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1. 种 [zhǒng]2. 种 [zhòng]3. 种 [chóng]种 [zhǒng]生物在生态和形态上具有不同特点的分类的基本单位:物~。~差(chā),植物果实中能长成新植物的部分,又泛指生物传代繁殖的物质:~子。~禽。~畜。撒~。……
汉语拼音:zhòng huā
Joni: Smell that fresh air. Aren't you glad I got you to help me plant this garden? We're going to have so much fun today.
清新的空气。我让你来帮我种花草,你不高兴吗?今天我们会干的很开心的。His flower had told him that she was only one of her kind in all universe.
他的花朵曾经告诉他,自己是宇宙间仅有的一种花;Her efforts to beautify the United States were reflected in her large-scale planting of trees and flowers all over Washington.
她积极倡导在大华府地区大规模植树种花,反映她为美化美国环境进行的努力。This Western Chou caldron was used to plant flowers. Its special features include decorative lines cut all the way to the bottom and curls .
西周的鬲被居民拿来种花。绳纹到底、有卷沿、档部有弧度为其特徵。and its import into the United States in the form of cultivated roots at one time ran to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
此种花头曾大量输入美国,有一时期竟达数十万元之巨。Elisa is a young married lady working on an isolated farm and proud of her skills in growing flowers.
年轻媳妇伊利莎住在一家偏僻的农场,一手高超的种花技能令她自豪。Do you know where the garden tools are? It's. . .
你知道种花的工具在哪里吗?There are many varieties of flowers, a perfume lily, tulip, water lily . . . But, you know there is a flower called tolerance it?
花儿有很多品种,有香水百合、郁金香、睡莲……可是,你知道有一种花叫宽容吗?Should learn to share, should learn to walk, should learn of the oasis in the heart set on the flower tree.