


1. 遂 [suì]遂 [suì]顺,如意:~心。~愿。成功,实现:未~。功成名~。于是,就:服药后头痛~止。通达:“何往而不~”。进,荐:“不能退,不能~”。……


1. 遂 [suì]遂 [suì]顺,如意:~心。~愿。成功,实现:未~。功成名~。于是,就:服药后头痛~止。通达:“何往而不~”。进,荐:“不能退,不能~”。……



汉语拼音:suì suì








  1. 安舒貌。

    《诗·卫风·芄兰》“容兮遂兮,垂带悸兮” 毛 传:“容仪可观,佩玉遂遂然。” 汉 贾谊 《新书·容经》:“祭祀之容,遂遂然,粥粥然,敬以婉。”

  2. 随行貌。

    《礼记·祭义》:“及祭之后,陶陶遂遂,如将復入然。” 郑玄 注:“陶陶、遂遂,相随行之貌。”

  3. 茂盛貌。

    《尔雅·释训》:“烝烝遂遂,作也。” 郭璞 注:“皆物盛兴作之貌。”《艺文类聚》卷三引 晋 夏侯湛 《春可乐赋》:“桑冉冉以奋条,麦遂遂以扬秀。”



  1. 网络
  2. Sui

  1. 遂和好如初

    then became reconciled

  2. 既遂与未遂

    judicial cognizance.

  3. 遂逐齐师。

    So began the pursuit of the Chi troops.

  4. 其事遂寝。

    No more was heard of the matter thereafter.

  5. 既遂后中止

    discontinue after the accomplished offence.

  6. 犯罪既遂标准

    accomplished offense criterion.

  7. 犯罪既遂模式

    the theory of accomplishment of a crime.

  8. 遂了他的心愿

    have his wish fulfilled

  9. 我的父亲半身不遂。

    My father is half paralyzed.

  10. 后遂无问津者。

    Afterwards, nobody made inquires about it.

  11. 犯罪既遂的标准

    On Standard of Accomplishment of Crime

  12. 遂洞钢模台车

    The hole steel model trolley

  13. 会议遂以破裂告终。

    Therefore, the conference broke down.

  14. 遂进酒劝玄德。

    So saying, they offered Xuande wine.

  15. 遂仓皇出逃,回归本土。

    Upper Leather. Midsole Injected EVA.

  16. 河流改道不遂的尝试

    abortive attempts to divert the course of the river

  17. 她受中风影响半身不遂

    Half of her body was stricken, the other half not.

  18. 执政党遂片面中止谈判。

    The ruling party unilaterally ended the negotiations.

  19. 入室盗窃, 盗窃着手与盗窃未遂

    Indoor Theft, Start of Theft and Attempted Crime of Theft

  20. 这正是恋爱不遂的疯狂。

    This is the very exstasy of love.

  21. 各式各样的连锁店遂而崛起。

    Every kind of business sprang up.

  22. 犯罪既遂标准的重构

    The reconstruction of the Standard of Accomplished Crime

  23. 妖怪遂告诉他一条妙计。

    But the sprite told him a secret plan.

  24. 要遂凌云志, 必须苦学习。

    Study to be what you wish to seem.

  25. 对里根总统的行刺未遂。

    The attempted assassination of President reagan.

  26. 他们遂吹号角,大声呼喊。

    Then they blew the trumpets and criedloudly.

  27. 他过早地去世,壮志不遂。

    He died early with his ambitions unfulfilled.

  28. 他过早地去世,壮志不遂。

    He died early with his ambitions unfulfilled.

  29. 我得坟冢遂感应温暖甜蜜。

    And all my grave shall warmer and sweeter be.

  30. 后请归养母,遂不复出。

    Please return after the adoptive mother, did not return subsequently.