


1. 倒 [dǎo]2. 倒 [dào]倒 [dǎo]竖立的东西躺下来:摔~。墙~了。~塌。~台。打~。卧~。对调,转移,更换,改换:~手。~换。~车。~卖。~仓。~戈。倒 [dào]位置上下前后翻转:~立。~挂。~影。~置。把容器反转或倾……


古代的一种兵器,横刃,用青铜或铁制成,装有长柄:干(gān)~。倒(dǎo )~。枕~待旦。姓。……



汉语拼音:dǎo gē




在战争中掉转枪 口,攻击原来隶属的一方。



  1. 放下武器。指投降敌方。

    唐 鱼玄机 《浣纱庙》诗:“一双笑靨纔回面,十万精兵尽倒戈。”《三国演义》第六二回:“却説 玄德 立起免死旗,但 川 兵倒戈卸甲者,并不许杀害。” 茅盾 《子夜》二:“ 日本 报上还说某人已经和北方默契,就要倒戈!”

  2. 掉转武器向己方攻击。


  3. 倒拖武器。指军队败逃。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·汉过》:“劲鋭望尘而冰泮,征人倒戈而奔忙。”《三国演义》第一回:“众贼见 程远志 被斩,皆倒戈而走。” 清 黄遵宪 《过安南西贡有感》诗之三:“不信王师倒戈退,翻将化外弃南天。”

  4. 把戈倒着安放,表示不再用兵。

    《吕氏春秋·原乱》:“ 武王 以武得之,以文持之,倒戈弛弓,示天下不用兵,所以守之也。”参见“ 倒置干戈 ”。

  5. 倒持武器。

    《南史·胡藩传》:“ 藩 谓 企生 曰:‘倒戈授人,必至大祸,不早去,后悔无及。’”参见“ 倒持泰阿 ”。



  1. Stalin feared that the multi-ethnic Soviet Union was a breeding ground for fifth-columnists, who would aid the enemy in case of war.


  2. The U. S. government lifted sanctions on him Monday, in a move widely seen as an effort to encourage further defections.


  3. But the Turks, after cultivating Mr Assad's friendship, seem to have turned against him.


  4. The war is again becoming a potential deal-breaker for erstwhile Labour voters, as it was at the election of 2005.


  5. With Mr Sarkozy's popularity low, public opinion seems to be shifting.


  6. The scandal-plagued 74-year-old said he was confident he would survive the vote.


  7. The potential loss of Garuda as a core customer doesn't seem to be worrying Boeing's management in Chicago.


  8. Abandoned at the end of that conflict, this group's militia has swapped sides to fight for Mr Gbagbo.


  9. Despite the gloomy statistics and artist defections, the release of Plastic Beach shows that the music majors haven't run out of ideas yet.


  1. 爱立信倒戈

    ERICSSON Changes Sides In The War Of Banks.

  2. 越来越多人向我们倒戈。

    More and more people are coming over to our side.

  3. 经销商倒戈行为的博弈分析

    A Game Analysis on Turnover Behavior of Dealers

  4. 也就不存在倒戈的说法。

    Also nonexistent the parlance change sides in war.

  5. 总统担忧副总统正在企图倒戈。

    The president was worried that his vice president was trying to undermine his power.

  6. 倒戈的士兵在不同的小组工作。

    Defecting soldiers worked in small and disparate groups.

  7. 执政党已有好几位党员倒戈。

    There have been several defections from the ruling party.

  8. 歌迷们倒戈相向, 律师们让你心惊。

    Fans turn on you, attorneys all wan'a turn at you.

  9. 背教的牧师, 叛变的间谍, 倒戈的士兵。

    A renegade priest, spy, soldier.

  10. 罗马尼亚突然倒戈, 对德国宣战。

    Rumania has suddenly changed sides, and declared war on Germany.

  11. 你都看到了什么?是什么使你临阵倒戈?

    What did you see What was it that made you want to change sider

  12. 士气低落, 后座议员中已经有几人倒戈。

    Morale was low and several backbench revolts had occurred.

  13. 媚惑倒戈,直到战斗结束或者该单位死亡。

    Enthrall Attack the wrong side until the end of battle or killed.

  14. 倒戈反水的事不断发生,征收新兵的工作疲疲沓沓。

    Defections are occurring at a rapid rate, and enlistment drives are flagging.

  15. 总统宣布,所有现在倒戈支持他的人都可以得到赦免。

    The president announced that there would be an amnesty for all who now came over to him.

  16. 否则, 该党可能会在明年的上议院选举中遭到选民倒戈。

    If not, it risks an electoral backlash in upper house elections next year.

  17. 倒戈内蕴的灵能效果将以使用者为目标而非指定目标。

    Backfire The imbedded psionic effect targets the user instead of its intended target.

  18. 我们应该在所有频道发布倒戈者将获得现金奖励的公告。

    Messages should be carried on all channels offering cash rewards to defectors.

  19. 对于这场华尔街的倒戈,先尽可能的忍住不要笑,想想为什么。

    Stifle, if you can, any joy at Wall Streets turning on itself, and ask why this might be.


  1. 问:倒戈拼音怎么拼?倒戈的读音是什么?倒戈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倒戈的读音是dǎogē,倒戈翻译成英文是 swap sides


