


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà jǔ








  1. 谓大兴军旅。

    汉 陈琳 《檄吴将校部曲文》:“故大举天师百万之众……自 寿春 而南。”《北史·吐万绪传》:“及大举济 江 , 绪 以行军总管与 西河 紇豆陵洪景 屯兵 江 北。” 宋 苏轼 《王仲仪真赞》:“方是时,虏大举犯边。”

  2. 泛指进行其他大规模活动。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致许寿裳》:“此次回教徒之大举请愿,有否他故,所不敢知。”

  3. 普遍检举。


  4. 谓广泛推荐人才。

    《晋书·刘寔传》:“故自 汉 魏 以来,时开大举,令众官各举所知,惟才所任,不限阶次。”



  1. Volumes were exceptionally heavy as hedge funds, which had bid aggressively for IPO allocations, sought to turn a quick profit.


  2. Having cut costs aggressively, their operations are poised to take full advantage of any further pick-up in trade.


  3. then he dreamed of how after the attack he would go up to him as he lay wounded , and magnanimously hold out his hand in reconciliation.


  4. It is no surprise therefore that even fiscal conservatives, like the Germans, are now borrowing as if there is no tomorrow.


  5. But a big expansion of the US military presence in Afghanistan had not been part of the calculation.


  6. Inspiration reveals that this will be a final resort of the enemy in seeking to destroy modern Israel.


  7. It was a huge turnaround from the last two years, when the Tata group, like many other Indian companies, was on an aggressive buying spree.


  8. The goalkeeper, Vladimir Stojkovic, saved to his left and Serbia withstood a late onslaught to leave Group D wide open.


  9. Companies seeking expansion in the booming oil-flush region found a new form of finance that tapped the vogue for Shariah-compliance.


  1. 大举入侵某国

    Invade a country in full force.

  2. 高职大举生

    students in vocational colleges

  3. 他们大举进攻我们。

    They attacked us in force.

  4. 定量宽松政策大举出笼。

    Quantitative easing is here with a vengeance.

  5. 我们向敌人发起大举进攻。

    We made a push on the enemy.

  6. 大举屠杀囚犯的命令下达了。

    A huge prison battue was ordered.

  7. 大举进军木业亚洲未来称雄

    Scaling the Height of Asia Wood Industry

  8. 人们自爱尔兰大举涌入美国。

    People flooded from Ireland to America.

  9. 福特大举进军北美国际车展

    Ford carry out on a large scale on North America international vehicle exhibition

  10. 警方已大举搜捕抢劫金条的罪犯。

    Police have launched a manhunt for the bullion robbers.

  11. 我若是机器兵团会立刻大举进攻。

    If I were the machines, I'd send every sentinel here now.

  12. 这意味着它们将进一步大举买进股票。

    That means buying a lot more equities.

  13. 阿雷佐开始大举进攻, 我们更加退后。

    Arezzo begun to attack more and we sat further back.

  14. 显然这是大举进攻美国的第一阶段。

    Obviously the first phase of a major attack against the US.

  15. 还有人担心大举放贷的通胀后果。

    There are also concerns about the inflationary consequences of the lending boom.

  16. 挖掘隧道的工程不久之后便大举动工。

    Work on the tunnel began in earnest soon after.

  17. 敌人大举进攻,但我方战士仍坚守阵地。

    The enemy attacked great numbers but our men stood their ground.

  18. 这是巴菲特第二次大举进攻华尔街。

    It will be Buffett second major foray into Wall Street.

  19. 进口相机大举压境,国产相机将面临新的考验。

    Soon cameras massive imports, domestic cameras will face a new test.

  20. 在不少蓝筹股上, 险资大举建仓买入。

    In a number of blue chips, the insurance capital to buy large positions.

  21. 欧盟高峰会登场, 反全球化人士大举闹场。

    Protests turn nasty as EU summit opens.

  22. 如今, 华坚正计划向注塑鞋领域大举扩张。

    It is now planning a major expansion into injection moulded shoes.

  23. 但八月金人失盟, 次年四月大举入寇。

    However, UNITA lost in August Jin, ru kou a large scale in April the following year.

  24. 也正是在这些经济体, 保诚一直在大举投资。

    And it is into these economies where the Pru has been pushing the most investment.

  25. 也正是在这些经济体,保诚一直在大举投资。

    And it is into these economies where the Pru has been pushing the most investment.

  26. 他怕的是敌人有组织地从海上大举进攻。

    His fear was powerful organized invasion from the sea.

  27. 早早失了一分,这反倒激励球队开始大举反攻。

    Shaken up by the early goal against them, the team began to fight back.

  28. 在基金大举卖出的同时, 接盘者多为游资。

    In the fund to sell onscale, then set for more hot money.

  29. 敌人向我大举进攻,但我们的战士仍坚守阵地。

    The enemy attacked in great numbers but our soldiers stood their ground.

  30. 恶魔的大举进犯对狮鹫帝国来说犹如晴天霹雳。

    The invasion of the demons is grim news for the Griffin Empire.


  1. 问:大举拼音怎么拼?大举的读音是什么?大举翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大举的读音是dàjǔ,大举翻译成英文是 large-scale

  2. 问:大举进攻拼音怎么拼?大举进攻的读音是什么?大举进攻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大举进攻的读音是dà jǔ jìn gōng,大举进攻翻译成英文是 Heavy Offensive


大举,汉语词汇。拼音:dà jǔ释义:1、谓大兴军旅。2、大规模地进行。3、3、普遍检举。4、指广泛推荐人才;语出汉 陈琳 《檄吴将校部曲文》:“故大举天师百万之众……自寿春而南。”