











汉语拼音:máng máng rén hǎi








  1. Looking head-up, the vast sea of humanity to an analysis of men, women and children face, but all have the same look of sadness.


  2. They began to panic the four she, in a vain attempt to discover the vast sea of humanity lives lover.


  3. The vast sea of humanity, I wonder if I hit worthy of the name can arise when, I believe that may come without Stepping bond!


  4. I feel so lucky that, out of all the men that i could have met, I found you.


  5. In big crowd, there is always someone waiting for you and looking at you.


  6. Do you think it easy to get your most accidental and suitable meeting in the boundless huge crowds?


  7. They are not in the least otherworldly : they do jobs, and carry enough money to help a stranger out of trouble. Then they vanish.


  8. There may have been a way in which she felt not seen or known in a sea of so many.


  9. You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever.


  1. 茫茫人海中,独自穿行着。

    Among the vast sea of faces, Walk through by oneself.

  2. 让我在茫茫人海中遇见你。

    Let me meet you in the world.

  3. 茫茫人海中, 你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你?

    In the ocean of crowds, who have you encountered and who have encountered you?

  4. 你可曾在这茫茫人海中留下回忆?

    You can have in this vast sea of memories?

  5. 她消失在伦敦的茫茫人海中了。

    She vanished into the vast anonymous mass of the population of London.

  6. 我没有太多的笑容, 在茫茫人海中。

    I do not have much of a smile, in the vast crowd.

  7. 缘分, 让我在茫茫人海中遇见了你。

    Fate, let me in the boundless huge crowd met you.

  8. 茫茫人海中,你,是我要寻找得人麽?

    In the boundless huge crowd, you, are the person which I must seek??

  9. 在茫茫人海里, 散乱了我的所有过去!

    A huge crowd of people, scattered all my past!

  10. 现在,所有这些设计都丢失在茫茫人海中了!

    Now all of these plans are lost to humanity.

  11. 我觉得很幸运,在茫茫人海中,我发现了你。

    I feel so lucky that, out of all the men that i could have met, I found you.

  12. 幢幢高楼,茫茫人海,哪里是我的栖身之地?

    Flickering high rise, boundless and indistinct sea of faces, where be the ground of my stay.

  13. 愿茫茫人海与您早日牵手共度美好人生!

    Will be willing the boundless hugecrowd soon the connecting rod to spend together the happy life withyou!

  14. 在这个茫茫人海的世界里是没有它的复制品的!

    There is no duplicate of it among the swarming populations of the globe!

  15. 我也习惯于在茫茫人海中对你热切的寻觅。

    I also used in the vast sea of eager to find you.

  16. 我觉得我很幸运,能在茫茫人海中发现了你。

    I feel so lucky that, out of all the men that I could have met, I found you.

  17. 要在茫茫人海中找到他, 就像海底捞针一样难。

    Trying to find him in such a huge crowd of people is as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack.

  18. 在茫茫人海可以认识您,这绝对是缘分,你信吗?

    May know you in boundless and indistinct sea of faces, this fate, your letter definitely?

  19. 在这茫茫人海之中, 你又该怎样展示自己?使人惊艳?

    In boundless and indistinct sea of faces, how should you display yourself and make others surprised ?

  20. 在茫茫人海之中能与你相遇是我一生最美的故事。

    Can meet in the boundless huge crowd with you are my life most beautiful story.

  21. 越是繁华热闹,在茫茫人海中的游子就越显得孤独无亲。

    The more bustling the city was, the more solitary the young man felt in the crowds.

  22. 你是茫茫人海中我唯一的卫星, 没有你我将迷失在宇宙之中。

    You are my sole satellite, I'd be lost in space without you.

  23. 人海茫茫,我找到了那个特殊的你。

    Scanning through have I found the special you.

  24. 是不是已经消失在茫茫的人海当中了。

    Whether be or not have already disappeared in boundless huge crowd middle.

  25. 十年后的茫茫的人海里彼此相认。

    We would acknowledge each other amount the crowd in ten years.


