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两个以上的人在一起计划、讨论:~量。~讨。~议。~定。~榷。~酌(商量斟酌)。相~。磋~。洽~。协~。买卖,生意:~业。~店。~界。~品。~标。古指行商(坐商为“贾”,后泛指做买卖的人,亦用以指从事私营工商业的人):~人。~贩。~贾(gǔ ……
圈子,环绕:~围。~天。~转(zhuǎn )。~匝(a.环绕;b.周到)。普遍、全面:~身。~延。~全。~游。时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期:~岁。~年。~期。~星(十二年)。上~。完备:~到。~密。~详。~正(端正)。~折(事情进行不顺利)。……
汉语拼音:shāng zhōu
商 周 之不敌,君之所闻也。”后用“商周”比喻两者难以匹敌。 南朝 梁 锺嵘 《诗品》卷下:“ 惠休 淫靡,情过其才,世遂匹之 鲍照 ,恐 商 周 矣!”
From an aesthetic point of view, bronze was the physical state of aesthetic expression in Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasty.
从美学角度来看,青铜器是夏商周艺术审美的物态化体现。With the social and political systems to adapt, in the ideology of the Zhou Dynasty, a general belief is that of ancestor worship.
与这种社会政治制度相适应,在商周时代的意识形态中,一个普遍的信仰就是祖先崇拜。The structures and types of pottery vessels in the Shang and Zhou dynasties were practically identical with these made of bronze.
商周时期的陶器与青铜器在结构和类型上基本相同。Taotie pattern on the bronze wares in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties is one of the most attractive topic in Chinese bronze-ware time.
商周青铜器饕餮纹,是中国青铜时代最引人入胜的课题之一。Shang and Zhou dynasties of the animal-shaped bronze statue, wine container, is an excellent example of bronze sculpture process.
商周时代的鸟兽形铜尊、卣,是青铜工艺雕塑的优秀典范。In this article, we make a division of the bronze assemble in Jin-Shan plateau, Odors plateau and Yan Mountain during Shang and Zhou period.
本文对晋陕高原、鄂尔多斯高原与燕山南北商周时期的青铜器进行了组合的划分;Chinese culture etiquette, began in tang and song dynasties, prosperous, after continuous development and change, gradually formed system.
中国的礼仪文化,始于夏商周,盛于唐宋,经过不断地发展变化,逐渐形成体系。The bronze decoration is mostly excavated from ritual sites of Jinsha. They should be specific ritual implements in the ancient Shu Culture.
铜饰大都出土于祭祀场所,推测可能是商周时期古蜀文化中极具特色的礼仪用器。Large, thick copper ektexine, feels powerful------Typical thing in Shang Zhou dynasty! -------Welcome discussion!