如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
实行:~工。~政。设~。~展。~教(jiào )。~为(wéi)。~威。实~。措~(办法)。发号~令。用上,加工:~肥。~粉。给予:~礼。~诊。~恩。姓。……
汉语拼音:shī fàng
清 梁章鉅 《退庵随笔·知兵》:“令兵丁于临阵遇贼,鎗箭可及之处,不先不后,一齐施放。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·掌故·陈侍御奏折》:“夷船之坚益求坚,因在海中行驶之故。夷礮之利益求利,因在海船施放之故……迨忖量礮之所及,随即施放。” 魏巍 《战斗在汉江南岸》:“最后,他们又施放了毒气。”
If you've got a favor to ask of a sibling or neighbor, here's a tip: Put a little sugar on it.
桔解:如果你对一个手足或邻居有所求,你要做的就是施放一点香甜。Expert A: She sends madness to him as he sleeps. And he, in his madness, believes that his wife and his children are his enemies.
专家甲:趁他睡着的时候,她施放了魔法让他变疯。他在疯狂中将自己的妻儿误认作敌人。spoil crush ( 76 ) : simultaneously spoils and damages the enemy . power 1283 . must be equipped with a blunt.
自体变化狂击(76):对敌人施放自体变化并造成伤害。威力1283。必须装备钝器。One rescuer there was lowered deep into the rubble when tear gas fired at looters across the street forced him to pause efforts.
一位搜救者正进入废墟深处时,向街上抢掠者施放的催泪瓦斯迫使他暂停搜救。Spells that are cast on a target but have no effect due to the target's death will no longer be reported in the combat log .
因为目标死亡而使施放的魔法没效果,将不再显示在战斗记录上。The hunter strayed away from his trap for a few yards so he can get off a multi shot before he jumps back into the trap.
猎人离开他的陷阱几码这样他可以在跳回陷阱之前施放多重射击。Elemental Vision Allows Warlock to see elements associated with each creature to wilfully plan on building and blowing up elemental chains.
元素视域令妖术师可以窥见各种生物相关联的元素,令其更易于建立与施放元素锁链。South Korean government officials believe Pyongyang targeted the ship with a torpedo in disputed waters in March.
韩国政府官员认为是北朝鲜在三月份在争议海域施放鱼雷并瞄准了韩国军舰。Counterattack the enemy for 20 damage. Can only be performed after you dodge.