


1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……





汉语拼音:gǎi xuǎn







  1. 重新选授官职。

    《晋书·江统传》:“﹝ 江统 ﹞迁中郎。选司以 统 叔父 春 为 宜春 令, 统 因上疏曰:‘故事,父祖与官职同名,皆得改选,而未有身与官职同名,不在改选之例。’”

  2. 当选人任期届满或在任期中由于其他原因而重新选举。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部二:“这次工会改选,你看,你选的上吗?”



  1. The Management Committee members are elected by the General Assembly for one year, re-election is possible.


  2. At present , our company is having a new planning, and is intended to be built into a garden- like company .


  3. So why did he decline to stand for re-election himself and impose his wife as the Peronist candidate?


  4. Finally, the conditions to have credible presidential and parliamentary elections do not exist as yet.


  5. Meanwhile, with all H-P's 13 directors up for re-election at the next annual meeting, investors can voice their displeasure.


  6. The legislative elections are fairly easy to predict.


  7. Arnold Schwarzenegger, California's green-minded governor, made a cameo appearance in the midst of his re-election campaign.


  8. President Bush praised the Colombian leader for transforming his nation into a powerful example of democracy.


  9. Relations between Moscow and Minsk have been increasingly rocky since the Kremlin hailed Mr Lukashenka's rigged re-election four years ago.


  1. 到底改选哪个

    Dynamically at the supernet boundary.

  2. 他没有赶去请求改选。

    He did not run for reelection.

  3. 他没有赶去请求改选。

    He did not run for reelection.

  4. 我想改选一下我的课目。

    I want to change one of my courses.

  5. 国会改选的结果很容易预测。

    The legislative elections are fairly easy to predict.

  6. 管理委员会成员由每年的会员大会选举,可以改选。

    The Management Committee members are elected by the General Assembly for one year, reelection is possible.

  7. 在各个选举中,要求改选的现任者的比例总是很高很稳定。

    The proportion of incumbents who seek reelection is high and remarkably constant from election to election.

  8. 姑山矿业公司选矿技改回顾与展望

    Review and prospect of technical reform in beneficiation of gushan mining co. ltd

  9. 测算了选煤厂改扩建后的经济效益和社会效益。

    Additionally, the economic and social benefits after the restructure and extension were estimated.

  10. 恒山选煤厂重介工艺改扩建可行性研究

    Feasibility study on HM process conversion and enlargement for Hengshan Coal Preparation Plant

  11. 选个你支持得一方,不要改来改去了。

    Pick a side and stay there.

  12. 选个你支持的一方,不要改来改去了。

    Pick a side and stay there.

  13. 将所选内容中文本单词的首字母改为大写。

    Capitalizes the first letter of words in the selection.

  14. 工人们正在把书店改建成自选杂货店。

    The workmen are altering the Bookshop into a selfservice grocery.

  15. 主席, 秘书和司库应每年改选一次。

    Chairman, secretary and treasurer should be elected annually.

  16. 株冶电锌改扩建工程自控系统选型

    Selection of control systems for reconstruction and extension project of electrolytic zinc in Zhuzhou Smelter.

  17. 今年九月委国人民将投票改选新国会。

    Venezuelans are due to vote for a new parliament in September.

  18. 三分之一的叁议员每两年改选一次。

    One third of the senators are elected every two years.

  19. 如果选择了改选项, 就不会进行任何代码更改。

    If you choose this option, none of the code changes are committed.

  20. 在民意调查中窜改数据以有利于他们的候选者

    Pollsters massaged the numbers to favor their candidate.

  21. 记得五年级班干部改选, 我没当上了什么委员。

    Recall election of the fifth grade class cadres, I did not become what members.

  22. 密地选矿厂铁精矿提质保产技改的探讨

    On the Technical Reform for Improving the Quality and Retaining the Production of Iron Concentrate at Midi Concentrator

  23. 我认为你应该改选另一种乐器,你显然不适宜弹钢琴。

    I think you ought to go over to another instrument, you're clearly not suited to the piano.

  24. 候选人众议院选举失败, 必须等上两年, 因为每两年改选一次。

    A defeated candidate for the House of Representatives must wait two years before running again, because the elections are biennial.

  25. 煤炭表面改质技术及设备在东曲矿选煤厂的应用研究

    Application of the technology and equipment of surface property modification at Dongqu Coal Preparation Plant

  26. 阐述了一种新型表面改质机在东曲矿选煤厂应用的实践。

    This article describes the application of a new type coal superficial quality modifier in Dongqu coal mine prep.


  1. 问:改选拼音怎么拼?改选的读音是什么?改选翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改选的读音是gǎixuǎn,改选翻译成英文是 re-elect

  2. 问:改选总统委员会拼音怎么拼?改选总统委员会的读音是什么?改选总统委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改选总统委员会的读音是gǎi xuǎn zǒng tǒng wěi yuán huì,改选总统委员会翻译成英文是 Committee to Reelect the President