







汉语拼音:zhēn pò






  1. 侦查破案。如:公安机关连月侦破重大案件多起。



  1. It is precisely because he was such a strong sense of justice, which makes the detection of the case the day and find the jade crown.


  2. It seems, from what I gather, to be one of those simple cases which are so extremely difficult.


  3. The court said he had been given a two-year reprieve in recognition of his help with other cases.


  4. In the absence of any further evidence the police were unable to solve the murder.


  5. But a discarded piece of pizza and a relatively new method of DNA testing has finally cracked the case, police announced last week.


  6. The police could find no fingerprints or other clues to help them in solving the robbery.


  7. The new Holmes also loves hi-tech gadgets such as smart phones, and readily uses them to help him in his investigations.


  8. Two detectives have been taken off the inquiry to help with a murder case.


  9. The technique has already been used in countries like India, where profiling has been used in murder trials.


  1. 他是侦破能手。

    He was excellent at solving crimes.

  2. 论刑案侦破机制

    On Criminal Cases Detection Mechanism

  3. 论侦破案件中的灵感

    Inspiration in Case Investigation

  4. 警犬雪地追踪侦破命案

    Police dog trailed in snowed road and uncovered homicide case

  5. 那个谋杀案还没有侦破。

    The murder remains unresolved.

  6. 警察当局侦破了一起阴谋。

    The police have uncovered a plot.

  7. 法律化学, 刑事侦破化学, 化学破案术

    forensic chemistry

  8. 使用警犬侦破命案六要点

    Essentials for police dog to solve homicide case

  9. 侦破谋杀案是非常困难的。

    It will be very difficult to pursue a murder charge.

  10. 犯罪经济学视野中的命案侦破

    Solution to Homicide Cases in the Perspectives of Criminal Economics

  11. 警探侦破伦敦黄赌毒团伙。

    Detectives smash London vice ring, eg in a newspaper headline.

  12. 警察上周侦破了一件凶杀案。

    The police cracked a murder case last week.

  13. 这罪犯采取诈术来逃避侦破。

    The criminal adopted ruse to escape detection.

  14. 你对试图侦破凶杀案有意见?

    You have a problem with trying to solve a murder?

  15. 戴维被杀的案子仍未侦破。

    David's murder remains unsolved.

  16. 试论现场微量物证的侦破作用

    Study on Function of Micro Material Evidence on Scene of Crime for Investigation

  17. 车辆痕迹在侦破盗窃案件中的应用

    The Application of Vehicle Traces in Solving Larceny Case

  18. 建国初期一起重大间谍案侦破始末

    The Beginning and End of Unearthing an Important Spy Case early after the Liberation

  19. 去年,盗窃案的侦破率上升了。

    The detection rate for burglary went up last year.

  20. 警方侦破了一个行刺总统的阴谋。

    The police exposed a criminal plot to assassinate the president.

  21. 警方侦破了一个行刺总统得阴谋。

    The police exposed a criminal plot to assassinate the president.

  22. 他们明察暗访,把这件案子侦破了。

    They made open and secret investigations to solve this criminal case.

  23. 命案侦破正火热警犬搜爆除隐患

    Bomb dog contributed to solve criminal case Hire guard dog from security guard company

  24. 侦探们认为他们已经快要侦破这个案件了。

    Detectives believe they are near to cracking the case.

  25. 警方侦破持枪验证和激光雷达超速驾驶。

    Police radar and laser detection guns verified speeding drivers.

  26. 警方已侦破一起绑架总统之子的阴谋。

    Police have uncovered a plot to kidnap the Presidents son.

  27. 警方已侦破一同绑架总统之子的阴谋。

    Police have uncovered a plot to kidnap the President's son.

  28. 警探侦破伦敦黄赌毒团伙, 如报刊标题

    Detectives smash London vice ring, eg in a newspaper headline

  29. 所有的努力都是为了尽快侦破这个案件。

    All efforts were made to progress the case as soon as possible.

  30. 如何侦破国有企业改制中的职务犯罪案件

    How to Crack the Crime by Taking Advantage of Duty during the Reshuffle of the State Owned Enterprises


  1. 问:侦破拼音怎么拼?侦破的读音是什么?侦破翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦破的读音是zhēnpò,侦破翻译成英文是 crack

  2. 问:侦破概率拼音怎么拼?侦破概率的读音是什么?侦破概率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦破概率的读音是zhēn pò gài lǜ,侦破概率翻译成英文是 detection probability


