







汉语拼音:kè kòu








  1. 非法扣减应该发给别人的财物。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十四回:“克扣一节,且不要説他;单只领料一层,就是了不得的了。” 老舍 《茶馆》第一幕:“一份钱粮倒叫上头克扣去一大半,咱们也不好过!”

  2. 克扣。扣减应该发给别人的财物而据为己有。

    《中国歌谣资料·太平军快到苏州城》:“ 宦承恩 ,剋扣钱粮米独吞。” 续范亭 《寄山西土皇帝阎锡山的一封五千言书》:“搜刮 山西 人民的血汗,剋扣 山西 士兵的军饷,做你们少数人的资本。” 洪深 《赵阎王》第一节第一幕:“这又不是营长的钱,藏着不发,多半是存了克扣军饷的心。”



  1. And at the end of months or years of this, you were often cheated of your wages.


  2. Gucci has not got the approval for Comprehensive Working Hour Calculation System in Shenzhen, but the system is still applied in Shenzhen.


  3. No organization or individual shall be allowed to misappropriate or withhold the funds designated for vocational education.


  4. She said dishonest officials siphon off teachers' salaries and even leave students without chalk.


  5. Young women lie about their ages to get jobs, pleather factories emit toxic fumes, and employers cheat workers out of cash.


  6. Award winner Maria Pacheco is from Guatemala. She has worked to help local women start small business and connect with world markets .


  7. As I wrote in March, independent workers rarely qualify for unemployment insurance, health insurance, or wage theft laws.


  8. The manufacturer imposed forced overtime, fines and paid less than half the legal minimum wage.


  9. Japan has also bought export growth largely at the price of skimping on internal investment in housing, roads and pollution control.


  1. 他对家人悭吝克扣。

    He scrimps his family.

  2. 资方总是克扣我们的工资。

    The management keeps docking things off from our wages.

  3. 她的工资无端被老板克扣。

    Her salary was cut short by her boss without any excuse.

  4. 他抱怨他们的工资被克扣。

    He complained about the subtraction of money from their paychecks

  5. 上级长官总是克扣下属们的薪饷。

    Higher officials always skimp on the salaries of their staff.

  6. 上级长官总是克扣下属们的薪饷。

    Higher officials always skimp on the salaries of their staff.

  7. 不得克扣或者无故拖欠劳动者的工资。

    In no circumstance is it allowed to deduct or delay the payment.

  8. 任何单位和个人不得克扣船员的工资。

    No entity or individual may dock any seaman's wages.

  9. 国王的财富一半是被下层层层克扣掉的。

    The king's cheese goes half in parings.

  10. 由于将军私自克扣饷银, 士兵们几乎没什么斗志。

    The soldiers lost their will to fight when the general secretly reduced their allowance.

  11. 由于将军私自克扣饷银,士兵们几乎没什么斗志。

    The soldiers lost their will to fight when the general secretly reduced their allowance.

  12. 无正当理由不足额支付劳动者工资就是克扣工资。

    Justification not to pay workers full wages is the wage deduction.

  13. 绝不以任何借口挪用, 克扣, 拖欠农民工工资!

    never under any pretext diversion, deduction, the wages owed to farmers!

  14. 我从商贩子那里买的米,肯定被克扣了分量。

    I surely got beaten when I bought rice from a monger.

  15. 他是一个克扣配料,欺骗客人的不老实的厨师。

    He is a deceitful cook who skimps on ingredients and shortchanges guests.

  16. 父亲克扣我们的零花钱, 直到还清那笔欠款为止。

    Father docked our pocket money until the debt was paid off.

  17. 拖欠, 克扣现象普遍, 特别是拖欠, 克扣农民工工资问题严重。

    Arrears, the deduction is pervasive, especially in arrears, wage deductions for farmers serious problems.

  18. 父亲克扣我们得零花钱,直到还清那笔欠款为止。

    Father docked our pocket money until the debt was paid off.

  19. 任何组织和个人不得挪用,克扣职业教育的经费。

    No organization or individual shall be allowed to misappropriate or withhold the funds designated for vocational education.

  20. 工人克扣工资而罢工, 而包工们看见他们罢工惊得目瞪口呆。

    The workers stopped work over wage deduction the contractors were struck dumb by their strike.

  21. 公司找到了一个办法把他的超时加班费克扣掉。

    The firm found a way to chisel him out of his overtime pay.

  22. 磅的面粉,他们解开那十头狗,把巴克扣上。

    They unhook the ten dog team and they hook up Buck.

  23. 磅得面粉,他们解开那十头狗,把巴克扣上。

    They unhook the ten dog team and they hook up Buck.

  24. 工资应以货币形式支付给劳动者,不得克扣或无故拖欠。

    Salary should pay worker with monetary form, do not get embezzle part of what should be issued or without reason to default.

  25. 他对家人悭吝克扣。回扣只针对经办人,而不针对贸易企业。

    He scrimps his family. The discount goes to the individual customers, but not to the dealing companies.


  1. 问:克扣拼音怎么拼?克扣的读音是什么?克扣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:克扣的读音是kèkòu,克扣翻译成英文是 to embezzle part of what should be issued...

  2. 问:克扣份量拼音怎么拼?克扣份量的读音是什么?克扣份量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:克扣份量的读音是kè kòu fèn liàng,克扣份量翻译成英文是 give light weight



基本信息 词目:克扣

拼音:kè kòu 基本解释 [embezzle part of what should be issued] 非法扣减应该发给别人的财物 克扣军饷