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汉语拼音:zhāng hé
Daniel, this shows how local Linzhou people set off to the worksite of the project.
大牛,你看,这就是当年林州人奔赴漳河源头修渠的情景。In 1960, people of Linzhou walked scores of kilometers to the upper reaches of the Zhanghe River to start digging the canal.
一九六零年,林州人徒步跋涉几十公里来到漳河上游修渠引水。The Main Pollutants and Polluted Evaluation in Zhuozhang River Basin .
浊漳河流域主要污染物与污染评价。Season Change Characteristics of Main Pollutants in Surface Water of Zhuozhang River Basin .
浊漳河流域地表水主要污染物季节变化特征。The muddy Zhanghe River originates in sending Hatoyama, goes to the east class, to pour into Yellow River.
浊漳河就发源于发鸠山,向东流去,注入黄河。With the words he waved his hand, ordering his men to throw the witch into the river.
说完一挥手,他的随从立即上来,把巫婆一下子推到漳河里去了。Based on the existing ZhangHe river pollution of water, water investigation, monitoring and evaluation calculate average velocity profile.
通过对漳河流域现有的污染源进行调查、水量、水质监测、评价计算出断面平均流速。right at the foot of the Canal.
漳河在红旗渠的脚下。Analysis and Calculation of the Composition Rules of Flood Vulnerable Area at the Lower Reach of Zu
Old has a small portion of the east actic soil.
Floating control of flood water level for Zhanghe Reservoir
How did the Linzhou people manage to divert the Zhanghe water up to the Red Flag Canal?
漳河是游荡性河道, 防洪标准较低, 发生中小洪水即容易出险。
The Zhang River is a wandering river course with a low standard of flood prevention.