







汉语拼音:shǒu hòu









  1. 守卫;看护。

    《汉书·严助传》:“边城守候诚谨, 越 人有入伐材者,輒收捕焚其积聚。” 清 邵曾训 《蚕妇吟》:“守候蚕眠不思卧,麦秋寒觉夜难过。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第二十章:“一次又一次,可怜人重新挺起眼皮,看看周围守候的 欢喜 母子。”

  2. 等待。

    《三国演义》第五五回:“ 刘备 早早下马受缚!吾奉 周都督 将令,守候多时!” 郑观应 《盛世危言·商战下》:“同一货也,从外国来者,有运脚之费,有周转之劳,而与外国人买者,且復有繙译之艰,守候之苦。” 沙汀 《丁跛公》:“失望和饥饿,已经打击得他十分疲倦了;因为在长久的守候中,那账房催了他三次吃饭,他都推说:‘我不饿。’”



  1. Then he goes back to the office and, later, home to his wife.


  2. Whether you are willing to be your husband, XX when he was ill, whether rich or care for his poor, and lifetime waiting beside him to die?


  3. Waiting for you, waiting for you slowly around me, accompanied me to the end of a long night, waiting for . . . Do not let me alone . . .


  4. If the silver sky, it began to rain, it must wipe my tears, let me have been waiting for you.


  5. I've saved beneath coast flowers for you, but you waiting behind confiscated her to tenderness.


  6. It has been a week of watching and waiting, of deliberate resignation and confidence.


  7. They hovered around the poor girl as soft as winds, and whispered into her ear of a worthier love and a loftier fate.


  8. And for that wrong committed must you knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed.


  9. He manifested the greatest eagerness to be upon deck to watch for sledge which had before appear.


  1. 她整夜守候着我。

    She stayed with me all night long.

  2. 我还在某处守候着。

    I will be waiting for the.

  3. 我将在这里为你守候!

    I'll be here for you!

  4. 他在那里,他总是在那里守候我。

    He was there, and he'll always be there.

  5. 我将在这里为你守候!

    I'll be here for you!

  6. 我会一直守候着你吗?

    I'll be there for you.

  7. 你仍然会为我守候吗?

    You are still there for me?

  8. 有人守候在昏暗的门口。

    Someone was waiting in the shadowy doorway.

  9. 为我守候, 每当我与你分别。

    Sarah There for me, every time Ive been away.

  10. 每一天我都为你守候。

    I'll be there for you every single day.

  11. 彻夜守候在病孩的床边。

    To watch at the bedside of a sick child.

  12. 真心的去经历别离, 守候相聚。

    Really go through separation, waiting to meet.

  13. 愿是你心中的灯塔的守候。

    I hope to become a beacon in your mind and to wait.

  14. 用淹没的生命, 守候你的明天。

    Flooded with life, waiting for you tomorrow.

  15. 猎人守候着兔子从洞里出来。

    The hunter watched for the hare to come out of the burrow.

  16. 另一些侦探则守候在停机坪上。

    while others were waiting on the airfield.

  17. 上海航天人凌晨守候神六归来

    Shanghai Spaceflight Bureau celebrates Shenzhou VI success

  18. 民众夜间在警察局外扎营守候。

    People are camped outside the police station at night.

  19. 所以他在病床边守候了一夜。

    So he stayed there by the bed through the night.

  20. 萤火虫守候一生只有一次的爱情。

    Firefly is always waiting for a pure love in her whole life.

  21. 耐心守候!风车从不跑去找风。

    Patience! The windmill never strays in search of the wind.

  22. 在落下的尘埃前久久守候, 哭泣。

    Who keep vigils by the silent dust, and weep.

  23. 大千世界正守候着我们和我们的才华。

    There is a whole big world out there waiting for us and our talent.

  24. 他们又昼夜在城门守候要杀他。

    And they watched the gates day and night to kill him.

  25. 我们守候到子夜,迎接新的一年。

    We stayed up till midnight to see the New Year in.

  26. 他被暗中守候他的记者团团围住。

    He was surrounded by reporters who had been lying in wait for him.

  27. 那可怖的整夜的守候我怎么能忘记?

    How shall I ever forget that dreadful vigil?

  28. 那可怖得整夜得守候我怎么能忘记?

    How shall I ever forget that dreadful vigil ?

  29. 当你找寻你的朋友却无人在家守候。

    If you call your friends and nobodys home.

  30. 幽幽千年的守候是我心底的孽障。

    I am waiting for the millennium faint hearts of evil creature.


  1. 问:守候拼音怎么拼?守候的读音是什么?守候翻译成英文是什么?

    答:守候的读音是shǒuhòu,守候翻译成英文是 wait for; attend

  2. 问:守候室拼音怎么拼?守候室的读音是什么?守候室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:守候室的读音是,守候室翻译成英文是 guardroom



“守候”是个多义词,它可以指守候(田震演唱歌曲), 守候(新绝代双骄3主题曲), 守候(5566演唱歌曲), 守候(李修霖演唱歌曲), 守候(古剑奇谭同人歌曲), 守候(《天地传奇》片尾曲), 守候(汉语词汇)。