







汉语拼音:shén mǎ



1.谓马之特异美善,非凡马可比者。《汉书·张骞传》:“初,天子发书《易》,曰‘神马当从西北来’。得 乌孙 马好,名曰‘天马’。及得 宛 汗血马,益壮,更名 乌孙 马曰‘西极马’,宛 马曰‘天马’云。”宋 叶适《<覆瓿集>序》:“﹝ 薛子长 ﹞来 姑苏 葑门,出《老翁赋》、《续通鑑论》,始骇然异之。盖神马汗血,尾鬣不掉而行流无疆,累名骏数百,岂得望尘焉。”

2.谓神异瑞祥之马。《后汉书·西南夷传》:“有神马四匹,出 滇池 河中,甘露降,白乌见。”《晋书·愍帝纪》:“时有玉龟出 霸水,神马鸣城南。”晋 张华《博物志》卷一:“和气相感,则生朱草,山出象车,泽出神马。”

3.以精神为马。比喻委心随化,超脱尘世的精神境界。语本《庄子·大宗师》:“浸假而化予之尻以为轮,以神为马,予因以乘之,岂更驾哉!”宋 苏轼《赠袁陟》诗:“不见 袁夫子,神马载尻舆。”

4.迷信指灶神所驭之马。清 潘荣陛《帝京岁时纪胜·市卖》:“糟草炒豆,乃廿三日送灶饗神马之具也。”

5.指画有神佛像的纸片,供祭赛时焚化用。也称纸马、甲马。《红楼梦》第八一回:“他又去説,这个病他能治,就用些神马纸钱烧献了,果然有效。”清 富察敦崇《燕京岁时记·月光马儿》:“京师谓神像为神马儿,不敢斥言神也。”参见“纸马”。



  1. 谓马之特异美善,非凡马可比者。

    《汉书·张骞传》:“初,天子发书《易》,曰‘神马当从西北来’。得 乌孙 马好,名曰‘天马’。及得 宛 汗血马,益壮,更名 乌孙 马曰‘西极马’, 宛 马曰‘天马’云。” 宋 叶适 《<覆瓿集>序》:“﹝ 薛子长 ﹞来 姑苏 葑门 ,出《老翁赋》、《续通鑑论》,始骇然异之。盖神马汗血,尾鬣不掉而行流无疆,累名骏数百,岂得望尘焉。”

  2. 谓神异瑞祥之马。

    《后汉书·西南夷传》:“有神马四匹,出 滇池 河中,甘露降,白乌见。”《晋书·愍帝纪》:“时有玉龟出 霸水 ,神马鸣城南。” 晋 张华 《博物志》卷一:“和气相感,则生朱草,山出象车,泽出神马。”

  3. 以精神为马。比喻委心随化,超脱尘世的精神境界。语本《庄子·大宗师》:“浸假而化予之尻以为轮,以神为马,予因以乘之,岂更驾哉!” 宋 苏轼 《赠袁陟》诗:“不见 袁夫子 ,神马载尻舆。”

  4. 迷信指灶神所驭之马。

    清 潘荣陛 《帝京岁时纪胜·市卖》:“糟草炒豆,乃廿三日送灶饗神马之具也。”

  5. 指画有神佛像的纸片,供祭赛时焚化用。也称纸马、甲马。

    《红楼梦》第八一回:“他又去説,这个病他能治,就用些神马纸钱烧献了,果然有效。” 清 富察敦崇 《燕京岁时记·月光马儿》:“京师谓神像为神马儿,不敢斥言神也。”参见“ 纸马 ”。



  1. Template installed directly with god did not change horses. It also led to a template to repeat! ! ! ! !


  2. From then on I began to like this industry, maybe someone SEO said he has no future, after his own development of no god horse role.


  3. Today, I think my friends were trying to tell me something with all my Christmas gifts being mostly perfume, deodorant, and soap. FML.


  4. " The knight replied, " If you permit me to ride out on the bravest and wisest, the great horse Knowing-one, only then can I win the battle.


  5. Police themselves used Twitter to reassure and calm the public, as it pointed out that there was no trouble and they were not at risk.


  6. The company did not god horse network talents, I naturally become networks internship director.


  7. Although it is business or personal site on the Internet was a postcard, rely on the construction site after the horse did not mean God.


  8. Many webmaster heart should all there is such a problem, I site for god MJC development not to get up, for god horse no flow?


  9. For god horse? Hundreds of thousands of the long tail word can't be in the home page and the perfect materialization in the chain.


  1. 你的直觉说了神马?

    What does your intuition say

  2. 介个家伙到底是神马?

    What on earth is this guy?

  3. 神马时候剑宗这么多了!

    When god horse sword Pope so much!

  4. 你在说神马?希望你在开玩笑。

    WTF? I hope you're joking.

  5. 裸考是神马?一切都是浮云。

    Naked exam is god horse? Everything is fleeting.

  6. 除了两只马克杯你还看到了神马?

    What can you see except two Mugs

  7. 说真的,我看不出这么折腾是为神马。

    Quite frankly, I don't see what all the hoopla's about.

  8. 事实是,我甚至不是很清楚这个节日到底要庆祝神马!

    In fact, I am not even sure of what exactly is being celebrated!

  9. 名花有主的美女们想让另一半为自己做些神马?

    Entirely women want half for yourself doing god horse?

  10. 地震海啸神马的都在霓虹的东北海岸哦,离你们很远的。

    The earthquake and tsunami and the power plants are on the north east coast of Japan, quite far away from you.

  11. 在百老汇舞台上光过膀子,穿个文胸又算得了神马?

    If you've bared your body on Broadway, donning a bra should be easy, right?

  12. 这匹马的确是匹神马。

    Indeed, this horse was the Enlightenment Being.

  13. 这匹马得确是匹神马。

    Indeed, this horse was the Enlightenment Being.

  14. 为了身体素质及精气神,马每天需要锻炼。

    Horses need to exercise each day, for both their physical and psychological welfare.

  15. 这个波到底是神马冬冬?

    What exactly are these waves?

  16. 为神马总是给我背影?

    Why always the back?

  17. 欺骗性贷款又是神马呢?

    What about liar's loans?

  18. 因缘果位神马的只是神话。

    Karma Bhumi is a myth.

  19. 这可是神马意思, 感叹号在这里可是神马意思,

    Austin what does this exclamation mark mean in here !

  20. 我知道迈阿密到底发生了神马事。

    I know what the situation was in Miami.

  21. 你敢烧钱么?有神马了不起,地球人都敢!

    Dare you burn money? Well, everyone dare with this candle.

  22. 我很快会向你解释偏是神马意思。

    So, I will explain to you soon why partial.

  23. 为了安慰国王,送给国王几匹神马以为慰劳。

    In order to comfort the king, the king gave thought to thank Shenma horses.

  24. 所谓返现金,已经不是神马稀奇的事情了。

    The company shows no sign of doing so, but the idea is not entirely fanciful.

  25. 红牛车手和水之间有神马不可告人的秘密?

    What is it about Red Bull drivers and water?

  26. 为神马我们要在全球自由贸易这条道上继续下去?

    Why do we continue on this path of global free trade?

  27. 从理论上说,国王也只不过是太阳神马杜克的代言人。

    In theory the king was no more than an agent of Marduk.

  28. 模板安装了直接就用神马也没改。这也导致模板得重复!

    Template installed directly with god did not change horses. It also led to a template to repeat!!!!!

  29. 今天的马神庙街小学正步入全速发展的快车道。

    Temple Street, today's horse at full speed the development of school is entering the fast lane.

  30. 马都克,古神征服者,记住!

    MARDUK, Vanquisher of Ancient Ones, Remember!



“神马”是个多义词,它可以指神马(词语信息), 神马(1992年上映动画), 神马(网络名词), 神马(搜索引擎), 神马(神圣罗马帝国), 神马(同名电影网), 神马(北京科学技术出版社出版画书), 神马(同名公司), 神马(相关昵称)。