







汉语拼音:kǒu liáng






  1. 亦作“ 口粮 ”。军队、官府按人发给士兵、夫役的食粮。

    宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十一:“ 保州 云翼兵士,旧有特支口粮。”《明史·周忱传》:“其修圩、筑岸、开河、濬湖所支口粮,不责偿。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·时事·刘庸夫》:“直省提镇参游管辖兵丁。素不训练,且兵不满额,以虚冒兵餉、侵剋口粮为务。” 沈从文 《从文自传·我上许多课仍然不放下那一本大书》:“每两月可以考选一次,配吃一分口粮,作守兵战兵的,就可以补上名额当兵。”

  2. 指薪饷。


  3. 每人日常生活所需要的粮食。

    周恩来 《关于经济工作的几则电文·藏富于民》:“城市也是这样。多报人口,口粮就多算了。” 郭小川 《刻在北大荒的土地上》诗:“节省些口粮作种籽,用扛惯枪的肩头把犁耙牵引。” 杜时国 《河南农民沧桑》:“现在农民的口粮中的细粮,约占百分之七十五。”

  4. 指牲口的草料。


  5. 见“ 口粮 ”。



  1. Catch good year, with summer, harvest can still, at least a year is enough rations.


  2. Seven Fairy Maiden gave him a bowl of millet, asked if cooked a day, can be used as a day of food rations.


  3. Despite the difficulties, the United Nations delivered millions of food rations and doctors from all over the world helped the injured.


  4. The last few days before payday were the worst. There just wasn't enough food to go around.


  5. Napoleon then led them back to the store-shed and served out a double ration of corn to everybody, with two biscuits for each dog.


  6. The UN's World Food Programme says it has only $24m of the $300m it needs just to feed hungry Kenyans for the next six months.


  7. Thisis a set of six rations consisting of a biscuit substitute, algae hard tack, algae crackers, coffee bag, coffee can, and water packet.


  8. I travel with some sort of emergency rations.


  9. At this time the plots for the potato is also the end of mature, people had to grow potatoes will also end plane out filled do rations.


  1. 额外的口粮

    An extra ration.

  2. 菲薄的口粮

    meagre food rations.

  3. 飞行远航口粮

    long distance flying ration

  4. 救生艇备用口粮

    emergency ration

  5. 紧急口粮紧急使用!

    Emergency Rations For The Emergency Rations!

  6. 日口粮, 日给养

    daily sustenance

  7. 大包综合配给口粮

    compo rations.

  8. 周生命小狗口粮, 成人口粮

    Weeks of Life Pup Food Ration, Adult Food Ration

  9. 各部队已发给了口粮。

    Rations were served to the troops.

  10. 这些口粮足够吃到下星期。

    The rations will suffice until next week.

  11. 将军不得不减少士兵的口粮。

    The general had to scant his mens rations.

  12. 他为了每日的口粮而奔波。

    He works for daily sustenance.

  13. 他奉使给部队分发口粮。

    He was ordered to serve round rations to the troops.

  14. 我奉命给士兵们分发口粮。

    I have been ordered to serve out rations to soldiers.

  15. 他减少了工人们的部分口粮。

    He docked the workers off part of their rations.

  16. 士兵们分得了他们的给养口粮。

    The soldiers were given their rations of food.

  17. 每个士兵配备了四天的口粮。

    Each soldier has been provisioned with four days worth of food.

  18. 所以我旅行时会带些紧急口粮。

    I travel with some sort of emergency rations.

  19. 他们也会被削减一半配额的口粮。

    They may also be put on halfrations.

  20. 每年挣的工分还不够口粮钱。

    The workpoint that earns every year returns money of insufficient grain ration.

  21. 每年挣得工分还不够口粮钱。

    The workpoint that earns every year returns money of insufficient grain ration.

  22. 口粮收取费用为马提供的食宿及照料

    The boarding and care of horses for a fee.

  23. 永不放弃, 鲁滨孙有了生活的口粮。

    Never give up, life has been Robinson rations.

  24. 工蜂的口粮则是由蜂蜜和花粉稀释了的王浆。

    Workers'rations are diluted with honey and pollen.

  25. 列车员们开始把自己的口粮,面包,香肠分发给孩子们。

    The conductresses started to hand out their own supplies of bread and sausage to the little ones.

  26. 于是, 我们立刻鼓励士兵随带口粮去作家庭访问。

    At once we encouraged visiting soldiers to carry rations with them on home visits.

  27. 它也欢迎运输口粮的新模式以及处理空运的新办法。

    It also welcomed the new mode of delivering rations and the new approach to air services.

  28. 在幼猪生长的不同阶段,通常为其安排一定口粮。

    At some point in the course of its growth the pig is usually rationed.

  29. 如果真有事情发生,我们可以把这个当成紧急口粮使用。

    If something really does happen, we can use this as emergency rations.

  30. 说不定暑假里能挣回一年的口粮,补贴眼前的不足。

    It happens that I can earn my next years grain ration in this summer, or even can subsidize the insufficiency at present.


  1. 问:口粮拼音怎么拼?口粮的读音是什么?口粮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口粮的读音是kǒuliáng,口粮翻译成英文是 grain ration; rations

  2. 问:口粮代金拼音怎么拼?口粮代金的读音是什么?口粮代金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口粮代金的读音是kǒu liáng dài jīn,口粮代金翻译成英文是 Commuted Ration

  3. 问:口粮分发站拼音怎么拼?口粮分发站的读音是什么?口粮分发站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口粮分发站的读音是kǒu liáng fēn fā zhàn,口粮分发站翻译成英文是 Ration Distributing Point

  4. 问:口粮卡控制官拼音怎么拼?口粮卡控制官的读音是什么?口粮卡控制官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口粮卡控制官的读音是kǒu liáng kǎ kòng zhì guān,口粮卡控制官翻译成英文是 Ration Card Control Officer

  5. 问:口粮给养工作组拼音怎么拼?口粮给养工作组的读音是什么?口粮给养工作组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口粮给养工作组的读音是kǒu liáng jǐ yǎng gōng zuò zǔ,口粮给养工作组翻译成英文是 Working Party on Rationing




拼音:kǒuliáng 英文:provisions; 词义:通常用于非正式场合言语。


解释: [provisions;grain ration] 泛指食粮