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汉语拼音:lì dào
茅盾 《秋收》:“什么肥田粉!毒药!洋鬼子害人的毒药!我就知道祖宗传下来的豆饼好!豆饼力道长!” 张英 《老年突击队》:“一个人的力气到底有限,如果只有五百斤力道,那只能挑五百斤。” 叶圣陶 《饭》:“这位先生很有点力道,他在衙门里出进,时常同县官讲话。”
A woman survived a shootout in Brazil, after the impact of a bullet was absorbed by the money she had stuffed in her bra.
一名巴西女子在枪战中大难不死,因为子弹的撞击力道被她塞进自己胸罩内的钱吸收。To properly feather the gas pedal, you need to use the lighter part of your foot, like the ball or the sole.
要正确轻踩油门,你需要用脚上力道较轻的部位,比如脚前掌或脚底。His music was always easy to listen to but didn't have the power and explosiveness of Lennon's works.
他的音乐很容易被人接受,但是就欠缺蓝侬作品中的力道与爆炸性。So in the medium to long term, Samsung would be able to gain more control over the flash market.
因此中长期而言,三星将有能力加大对快闪记忆体市场的掌控力道。No matter that the case is flimsy: the court has already declared the key elements of the treaty "not at odds" with the Czech constitution.
无论阻挡的力道多么薄弱︰宪法法院已宣布里斯本条约的关键元素与捷克宪法「并不冲突」。That leaves the United States, and the real strength of the U. S. recovery is still very difficult to judge.
这样,美国的状况以及美国复苏的真正力道还不好判断。"Although positive growth in the autumn seems more likely, there are concerns about the strength of the recovery, " he said.
“虽然秋季取得正成长的可能性看来更大,但人们担忧经济复苏的力道,”他说。Many analysts expect a robust rebound in industrial output and firm consumption to underpin the economy at least until the third quarter.
许多分析师预期工业生产将强劲回升,加上消费坚稳,将至少在第三季之前提供经济支撑力道。Of course, while the dollar may get a break against the euro it is unlikely to see much strength against anything else.