


1. 拉 [lā]2. 拉 [lá]拉 [lā]牵,扯,拽:~车。~网。~下马(喻使某人下台)。用车载运:~货。使延长:~延。~伸。排泄粪便:~屎。联络:~拢。~帮结伙。摧折:摧枯~朽。带领转移:把部队~出去。牵引乐器的某一部分使乐器发出声……





汉语拼音:lā miàn






  1. 用手把面块拉成面条。亦指用手拉成的面条。

    清 俞正燮 《癸巳存稿·面条子》:“曰切麪,曰拉麪,曰索麪,曰掛麪。” 赵树理 《李家庄的变迁》五:“给他们做的是炒鸡蛋拉面。”



  1. How much money you consume in Ajisen Ramen per person on average?


  2. Enable the fire power of the hand-pulled noodles bomb to run through barriers, so alright once bombs and wears the multi-layer barrier.


  3. Simple word, ramen, for children who are like a Maryland mantra recited repeatedly in the heart: Go home, go home.


  4. Before he started Wagamama , he had tried to set up a Chinese fast- food chain in Britain .


  5. Because it's been a while since he ate ramen, he raised his voice delightedly and finished his meal!


  6. I'm pretty good at cooking ramen noodles, but I can cook almost anything that comes with a recipe.


  7. You'll get a pile of noodles with a generous dollop of minced beef in sauce, garnished with scallions and cilantro.


  8. It describes the desire of someone who's obsessed to say, drive across Tokyo to try a new ramen noodle place, because that's what they do.


  9. After all, hotdogs and ramen noodles may not be very nutritious but they are affordable, right?


  1. 日式海鲜拉面

    Japanese seafood noodles in soup

  2. 鲜虾云吞拉面

    Fresh shrimp Wanton ramen.

  3. 我们在味千拉面享用我们的晚餐。

    We had our dinner at Restaurant Ajisen Ramen.

  4. 囧我们在味千拉面享用我们的晚餐。

    We had our dinner at Restaurant Ajisen Ramen.

  5. 他恒常来这家拉面馆吃饭。

    He often comes to this hand-pulled noodles restaurant.

  6. 你认为味千拉面的用餐环境如何?

    What do you think about Ajisen Ramens wholesome condition

  7. 味千拉面德福广场分店现已开业。

    Ajisen Ramen Telford Plaza branch launching.

  8. 味千拉面信德中心分店现已开业。

    Ajisen Ramen Shun Tak Centre branch launching.

  9. 钱是你赚的,那我来煮拉面吧。

    You made all the money, so I'll cook the ramens.

  10. 味千拉面荷里活广场分店现已开业。

    Ajisen Ramen Plaza Hollywood branch launching.

  11. 你平均每次在味千拉面个人消费多少?

    How much money you consume in Ajisen Ramen per person on average.

  12. 承压水体上对拉面合理错距的研究

    Ground pressure observing of rational staggered distance between doublelongwall faces in mining on confined aquifer.

  13. 关于他的拉面的消息传开了, 餐馆总是很繁忙。

    Word spread about his ramen, and the restaurant was always busy.

  14. 我想教你做豚骨拉面, 那是我最拿手的饭菜。

    I want to teach you how to cook tonkotsu ramen. It's my best dish.

  15. 他们的业务从拉面摊、茶叶店到养猪场,不一而足。

    Their businesses range from noodle stands to tea shops to pig farms.

  16. 承压水体上对拉面开采底板岩层破坏规律

    Fracture Characteristics of Floor Strata due to Double Longwall Mining on Confined Aquifer.

  17. 除此杯面博物馆外,还有另两个拉面博物馆。

    Besides this Cup Noodles Museum, there are another two Ramen museums.

  18. 如此频频几次, 直到少度与厚度达到拉面的要求。

    This process is repeated several times until the desired thickness and quantity is achieved.

  19. 围绕味千拉面的丑闻只是最近一段时间爆发的丑闻之一。

    The scandal surrounding Ajisen Ramen is just one that's broken out in recent days.

  20. 在去福冈的飞机上,等不及的想吃寿司跟拉面了!

    On a flight to Fukuoka, can’t wait to eat some sushi and ramen!

  21. 灰色关联度评价法在甘春系列小麦拉面品质中的应用

    The application of grey relevant coefficient evaluation in quality selection of Ganchun spring wheat

  22. 炸酱拉面,传统的上海式食物,伴肉碎及上海拉面条同食。

    Cha Jiang La Mian, the traditional Shanghai style food, with spicy minced meat and Shanghai noodle.

  23. 兰州手拉面添加剂对不同筋力面粉的流变学特性的影响

    Influence of the Additive for making Lanzhou Hand Pulled Noodles upon Rheology Characteristic of Different Gluten Strength Flours

  24. 味千拉面称,这是集团拓展资产基础的一次投资良机。

    Ajisen called the purchase'a good investment opportunity for the group to broaden its asset base.

  25. 他练就了拉面的绝艺,能把面拉到数十米长,而面不断。

    He has a unique skill of making hand-pulled noodles. The noodles can be pulled to a length of ten meters and still don't break.

  26. 个人而言, 我喜欢每一餐都是全盐, 而拉面正好符合这一标准。

    Personally, I like every meal to be full of salt too, and Ramen supplies that.

  27. 禁卒叫人拿灯来, 就跳进去, 战战兢兢地俯伏在保罗西拉面前。

    The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and silas.

  28. 如果我够清醒,那我肯定能顺利的煮出一份拉面来,而且绝不会把厨房点着,瞧好吧。

    Am I sober enough to cook ramyun without setting the kitchen on fire? We shall find out.


  1. 问:拉面拼音怎么拼?拉面的读音是什么?拉面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉面的读音是lāmiàn,拉面翻译成英文是 noodles that are hand-pulled

  2. 问:拉面拼音怎么拼?拉面的读音是什么?拉面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉面的读音是lāmiàn,拉面翻译成英文是 Ramen



拉面,一种汉族传统面食,民传因山东福山抻面驰名,有起源福山拉面一说。后来演化成多种口味的著名美食如兰州拉面、山西拉面、河南拉面,龙须面等,拉面又叫甩面、扯面、抻面,是中国北方城乡独具地方风味的面食名吃。拉面可以蒸、煮、烙、炸、炒,各有一番风味。拉面的技术性很强,要制好拉面必须掌握正确要领,即和面要防止脱水,晃条必须均匀, 出条要均匀圆滚,下锅要撒开, 防止蹲锅疙瘩。拉面根据不同口味和喜好还可制成小拉条、空心拉面、夹馅拉面、毛细、二细、大宽、龙须面、扁条拉面、水拉面等不同形状和品种。