







汉语拼音:qí wàng








  1. 官名。

    春秋 时 齐 置,掌鱼盐之利。《左传·昭公二十年》:“海之盐蜃,祈望守之。” 孔颖达 疏:“海是水之大神,有时祈望祭之,因以祈望为主海之官也。”

  2. 希望;期待。

    宋 苏舜钦 《启事上奉宁军陈侍郎》:“虽裘葛不完,糲糠几废,亦未尝造謁有位,祈望恩奬。” 明 唐顺之 《请皇太子受朝疏》:“臣愚不胜惓惓祈望之至。”



  1. It's not all that warm yet, but I think all of us in Seattle are ready for sun on a more permanent basis.


  2. Led by craving men run this way and that like an ensnared hare. Therefore let the bhikkhu, who wishes his detachment, discard craving.


  3. I hope and wish that this year all our expectations and aspirations to meet together in Europe will be fulfilled.


  4. Care and take actions to those who look up to you for encouragement and to those who need you at their side.


  5. Instead, his pessimistic words gave my family no reason to believe that I would ever again be a productive member of society.


  6. All of us thought he was the answer to a maiden's prayer. Nobody had expected he actually ended up marrying a divorcee 10 years his senior.


  7. The last round of Serb aggression had sparked another exodus of refugees and had increased the desire of Kosovar Albanians for independence.


  8. I hope, in a scenic corner, I met you, and then meet my own . . .


  9. To those who look up to you for encouragement.


  1. 无声祈望,航行在大海。

    A silent wish sails the seven seas.

  2. 我祈望时光不再流逝。

    I prayed that the days would last they went so fast.

  3. 他的祈望终于实现了。

    At long last his prayers had been answered.

  4. 心中的祈望终于都靠岸

    The bless pull in finally

  5. 祈望它的歌百灵般动听。

    And wish her lays were tuned like the lark.

  6. 热烈的是不可抑遏的祈望。

    Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.

  7. 我只是想祈望一切都好。

    I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope for the best.

  8. 我们希望我们的祈望会得到回应。

    We hope our prayers will be answered.

  9. 他心神不定,祈望她平安归来。

    He was very solicitous for her safe return.

  10. 我们要他回来的祈望已经应验。

    Our prayer for his return has been answered.

  11. 这种药或许可以满足我们的祈望。

    This drug could be the answer to our prayers.

  12. 希求的, 祈望的表达一种愿望或选择的

    Expressing a wish or choice.

  13. 酗酒是逃离尘世的一种无意识的祈望。

    Excessive drinking is an unconscious desire to escape.

  14. 上帝祈望我们原谅我们的同胞如同他原谅我们一般。

    God expects us to forgive people as He forgave us.

  15. 我匆匆沿街走去,祈望她不会看到我。

    Praying that she would not see me, I hurried down the street.

  16. 我不祈望你改变你的决定,我只需要你的安慰。

    I do not pray that you change your decision, I just need your consolation.

  17. 在你出卖汉之后,还敢祈望我们相信你吗?

    Do you think that after what you did to Han we're going to trust you?

  18. 我得祈望应涌出如泉水,注满他们得杯?

    And shall my desires flow like a fountain that I may fill their cups?

  19. 我的祈望应涌出如泉水,注满他们的杯?

    And shall my desires flow like a fountain that I may fill their cups?

  20. 先生,你祈望你的咖啡是黑咖啡还是加奶咖啡呢

    Do you wish your coffee black or white, sir

  21. 高高地在远处的阳光里是我最深切的祈望。

    Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.

  22. 但是, 我们祈望能这样, 抱有希望, 碰他的头骨。

    But we hope and pray, and break the skull.

  23. 你常祈望你的爱情像童话故事一样美丽和完美。

    You have negative thoughts, and you look for romantic love like in a fairytale.

  24. 我不停地祈望唱片播放师能加快音乐的节奏。

    I kept praying that the DJ would speed the music up.

  25. 我开始寄希望于新的一天的到来,祈望着新的进步。

    I was starting to look forward to each new day to see how far I would progress.

  26. 板球比赛将在星期六进行,因此我们祈望那天天晴。

    The cricket match is on Saturday, so we're praying for a fine day.

  27. 上帝之死的影子漫漫将一切祈望藏匿并安息远去。

    Death second self that seals up all in rest.

  28. 把握送到丹佛,他们给了我我能祈望的最好的机会。

    They gave me the best opportunity I could hope for by sending me to Denver.

  29. 愿所有期望和祝福涌向你,更祈望新的一年事业更辉煌!

    May all good wishes and blessings come to you, and may New Year bring your more brilliancy.


  1. 问:祈望拼音怎么拼?祈望的读音是什么?祈望翻译成英文是什么?

    答:祈望的读音是qíwàng,祈望翻译成英文是 to hope; to wish



“祈望”是个多义词,它可以指祈望(汉语词语), 祈望(尤小刚、陶玲玲执导电视剧), 祈望(2014年拍摄的电影)。