







汉语拼音:rén xiōng







  1. 对同辈友人的尊称。

    《后汉书·赵壹传》:“实望仁兄,昭其悬迟。” 唐 李华 《祭亡友张五兄文》:“仁兄先生,俯监悲怀。”《水浒传》第四一回:“不期今日得见仁兄之面。” 茅盾 《报施》:“要是今天下午就来个抽查,那末,这些仁兄可倒了霉了。”

  2. 弟对兄的尊称。

    唐 颜真卿 《祭侄李明文》:“尔父竭诚 常山 作郡,余时受命亦在 平原 ,仁兄爱我,俾尔传书。” 唐 姚合 《成名后留别从兄》诗:“却出 关 东悲復喜,归寻弟妹别仁兄。”



  1. "That's true, " said the man, "and I'd like you to know how much we appreciate your letting us eat here. Some proprietors object. "


  2. Yangzi traveled to the State of Song. He met a guy who as well as his wife and concubine stayed in a hotel.


  3. The good friend of hydroelectric you drink everyday how much wines?


  4. As regards the answers the first guy answer for the question you put out , I quite agree with him .


  5. One New Jersey man decided to paint the exterior of his house to save money.


  6. That post of my dear friend did not know whether there is sufficient strength thread? Or do you have that classical feel very terrible?


  7. Any American old enough to read a menu knows we're expected to tip as our server politely clears away our meal at restaurants.


  8. However, a bench place for the Youth Cup run will no doubt have softened the blow.


  9. Ricardo Carvalho: Was there any part of the pitch he didn't cover. Am I the only one who sees genius in this man?


  1. 那位仁兄穿起晚礼服来了。

    The guy wear a tux.

  2. 水电仁兄您每天喝多少酒?

    The good friend of hydroelectric you drink everyday how much wines?

  3. 仁兄, 难道没有我一份好处吗?

    Gentlemen, am I not to come in for a share of the profits

  4. 呦!那位仁兄穿起晚礼服来了。

    Yuck! The guy's wearing a tux.

  5. 不好意思,这味道是隔壁那位仁兄

    Oh, sorry about the smell. It's the guy next door.

  6. 但愿我们邻桌那位仁兄闭嘴。

    I wish our friend at the next table would shut up.

  7. 我们今天将和医学院的仁兄们出去!

    We be go out with some guy from premed today!

  8. 各位仁兄, 难道没有我一份好处吗?

    Gentlemen, am I not to come in for a share of the profits?

  9. 这位仁兄说得对!可以做双系统!

    Select lilo or grub to load your system.

  10. 但我们却可以替这位仁兄做点事。

    This guy, on the other hand, we can do something for him.

  11. 这位仁兄臀部的灼伤程度并不严重。

    The injuries to his bottom were not serious.

  12. 这位仁兄运气真好, 我这里正好有一粒。

    You are lucky, I have got one here.

  13. 你认为我们能吃这位仁兄做的春卷吗?

    Do you think we can eat this guy's spring roll?

  14. 那位仁兄知道全国那家医院治疗鼾症最好?

    Does that my dear brother know disease of snore of cure of that countrywide hospital is best?

  15. 这位仁兄跑到山坡上, 就为拍到满意得神山!

    This dude climb to the top, just for taking perfect photos of the holy mountain.

  16. 这位仁兄跑到山坡上, 就为拍到满意的神山!

    This dude climb to the top, just for taking perfect photos of the holy mountain.

  17. 别信任那种自称这辈子没沾过一滴酒的仁兄。

    Never trust nobody that says he never took a drink in his whole life.

  18. 这个问题问得好, 不知哪位仁兄可以回答得更准确些。

    The fair question, I do not know which man can answer some of the more accurate.

  19. 把猫王和狮子狗结合一下就是这位仁兄的摸样了。

    Thats what you get when you mix Elvis with a poodle.

  20. 这个问题问得好, 不知哪位仁兄可以回答的更准确些。

    The fair question, I do not know which man can answer some of the more accurate.

  21. 第二天我约那位仁兄出来喝酒,他吃惊,但是还是来了。

    I invited the man to drink the next day, he was startled, but came.

  22. 他就是那位仁兄在我心闪过当珍妮在两天前与我聊天时。

    He is the person who came to my mind as Jane talked to me two days ago.

  23. 最近几天里,我们亲眼目睹两位仁兄做出了全无理智的举动。

    In recent days we have witnessed two men taking leave of their senses.

  24. 两位仁兄听到猴人就在附近, 不禁吓得从大楼楼顶摔下来。

    Two scared people jumped off the top of a building when they heard that the monkey man was nearby.


  1. 问:仁兄拼音怎么拼?仁兄的读音是什么?仁兄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:仁兄的读音是rénxiōng,仁兄翻译成英文是 my dear friend




拼音:rén xīong基本

解释:[my dear friend] 旧时对同辈友人的敬词,多用于书信详细

解释:仁兄(1).对同辈友人的尊称。《后汉书·赵壹传》:“实望仁兄,昭其悬迟。” 唐 李华 《祭亡友张五兄文》:“仁兄先生,俯监悲怀。”《水浒传》第四一回:“不期今日得见仁兄之面。” 茅盾 《报施》:“要是今天下午就来个抽查,那末,这些仁兄可倒了霉了。”(2).弟对兄的尊称。 唐 颜真卿 《祭侄李明文》:“尔父竭诚 常山 作郡,余时受命亦在 平原 ,仁兄爱我,俾尔传书。” 唐 姚合 《成名后留别从兄》诗:“却出 关 东悲复喜,归寻弟妹别仁兄。”