


1. 疑 [yí]2. 疑 [nǐ]疑 [yí]不信,猜度(duó):~惑。~问。~心。~团。~虑。~窦。~点。~端。猜~。怀~。半信半~。不能解决的,不能断定的:~案。~难。~义。存~。疑 [nǐ]安定,止息。古同“拟”,比拟。……


1. 义 [yì]义 [yì]公正合宜的道理或举动:正~。~不容辞。~无反顾。仗~直言。合乎正义或公益的:~举。~务。~愤。~演。见~勇为。情谊:~气。恩~。~重如山。意思,人对事物认识到的内容:意~。含~。释~。微言大~。指认为亲属的:~……



汉语拼音:yí yì







  1. 不了解或不理解的含义或道理。

    《东观汉记·张纯传》:“时旧典多闕,每有疑义,輒以访 纯 ,自郊庙婚冠丧纪礼仪,多所正定。” 晋 陶潜 《移居》诗之一:“奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析。”《宋史·赵汝谈传》:“尝从 朱熹 订疑义十数条, 熹 嗟异之。”《古今小说·羊角哀舍命全交》:“次日, 裴仲 到馆中探望,将胸中疑义,盘问 角哀 ,试他学问如何。”

  2. 犹疑问。

    清 俞樾 《古书疑义举例·助语用不字例》:“不者,弗也。自古及今,斯言未变,初无疑义。” 田北湖 《论文章源流》:“《尔雅》为上古之书,确无疑义矣。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·附记》:“《阿金》是写给《漫画生活》的……然则必须‘抽去’,已无疑义了。”



  1. Putting it back was no doubt harder than all other steps together.


  2. It was comprehensive and there is no doubt about the skills and abilities of the candidate.


  3. There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.


  4. Lawson and Peiser said they did not think the release of the emails questioned the underlying science of climate change.


  5. They appeared to view any questioning of their rhetoric--even an honest difference of opinion by a man--as chauvinist.


  6. Either way there is no doubt that her remarkable synthesis of western occultism and eastern traditions became a foundation for the New Age.


  7. In this paper is presented a query for this viewpoint, and a new opinion on the etymology of "jian zhu" based upon a Chinese origin.


  8. There is no doubt that properly balanced physical activities keep us physically fit.


  9. For me now, there is no doubt: an abnormal event took place at a precise moment in your life.


  1. 为避免疑义

    For the avoidance of doubt.

  2. 疑义相与析

    Doubtful Points on Emending of Ancient Books of Yunnan.

  3. 噪声疑义度

    noise equivocation.

  4. 疑义度分布

    distribution of equivocation.

  5. 疑义度特性

    equivocation characteristics.

  6. 这一点还有疑义吗?

    Can there still be any doubt about it?

  7. 我以为也没有疑义了。

    Again, I think not.

  8. 宋词疑义二考

    On Two Doubtful Points of Song Poems.

  9. 古书疑义举例文例研究

    Study Ordiance of the Cite from Old Works of Doubtful Point

  10. 奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析。

    A remarkable work should be enjoyed together and doubts analysed in company.

  11. 车子显得很大,这没有疑义。

    It is big, no doubt.

  12. 关于这一点是没有疑义的。

    About this do not have doubtful point.

  13. 这一点,我认为绝对没有疑义。

    I hold this as absolutely beyond doubt.

  14. 遇到疑义时应遵循从宽原则。

    In doubt, the milder course is to be followed.

  15. 对全波带法疑义的诠释

    Annotation to the Doubt on Whole Wave Band Method

  16. 对这一点难道还有疑义吗?

    Can there be any doubt about it?

  17. 关于那件事绝无疑义。

    There is no doubt whatever about that.

  18. 遇有疑义时应遵循从宽原则。

    In doubt, the milder course is to be followed.

  19. 并且我没有这将继续的疑义。

    And I have no doubts that this will continue on.

  20. 波里尼西亚文化不稳定的疑义

    Inquiry into the question of cultural stability in Polynesia

  21. 这是我对该书唯一的一点重大疑义。

    The one big reservation I've got about the book.

  22. 我们对他的方法提出了疑义,而不是对他的目标。

    We quarrelled with his method, not with his goals.

  23. 投入它比其他步一起艰苦是无疑义。

    Putting it back was no doubt harder than all other steps together.

  24. 请问您公司对我们得稽查有什么疑义吗?

    Please let us know whether you have any questions on the result of our inspection.

  25. 当时,老总们也都通过了,没有人再提出疑义。

    At that time, misters also passed, nobody proposes the doubt again.

  26. 请问您公司对我们的稽查有什么疑义吗??

    Please let us know whether you have any questions on the result of our inspection.

  27. 请问您公司对我们得稽查工作有什么疑义吗?

    Do you have any questions about our tax inspection?

  28. 请问您公司对我们的稽查工作有什么疑义吗?

    Do you have any questions about our tax inspection?

  29. 里面的内容很全面,让人对应聘者的能力没有疑义。

    It was comprehensive and there is no doubt about the skills and abilities of the candidate.

  30. 希冀未来研究,能进一步提供相关实证厘清这些疑义。

    Criticisms and arguments over several problematic issues are also specified, which might cast some light on the future direction of research.


  1. 问:疑义拼音怎么拼?疑义的读音是什么?疑义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疑义的读音是yíyì,疑义翻译成英文是 doubt; questionable point

  2. 问:疑义度拼音怎么拼?疑义度的读音是什么?疑义度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疑义度的读音是yí yì dù,疑义度翻译成英文是 equivocation


