








1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……



汉语拼音:rén fú yú shí








  • 【解释】:浮:超过,多余。食:指俸禄。原指人的才能超过所得的俸禄。后比喻人员太多超过了工作的需要。亦作“人浮于事”。


  1. 网络
  2. have more hands than needed

  1. 没食于酸月桂醇酯

    gallic acid lauryl alcohol ester

  2. 报道说的是,2010年之前的最后一次月全食于周三晚上出现。

    The last total lunar eclipse until 2008 occurs Wednesday night.

  3. 片剂应于食间或饭后用少量液体送服。

    The tablets are to be taken during or after a meal with a little liquid.

  4. 此食疗法适用于酒糟鼻丘疹期。

    This food therapy for rosacea papules period.

  5. 沉浸于爱得人, 食不甘味, 寝不安眠。

    He whom the thought of love vexes eats and sleeps very little.

  6. 沉浸于爱的人,食不甘味,寝不安眠。

    He whom the thought of love vexes eats and sleeps very little.

  7. 日月食期间适合于向内观察、疗愈、释放和重建。

    The eclipses are a time to look inward, to heal, release and restructure.

  8. 故智将务食于敌。

    Hence a wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy.

  9. 上帝赐食于鸟, 但不投食于道。

    God gives every bird its food but they must fly for it.

  10. 给予彼此面包, 却不取食于同一块。

    Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.

  11. 严格的素食者一生中从不取食于动物。

    A sthct vegetarian is a person who newr in his life eats anything deriwd from animals.

  12. 现代的食人案记录始于哥伦布西印度群岛的探险。

    The first known modern accounts of cannibalism were reported following Columbus'expedition to the West Indies.

  13. 食时将红椒碎洒于酥炸豆腐粒上,伴以蘸汁。

    Sprinkle chopped red chilli over fried tofu and serve with dipping sauce.

  14. 掠于饶野,三军足食。

    Make forays in fertile country in order to supply your army with food.

  15. 死于暴食者多于死于剑下者。

    More are killed by gluttony than by the sword.

  16. 群集于丝幕中,夜出食叶。

    Cluster in silk screen, night out food leaves.

  17. 饥饿于任何食物都具有美味饥不择食。

    Hunger gives relish to any food.

  18. 栖息于椰子树上得食虫蝙蝠。

    An insecteating bat roosting in a tree.

  19. 栖息于椰子树上的食虫蝙蝠。

    An insecteating bat roosting in a tree.

  20. 我独异于人,而贵食母。

    People of the world all have a purpose. I alone seem impractical and out of place. I am different from others, and value drawing sustenance from the Mother.

  21. 牛顿专注于实验室工作,常常废寝忘食。

    Newton was absorbed in his laboratory work that he often forgot to eat.

  22. 西印度树种, 果实可食, 类似于芒果。

    West Indian tree bearing edible mangolike fruit.

  23. 桑属植物, 果实可食, 类似于黑莓

    any of several trees of the genus Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry

  24. 我们应尽力使她免于自食恶果。

    We should try to save her from herself.

  25. 作用于消化系统形成次生拒食反应。

    Act on digestive system, forming secondary antifeed reaction.

  26. 暴食过量地吃或过度耽溺于, 沉湎于

    To eat or indulge in something excessively.

  27. 菲律宾树种,类似于面包树得可食果实。

    Philippine tree similar to the breadfruit tree bearing edible fruit.

  28. 菲律宾树种,类似于面包树的可食果实。

    Philippine tree similar to the breadfruit tree bearing edible fruit.

  29. 那男孩不久就习惯于苦工及劣食了。

    The boy soon became accustomed to hard work and poor food.

  30. 这次日食中,天文台于 环食 带10公里外。

    In this eclipse,the Observatory is slightly off the track of annularity.


