







汉语拼音:shì xū






  1. 谓情势应该如此,理应如此。

    《古文苑·曹公卞夫人与杨太尉夫人袁氏书》:“主簿股肱近臣,征伐之计,事须敬咨。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·杂说》:“且须调习器械,务令快利;秣饲牛畜,事须肥健。” 唐 刘禹锡 《和仆射牛相公寓言》诗之二:“只恐重重世缘在,事须三度副苍生。”一说“事须”为 唐 宋 习用语。 宋 陆游 《小雨》诗:“事须求暂假,宜睡称烧香。”自注:“事须二字,盖 唐 人公移中语也。” 况周颐 《蕙风词话·续编》卷二:“‘圣得’、‘事须’、这些皆 唐 宋 人方言。”



  1. 'I wasn't told that this was rushed, but I'll do my best to get it to you before the deadline. '


  2. I have some important things to attend to.


  1. 根据第款撤销委任一事须在宪报公告。

    A revocation of an appointment under subsection shall be notified in the Gazette.

  2. 我祖父快90岁了,什么事都须要别仁攀来做。

    My grandfather is nearly 90 and in his second childhood.

  3. 有些事,解铃还须系铃人。

    Some things on the department should be.

  4. 必做的事须果断。

    In things that must be, it is good to be resolute.

  5. 这件事须首先处理。

    The matter is first on the agenda.

  6. 今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。

    Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.

  7. 如我所说,我们须考虑的事有两件。

    As I say, there're two things on the line here.

  8. 吃饭时间,是一宗属于礼节的事,家中人人都须参加。

    Mealtimes are ceremonious affairs which must be attended by every member of the family.

  9. 我们须马上处理这件事。

    We must turn to the matter here and now.

  10. 须要在一些得确得事举措快一些。

    You're on to something tangible and need to act fast.

  11. 须要在一些的确的事举措快一些。

    You're on to something tangible and need to act fast.

  12. 没处要去,无事要做,再不须要匆忙。

    Nowhere to go, Nothing to do, No longer in a hurry.

  13. 对所有的官吏须先行贿赂, 才能为我们做事。

    All the officials had to be squared before they would do anything for us.

  14. 解铃还须系铃人,这件事必须你去才能解决。

    Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off, you have to see to it yourself.

  15. 解铃还须系铃人,这件事必须你去才能解决。

    Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off, you have to see to it yourself.

  16. 教会须要选新执事,请为这事祷告和给牧师提名。

    There is a need for new deacons to serve our congregation.

  17. 花粉须成种,成种布果中。繁衍非易事,树皇亦相同。

    To reproduce, she must transfer pollen to make seeds, and then disperse them inside figs.

  18. 他须到法庭对证,告诉大家关于这件事他所知道的一切。

    He has to call his bluff in court and tell everyone what he knows about the matter.

  19. 晚起之人,须整日匆忙,而且即使到了晚上也很难把事。

    He that rises late, must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night.

  20. “乔治·布什乃总统,陶然乐于家中坐,独为莫须有之事,把各士兵送战场。”是一首四行打油诗。

    The president is George W. Bush, who is happy to sit on his tush, while sending his armies to fight, for anything he thinks is right is a clerihew.

  21. “法定义务”的上下文定义可以为“x具有做y事的法定义务意味着x须按照被法院支持的合同关系来做y事”。

    A contextual definition of"legal duty" might be"x has a legal duty to do y means that x is required to do y by a contract relationship that would be upheld in a court of law".