







汉语拼音:píng fù







  1. 痊愈;复原。

    《韩诗外传》卷十:“诸扶舆而来者,皆平復如故。” 宋 朱弁 《曲洧旧闻》卷五:“以酒糊丸,日吞百餘,二府皆平復。” 清 黄遵宪 《寄女》诗:“两颊旋深窝,而今渐平復。” 鲁迅 《故事新编·理水》:“已经平复下去的疙瘩,这时忽然针刺似的痛起来了。” 老舍 《四世同堂》三四:“她心中的伤痕并没有平复,可是为了腹中的小儿,和 四大妈 的诚恳的劝慰,她已决定不再随便的啼哭或暗自发愁。”

  2. 恢复平静;使平静。

    《史记·梁孝王世家》:“太后闻之,立起坐飡,气平復。”《水浒传》第一一八回:“ 卢俊义 已在 歙州 城内行宫歇下,平復了百姓,出榜安民,将兵马屯驻在城里。”《儒林外史》第十八回:“那事已经平復,仍旧立的是他二令郎。”

  3. 犹平定。

    宋 李上交 《近事会元·唐德宗兴元元年》:“贼 泚 平復,府库空虚。”

  4. 平而重迭。

    唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·绎山》:“ 兖州 邹绎山 南面平復,东西长数十步,广数步,其处生梧桐,传以《禹贡》‘ 绎 阳孤梧’者也。”



  1. Drink chamomile tea with ginger before going to bed to aid and settle your digestive system. Warm milk can be a sleep aid as well.


  2. Chu sun flurried find tissue for me until I unrecoverable wiped, deep down, he with a sigh, looking at me, Mimi.


  3. So even if you're sitting down all day or rushing around after the kids we've got some great suggestions to help you flatten your belly.


  4. I love you, Baby, What we have lost will never be returned to us. The land will not heal. Too much perspiration. The heart will not heal.


  5. Kim is hysterical. Teri, with strength and resolve calms Kim and then shows her a cell phone that she stole when she was with Eli.


  6. ' Do you think what he said could help alleviate people's dissatisfaction?


  7. A bowl of ice cream might be the most comforting bad-breakup bed accompaniment, but there's a limit to its soothing properties.


  8. No doubt he was hoping a martini or two might calm his nerves before the big event.


  9. Gingerbread and whipped cream was Jem's favourite dessert. But tonight it had no charm to soothe his stormy soul.


  1. 事态平复。

    The situation has quieted.

  2. 伤口平复了。

    The wound is healed.

  3. 风浪渐渐平复。

    The storm gradually subsided.

  4. 她尽力平复心中的骚动。

    She tried to quell the commotion in her heart.

  5. 我能。我能花点时间平复一下

    Can I just, can I just take a minute?

  6. 或许我们能平复所有的动乱。

    Maybe we can cure the whole mess.

  7. 做个深呼吸,平复自己的心情。

    Take deep breaths and calm your mind.

  8. 我需要一点时间平复心理创伤。

    I need some time to heal my heart.

  9. 怎样把自己的情绪平复下来啊?

    How to come down oneself mood pacified?

  10. 看了恐怖得东西,怎样可以平复心情?

    Saw bloodcurdling thing, how OK be pacified mood

  11. 原名赵平复。左联五烈士之一。

    He was one of the five martyrs of the League of Leftist Writers.

  12. 她必须心情平复才能够协助你调查。

    She has to calm down, if you want her to remember anything.

  13. 而谁又能平复暗潮,告诉它何去何从?

    But who could tame the tide away and tell it where to go?

  14. 浙江很难平复他们对安全保障的恐惧。

    This will hardly calm fears for their security.

  15. 谁知道喝什么茶能平复心态,调理身体?

    Knows to drink what tea can be pacified state of mind, recuperate the body ?

  16. 通过下巴向下的运动,前额可以平复如初。

    The forehead can be uncrumpled by a downward movement of the jaw.

  17. 第一步, 去除老化得表皮细胞, 平复粗糙得皮肤。

    First, It'sweeps away dead surface skin and refines rough, uneven patches.

  18. 第一步,去除老化的表皮细胞,平复粗糙的皮肤。

    First, It'sweeps away dead surface skin and refines rough, uneven patches.

  19. 他的声音发颤,于是停顿几秒来平复一下。

    His voice quivered and he paused to steady it.

  20. 无论进展有多坏, 你都可以很快平复过来。

    No matter how badly it goes, you'll get over it fairly quickly.

  21. 我们平复一下看回到遥远的宇宙去,看看宇宙之初。

    So we're now poised to look back at the distant universe, the cosmic dawn.

  22. 太宗七年,南平州废,安平复隶深州。

    King for seven years,Nanping state waste,Anping Li complex deep state.

  23. 多少年来的痛苦所留下的创痕要慢慢地才能平复。

    The years of misery had left scars that were slow to heal.

  24. 只是在朋友们悉心的安慰下,我的心情渐渐平复下来。

    I was just calming down gradually when they were saying some soft words beside my ears.

  25. 她将需要医疗帮助和心理咨询来平复这场悲剧。

    She will need medical help and counseling to overcome the tragedy.

  26. 你认为特首呢番说话可唔可以平复巿民既不满情绪?

    Do you think what he said could help alleviate peoples dissatisfaction

  27. 花一点时间让生命得美好触碰你得精神, 平复你得思想。

    Take a moment to let the goodness of life touch your spirit and calm your thoughts.

  28. 花一点时间让生命的美好触碰你的精神,平复你的思想。

    Take a moment to let the goodness of life touch your spirit and calm your thoughts.


  1. 问:平复拼音怎么拼?平复的读音是什么?平复翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平复的读音是píngfù,平复翻译成英文是 to calm down; to be healed

  2. 问:平复绕拼音怎么拼?平复绕的读音是什么?平复绕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平复绕的读音是,平复绕翻译成英文是 flatcompositron

  3. 问:平复励发电机拼音怎么拼?平复励发电机的读音是什么?平复励发电机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平复励发电机的读音是píng fù lì fā diàn jī,平复励发电机翻译成英文是 flat-compound generator