







汉语拼音:zhào guǎn








  1. 照料管理;照看。

    宋 范仲淹 《奏乞罢参知政事知边郡》:“愿圣慈早赐指挥,罢臣参知政事,知边上一郡,带安抚之名,足以照管边事。” 元 杨显之 《酷寒亭》第一折:“大姐,你与我照管家中,我便索长行也。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三八:“全仗伯娘看 刘氏 一脉,照管孩子则箇。” 老舍 《全家福》第三幕:“你应当有个家,好有人照管着您。”

  2. 犹照应。

    宋 朱熹 《持敬》:“吾儒唤醒此心,欲他照管许多道理。” 宋 朱熹 《持敬》:“既曰无力矣,如何又却有善恶之几,恐是 周子 失照管处。”

  3. 包管。

    《秦併六国平话》卷上:“你可会事,归降 秦始皇帝 ,主官还乡,如若不从,照管生擒。”



  1. Dickinson studied botany from the age of nine and, along with her sister, tended the garden at Homestead.


  2. When Hunter noticed how well cared for and well dressed he was, he thought the child must belong to well-to-do, respectable parents.


  3. At the news of her collapse, Patty and Walter hurried up north, leaving Joey to be supervised by his disdainful older sister.


  4. Mary left the children with her mother while she went on holiday.


  5. There may be some doubt as to who are the best people to have charge of children, but there can be no doubt that parents are the worst.


  6. She looked out for her sister's children one afternoon a week.


  7. The Kitchen God's job is to watch over the family for a year. His watch begins on the eve of Chinese New Year.


  8. They struck a bargain with the landlord that they would look after the garden in return for being allowed to use it.


  9. The only thing to do was to persuade him, as early as possible, to marry a nice girl, and then trust to her to look after him.


  1. 无人照管操作

    unattended operation.

  2. 孩子无人照管。

    The children have suffered from neglect.

  3. 在某人照管下

    in/ under somebody's charge

  4. 国家在照管你

    Soft paternalism The state is looking after you

  5. 让他人照管托管

    To place in the care of another entrust.

  6. 当然茜莉娅会照管孩子们。

    Of course Celia will have custody of the children.

  7. 由我照管的孩子。

    A child put in my charge.

  8. 这件事由她照管。

    Trust her with this matter.

  9. 遗产由他负责照管。

    The inheritance was left in his trust.

  10. 遗产由他负责照管。

    The inheritance was left in his trust.

  11. 我照管父亲的财务。

    I looked after my father's financial affairs.

  12. 我们都会好好照管他。

    And we're all gonna watch over him.

  13. 这个牧羊人照管羊群。

    The shepherd tended a flock.

  14. 麦琪没有时间照管他们。

    Maggie just didn't have time to take them under her wing.

  15. 我将财产托你照管。

    I confide my property to your care.

  16. 无人照管和无家可归儿童

    unattended and homeless children

  17. 孩子们留下来由保姆照管。

    The children were left in the charge of a nurse.

  18. 这孩子有人妥善照管。

    The child is in good hands.

  19. 我托你照管我的财产。

    I entrust you with the care of my property.

  20. 我托你照管我得财产。

    I entrust you with the care of my property .

  21. 保姆照管的三个孩子。

    The baby sitter's three young charges.

  22. 我们拖她照管我们的孩子。

    We gave her charge of our child.

  23. 他的大兄弟照管农事。

    His elder brother takes care of the farming.

  24. 孩子们会委托你来照管。

    The children will live up to your trust.

  25. 你母亲把你交给我照管。

    Your clear mother left you in my charge.

  26. 他受托照管她的财产。

    He was entrusted with the care of her property.

  27. 你儿子可以替你照管商店。

    Your son can mind your shop for you.

  28. 杰姆照管着玛格丽脱。

    Jem took charge of Margaret.

  29. 老人卧病在床,无人照管。

    The old man lies ill and neglected in bed.

  30. 她母亲去世後由姑妈照管。

    She became her aunts charge after her mother died.


  1. 问:照管拼音怎么拼?照管的读音是什么?照管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照管的读音是zhàoguǎn,照管翻译成英文是 to look after; tend; to be in charge of

  2. 问:照管义务拼音怎么拼?照管义务的读音是什么?照管义务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照管义务的读音是zhào guǎn yì wù,照管义务翻译成英文是 duty of care

  3. 问:照管程度拼音怎么拼?照管程度的读音是什么?照管程度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照管程度的读音是zhào guǎn chéng dù,照管程度翻译成英文是 degree of care


照管,汉语词汇。注音:zhào guǎn照看,对某个东西或物体进行管理,照顾。