







汉语拼音:jué qǔ








  1. 抓取;拿取。

    《古今小说·张道陵七试赵昇》:“约莫更深,忽听得一阵狂风,白虎神早到,一见其人,便来攫取。” 清 程麟 《此中人语·童子获虎》:“倏有虎自山上过,径奔山下,攫取一童而去。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四六回:“他説问明了便不必劳驾,我来代回话罢。説罢,攫取了那张亲供便走。” 叶圣陶 《未厌集·夜》:“老妇人伸手攫取那字条,定睛直望。”

  2. 获取;掠取。

    宋 苏洵 《上皇帝书》:“国家用兵之时,购方略,设武备,使天下屠沽健儿,皆能徒手攫取陛下之官。” 明 何良俊 《四友斋丛说·史三》:“适 王端毅 公以巡抚至,疏其罪恶大,致激变,攫取财物元寳二千餘锭。” 张洁 《谁生活得更美好》:“人们从生活这同一源泉里却攫取了怎样不同的东西。”



  1. He said the interest conflicts and power grabs within the Cabinet made no policy-making easy.


  2. Gbagbo's popular support may be dwindling as he cracks down on the population in his bid to cling to power.


  3. Through ascension to another dimension the Sirians would simply leave behind all of the warmongers trying to take of the Sirian resources.


  4. To see this merely as a means for greedy politicians to enrich themselves would be to underestimate its significance.


  5. But Candy is the state Chief Minister said the state government would not seize this wealth, "the treasure belongs to the temple. "


  6. And how much profit do the proprietors of the clubs extract from the emotional and aesthetic labor of their workers?


  7. She taunted him to come and get it, while he said he couldn't, fighting not to sink while snatching at it (GF26).


  8. Rather than trying to resolve disagreements through thoughtful discourse, people are trying to grab power to beat and suppress opponents.


  9. The wind tries to take the flame by storm only to blow it out.


  1. 攫取高额利润

    rake in enormous profits from

  2. 攫取剩余价值

    appropriation of surplus value

  3. 圆木攫取装置

    log loader apparatus

  4. 他们拼命攫取利润。

    They did their utmost to hog as much profit as possible.

  5. 竭尽所能攫取利润。

    to make as much profit as they can.

  6. 他们卑鄙无耻地攫取利润。

    They were soullessly grubbing for profit.

  7. 他们卑鄙无耻地攫取利润。

    They were soullessly grubbing for profit.

  8. 用爪抓住用爪攫取或好象用爪攫取

    To seize with or as if with talons.

  9. 攫取猎取或抓住战利品或食物

    To seek or seize prey or plunder.

  10. 死神,把厌烦我得生命攫取。

    And take a Life that wearies me.

  11. 死神,把厌烦我的生命攫取。

    And take a Life that wearies me.

  12. 他企图攫取钱,因此犯罪了。

    He tried to grasp at the money, so he committed crime.

  13. 他总是擅自攫取他朋友的东西。

    Hes always scrounging off his friends.

  14. 攫取猎取或抓住,作为战利品或食物。

    To seek or seize as prey or plunder.

  15. 抢掠,偷取非法或用武力攫取。

    To seize wrongfully or by force; steal.

  16. 贪婪的老鸨为了攫取利润无所不为。

    The greedy madam stopped at nothing to gain profit.

  17. 爱, 不能攫取, 不能锁起来也不能创造。

    Love, well you cannot snatch it, lock it or create it.

  18. 因为改变的是我们攫取资源的速度。

    is the speed at which we're taking all our resources.

  19. 抓获, 攫取或夺得, 如通过武力或技艺

    the act of catching, taking, or winning, as by force or skill

  20. 他想尽一切办法攫取权势和金钱。

    He grasped power and money in every way possible.

  21. 他们实际上攫取了这个港口的使用权。

    They actually grabbed the right to use the port.

  22. 在我阻止狗之前, 它已经攫取了骨头。

    Before I could stop him the dog snatched the ham bone.

  23. 他们计划攫取波斯湾的全面控制权。

    They planned to seize complete control of the Persian gulf.

  24. 既然如此随意, 为何不多攫取些土地呢

    Given such impunity, why not grab more land

  25. 混水摸鱼在一片混乱中攫取好处。

    To try to take advantage of a confused situation.

  26. 一只攫取的手永远是空空的, 一只给予的手永远是满满的。

    Grasping hand is forever empty. a giving hand is always full.

  27. 一支攫取的手永远是空空的, 一支给予的手永远是满满的。

    A grasping hand is forever empty. A giving hand is always full.

  28. 艾拉成了为他攫取强大力量的爪牙。

    She became his pawn in his bid for power.

  29. 要么躲避闪烁的镁光灯, 要么努力攫取公众的注意力。

    You can shun the limelight or you can grab it.

  30. 殖民者们以象征性的价钱攫取了其余的土地。

    At a nominal price, the settlers got the rest of the land.


  1. 问:攫取拼音怎么拼?攫取的读音是什么?攫取翻译成英文是什么?

    答:攫取的读音是juéqǔ,攫取翻译成英文是 plunder

  2. 问:攫取计划拼音怎么拼?攫取计划的读音是什么?攫取计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:攫取计划的读音是jué qǔ jì huà,攫取计划翻译成英文是 grasping plan


