




武装部队:~威。~服。行(xíng )~。~功。~犬。~备。~纪。~衔。~阀。~令状。异~突起。溃不成~。军队的编制单位,是“师”的上一级。泛指有组织的集体:劳动大~。……



汉语拼音:shǒu jūn






  1. At dawn the Totenkopf Division launched multiple attacks from its small bridgeheads to overwhelm all the British defences in its sector.


  2. Hellbent - Slithering Shade can attack as though iodide't have defender as long as you have no cards in hand.


  3. The delay caused by the LAH Panther battalion has deprived DF of any chance of a surprise attack on the American defenses.


  4. And southerners expected hunger would force the soldiers to leave. But Lincoln announced he was sending a ship to Fort Sumter with food.


  5. North Korean guards were reported to have detained two American journalists who were filming across the border from Chinese territory.


  6. The big guns of the Mexicans began to sound. The defenders of the Alamo fought bravely.


  7. In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days.


  8. Maybe the city saw we were joined battle, the gate opened, and those battle monsters were unchained which even I was first time to see.


  9. Like Henry's speech, the arrival of the formidable Elvish archers of the last minute, inspires the defenders of Helm's Deep.


  1. 看守军士长

    Chief Yeoman Warder

  2. 守军顽强抵抗。

    The defenders put up a strong resistance.

  3. 意大利守军会崩溃。

    The whole Italian garrison would quit.

  4. 堡垒中的守军投降了。

    The men in the fort capitulated.

  5. 守军击退敌人的进攻。

    The garrison beat off all the enemy attacks.

  6. 城堡的守军被击溃了。

    The castle defenders were borne down

  7. 城堡的守军被制服了。

    The castle defenders were borne down.

  8. 以饥饿迫使被围守军投降

    to starve a besieged garrison into surrender

  9. 围攻者使守军饿得只好投降。

    The besiegers hungered the garrison into surrender.

  10. 他们试图使守军因饥饿而投降。

    They tried to starve the army into surrender.

  11. 野蛮人屠杀了投降后的守军。

    The savages had massacred many of the garrison after capitulation.

  12. 部队以猛烈的炮火轰击要塞守军。

    The troops stormed against the garrison.

  13. 守军被迫退到堡垒中央的庭院。

    The defenders were driven back into the central court of the fort.

  14. 常德会战中常德守军的战场传播

    On the Battlefield Communications Media of the Changde Defenders in the Changde Campaign

  15. 在希洛高地的守军守住了阵地。

    The defences on the Seelow Heights held out briefly before being overrun.

  16. 德军正在加强西西里守军之力量。

    The German was moving to stiffen up the garrison in Sicily.

  17. 根据情报, 德国守军只有一个营。

    According to intelligence, there was only one German battalion.

  18. 同时海军支援舰艇, 应有压倒守军的力量。

    Our supporting naval vessels would be present in strength to batter down local defenses.

  19. 侵略军在守军投降后仍将多人屠杀。

    The invading army had massacred many people after the defending troops surrendered.

  20. 剩下的守军已经不多, 军火供应更是不继。

    The supply of ammunition of the city's defenders, such as they were, was getting low.

  21. 侵略军在守军投降后仍将多人屠杀了。

    The invading army had massacred many of the garrison after capitulation.

  22. 我已向那个岛派出了又一个排的守军。

    I have stationed another platoon on the island.

  23. 箭塔为守军提供强大远程火力,密集杀伤来犯敌军。

    Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep at bay.

  24. 克洛基奉命担任堡垒守军的领导者, 但他拒绝了。

    Crockett was asked to be the leader of the defenders of the fort, but he refused.

  25. 如果守军向敌人鸣鼓要求谈判,则意味着快投降了。

    The garrison that sounds a parley is not far from being surrendered.

  26. 上午9点,火箭炮和斯图卡向守军猛烈开火进行压制。

    Rocket fire and Stuka support was requested to neutralize the resistance in a barrage that began at 0898 hours.

  27. 率教令守军发大炮,抛火药包,清军死伤无算。

    The rate of fat was issued artillery garrison, throwing bag of gunpowder, no casualties Qing count.

  28. 守军乙太护膜能视同具有飞行异能地进行阻挡。

    Defender Aether Membrane can block as though it had flying.

  29. 格诺怪们疼的哇哇乱叫,发疯了一样的向守军的阵线冲锋。

    The gnolls yelped in pain as they charged madly into the defenders' ranks.

  30. 大卫跑回圣安东尼奥去把这消息告诉当地的守军。

    Davy ran back to San Antonio to tell the defenders of the town about it.


  1. 问:守军拼音怎么拼?守军的读音是什么?守军翻译成英文是什么?

    答:守军的读音是shǒujūn,守军翻译成英文是 defenders