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1. 更 [gēng]2. 更 [gèng]更 [gēng]改变,改换:~正。~生(重新获得生命,喻复兴)。~衣(a.换衣服;b.婉辞,上厕所)。~定(改订)。~迭(轮流更换)。~递。~番。~新(旧的除去,新的建起)。~张(调节琴弦,喻变更……
汉语拼音:zǒu gēng
In the end what the leadership talk appears to add up to is an alibi for bosses taking much more money out of the companies they run.
最终所谓领导力一说只是老板们从自己管理的公司带走更多财富的借口。Don't put the kind heart in crowded go from, more have to defend ugly sneaking into your heart.
不要把善良从心灵深处挤走,更得严防丑恶偷偷潜入你心底。If you were to reward doctors for doing more procedures -- which is the current system -- they would do more.
如果你去奖励医生走更多的检查程序,现在的系统正是这样,那他们就会去走更多的程序。I sincerely hope you'll all go away with a more complete picture of the principle activities of ABC company.
我真诚希望你们所有的人都能带走更完美的ABC公司的行为模式活动的描述。I spoke of China in a more philosophical vein, since we had so much farther to go to awaken that relationship of our two countries.
我用更带哲学性的腔调谈了中国,因为我们还要走更长得多的道路来复活两国的关系。That will mean girls will spend longer walking to fetch water which could encourage them to drop out of school and bear children earlier.
这意味着女孩子们需要走更长的路去取水,为此她们也许会更早地离开学校并开始抚育孩子。As a consequence, wages will rise at the expense of profits and China's workers will take home a greater share of the national cake.
后果就是工资的上升而损害了利润空间,以及中国的工人们会拿走更多以前属于国家的那部分利益。The man come to our home made me lose most of my good mood, and his leaving without meeting let me angry.
一个人的到来本已使我好心情失掉大半,但不见面就走更让我怒火中烧……You are going to be walking much more than usual, so take care of your feet.