







汉语拼音:wéi yàn






  1. When the cofferdams are completed and made safe, the water trapped between them is pumped out.

  2. Then pumps inject bentonite, a liquid clay and cement mixture into a trench in the middle of the cofferdam.

  3. Back in the 13th century building dams intercept water, and then wind-driven water tankers drain the water inside the cofferdam.

  4. The invention relates to a water-retaining cofferdam mode in water and electricity construction.

  5. This part of the dam serves as a cofferdam which protects the remainders of the foundation for further construction.

  6. Until the cement core is built, the cofferdams are made of rubble which is simply dumped into the river.

  7. In this photo, workers clear floating debris near the cofferdam while demolition experts prepare to demolish it.

  8. Project control: At the storage area to construct the awning, and seal off the water outlets of dam.

  9. The flood dispatching during cofferdam power generation period is mainly divided into two ways of normal and emergent flood dispatching.


  1. 混凝土围堰

    concrete coffer dam.

  2. 预应力围堰

    Prestressed cofferdam

  3. 复合型围堰

    multiple style weirs.

  4. 冻结式围堰

    freezing cofferdam.

  5. 倒挂壁围堰

    cantilever cofferdam.

  6. 围堰发电期

    cofferdam power generation period.

  7. 围堰防渗处理

    cofferdam seepage treatment

  8. 钢吊箱围堰

    steel boxed cofferdam

  9. 衬砌板围堰

    liner plate cofferdam.

  10. 俄亥俄围堰

    ohio cofferdam.

  11. 纤维砂袋围堰

    fibre sand bags cofferdam.

  12. 钢围堰安装

    steel cofferdam installation

  13. 三期土石围堰

    the third stage rockfill cofferdam.

  14. 柔性钢围堰

    flexible steel cofferdam.

  15. 过水堆石围堰

    overflow rock fill cofferdam.

  16. 草土围堰的设计和施工

    Design and Construction of Sward Cofferdam

  17. 钢板桩围堰的设计和施工

    Design and Construction of Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdams

  18. 单壁钢吊箱围堰施工技术

    The construction technology of single wall steel suspending cofferdam

  19. 直孔水电站一期围堰截流施工

    Closure construction of phase I cofferdam for Zhikong Hydropower Station

  20. 承建的导流明渠和纵向围堰工程。

    Open Channel and Longitudinal Cofferdam Project Attributed to CGGC.

  21. 锁口钢护筒桩围堰施工技术

    Construction Technology of Fore Shaft Steel Casing Pile Cofferdam

  22. 在砂卵石河床中防水围堰的应用

    Application of waterproof cofferdams in sand cobble riverbed.

  23. 围堰的细节和说明应提交给承建商。

    The weir details and specifications will be provided to the Contractor.

  24. 深水桥基双壁钢套箱围堰施工

    Construction of Stirrup Box Culvert about Deepwater Bridge Foundation

  25. 围堰式人工岛设计与建造问题的探讨

    Discussion on Design and Construction of Annular Retained Artificial Island

  26. 水下不分散混凝土在围堰封底中的应用

    Application of Underwater Concrete in Cofferdam Bottoming

  27. 临时附属工程主要是临时围堰工程和文物防护工程。

    Temporary projects include temporary cofferdam project and protection project of ancient relics.

  28. 富池大闸加固工程导流围堰防渗处理

    Seepage prevention treatment of diversion cofferdam for in Fuchi sluice gates reinforcement work.

  29. 大源渡工程一期围堰土石运筹方法

    Arrangement of Rock and Earth for the First Stage Cofferdam at Dayuandu Project

  30. 旋喷墙在某船坞板桩围堰中的应用

    Application of Rotary Gunite Wall in Sheet Pile Cofferdam of a Certain Ship Yard


  1. 问:围堰拼音怎么拼?围堰的读音是什么?围堰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:围堰的读音是wéiyàn,围堰翻译成英文是 batardeau

  2. 问:围堰墙拼音怎么拼?围堰墙的读音是什么?围堰墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:围堰墙的读音是wéi yàn qiáng,围堰墙翻译成英文是 cofferdam wall

  3. 问:围堰法拼音怎么拼?围堰法的读音是什么?围堰法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:围堰法的读音是wéi yàn fǎ,围堰法翻译成英文是 cofferdam method

  4. 问:围堰基底拼音怎么拼?围堰基底的读音是什么?围堰基底翻译成英文是什么?

    答:围堰基底的读音是wéi yàn jī dǐ,围堰基底翻译成英文是 cofferdam foundation

  5. 问:围堰基础拼音怎么拼?围堰基础的读音是什么?围堰基础翻译成英文是什么?

    答:围堰基础的读音是wéi yàn jī chǔ,围堰基础翻译成英文是 coffered foundation

  6. 问:围堰支撑拼音怎么拼?围堰支撑的读音是什么?围堰支撑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:围堰支撑的读音是wéi yàn zhī chēng,围堰支撑翻译成英文是 cofferdam-bracing

  7. 问:围堰板桩拼音怎么拼?围堰板桩的读音是什么?围堰板桩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:围堰板桩的读音是wéi yàn bǎn zhuāng,围堰板桩翻译成英文是 cofferdam piling


