




1. 氏 [shì]2. 氏 [zhī]氏 [shì]古代“姓”和“氏”分用。姓是总的,氏是分支,后来姓和氏不分,可以混用。古代称呼帝王贵族等,后称呼名人、专家:神农~。太史~。摄~表。氏 [zhī]〔阏(yān)~〕见“阏”。〔月~〕见“……



汉语拼音:xìng shì







  1. 姓和氏。姓、氏本有分别,姓起于女系,氏起于男系。

    秦 汉 以后,姓、氏不合一,通称姓,或兼称姓氏。《通志·氏族略序》:“三代之前,姓氏分而为二,男子称氏,妇人称姓……三代之后,姓氏合而为一。” 宋 洪迈 《容斋三笔·汉人希姓》:“两《汉书》所载人姓氏,有后世不著见者甚多,漫纪于此,以助氏族书之遗脱。” 清 顾炎武 《日知录·氏族》:“姓氏之称,自 太史公 始混而为一。”

  2. 指姓名。

    魏巍 《东方》第四部第十七章:“ 调皮骡子 砍了几个木橛,刮了一刮,用歪歪斜斜的字迹记下了他们的姓氏,插在他们的墓前。”



  1. Awkward though it may be for the independent-minded, women can at least achieve alphabetic advancement by marrying "up" .


  2. Japan is the only one of the Group of Eight industrialized nations that requires married couples to have the same family name.


  3. He was a southerner and older than we were by enough years to understand why the name issue mattered.


  4. To the Qin Dynasty, surname tends to unity, men's replaced the woman's surname, collectively referred to as last name, or the Yue surname.


  5. Christopher, a 39-year-old who asked not to be identified by his last name, told me that he is part of a local group with similar ideas.


  6. "Webster, " he said, staring at her strangely, as if not sure what to make of someone who didn't know the name of her own landlord.


  7. Heavy is a nickname, part of his last name, a fact he surrendered after more than a year of daily visits from workers.


  8. He gave only his surname, Sheng, because he said some of those involved had received threatening phone calls urging them to stop protesting.


  9. The brothers said they were trying to break into the business and had a right to use their family name.


  1. 姓氏优先级

    priority of surname.

  2. 单姓氏源流

    the origin of single surname.

  3. 按姓氏排序。

    Sorts entries by last name.

  4. 满族传统姓氏

    traditional Manchu surnames.

  5. 姓氏用字集

    surname word set.

  6. 此姓氏得名人?

    Celebrities of the family name?

  7. 此姓氏的名人?

    Celebrities of the family name?

  8. 延续家族的姓氏

    Carry on the family name

  9. 姓氏和纹章条款

    name and arms clause

  10. 一个姓氏, 两个富豪

    Two billionaires adopt one surname

  11. 你的名字,你我的姓氏。

    I really know who are you!

  12. 你的名字我的姓氏

    Your first name, Attached with my family name

  13. 按姓氏比划为序

    In the order of the number of strokes in the surnames

  14. 按姓氏笔画为序

    in the order of the number of strokes in the surnames

  15. 居里经常用于姓氏。

    Curie is always used as a surname.

  16. 以姓氏笔画为序

    be listed in the order of the number of strokes in their surnames

  17. 英汉姓氏文化对比

    Contrast of Surname Culture of English and Chinese

  18. 在姓氏下划横线

    Underline family name of surname

  19. 血型和姓氏没关系吧?

    Are blood type and surname irrespective

  20. 姓氏和血型没关系吧?

    Are surname and blood type irrespective.

  21. 姓氏文化与古代法律

    Culture of Family Name and Laws in the Ancient Time

  22. 傈僳族的图腾与姓氏

    The Toten Worship and Surnames of the Lisu Ethnic Group

  23. 她改用了他的姓氏。

    She changed her name to his.

  24. 以姓氏笔划为序

    Listed in the order of the number of strokes in their surnames

  25. 姓氏和辛克莱酒店一样

    As in Sinclair Hotels.

  26. 他们的姓氏放在后面。

    Their family name comes last.

  27. 共享我的姓氏和名字。

    Share my first and last names.

  28. 赣南客家姓氏渊源研究

    Research on the Origin of Surname of Hakkas in Gannan

  29. 指示用于存储姓氏的列。

    Indicates the column in which the family name is stored.

  30. 门铃上的姓氏是万斯。

    The name on the bell is Vance.


  1. 问:姓氏拼音怎么拼?姓氏的读音是什么?姓氏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姓氏的读音是xìngshì,姓氏翻译成英文是 surname


