come to see the importance of remoulding his world outlook.

  23. 这里如来获得了完全的觉悟, 最高的觉悟!

    Here the Tathagata became fully enlightened in unsurpassed, supreme Enlightenment!

  24. 你是有觉悟的, 要聪明地利用它。

    You are given consciousness. Make use of it wisely.

  25. 佛法修行的目标是证入圆满觉悟。

    The ultimate goal of Buddhist practices is the attainment of perfect enlightenment.

  26. 第三,提高了全国人民的政治觉悟。

    Third, the people of the whole country have heightened their political awareness.

  27. 我们国家的人民是有高度的政治觉悟的人民。

    The people of our country have a high level of political consciousness.

  28. 在觉悟之道上, 没有时间再流浪彷徨。

    There is no time on the path for the mind to wander.

  29. 他们必须觉悟到失败即是耻辱的事实。

    They must awake to the fact that failure means disgrace.

  30. 我将每种物造成配偶, 以便你们觉悟。

    And of every thing We have created pairs That ye may receive instruction.


  1. 问:觉悟拼音怎么拼?觉悟的读音是什么?觉悟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:觉悟的读音是juéwù,觉悟翻译成英文是 awareness

  2. 问:觉悟寺拼音怎么拼?觉悟寺的读音是什么?觉悟寺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:觉悟寺的读音是Juéwùsì,觉悟寺翻译成英文是 Jumanggoin



“觉悟”是个多义词,它可以指觉悟(中国共产党第一次全国代表大会会址纪念馆), 觉悟(汉语词语), 觉悟(上海科学普及出版社图书), 觉悟(2010年中国华侨出版社出版书籍), 觉悟(小秦子著书籍), 觉悟(“觉悟社”社刊)。