


1. 划 [huá]2. 划 [huà]划 [huá]用桨拨水使船行动:~水。~船。~艇。合算,按利益情况计较是否相宜:~算。用刀或其它东西把物件分开或从物件上面擦过:~一道口子。划 [huà]分开:~界。~分。~时代意义。设计:计~。筹~……


1. 归 [guī]归 [guī]返回,回到本处:~国。~程。~侨。~宁(回娘家看望父母)。~省(xǐng )(回家探亲)。~真反璞。还给:~还。物~原主。趋向,去往:~附。众望所~。合并,或集中于一类,或集中于一地:~并。~功。~咎。由,……



汉语拼音:huà guī







  1. 划分归并,使有所属。

    赵紫阳 《关于国务院机构改革问题的报告》一:“撤销现有的国家农业委员会、国家机械工业委员会、国家能源委员会和国务院财贸小组,他们主管的业务一部分由重新组建的国家经委负责,一部分划归有关的部。”



  1. To begin with the latter, some of them attempt to reduce everything that seems to be mental activity to an activity of the body.


  2. And since we no longer have much time to complete what can pass as forming a certain circumscribed Field, in what I said this year.


  3. The natural analogies of the planets represent only a very general determining factor and are not able to constitute a particular one.


  4. Supernatural happenings and miracles merge with metaphysics, as well, and are usually classified under the subject.


  5. With the explicit classification of the narrative perspective, "Disgrace" can be regarded as the limited third-person points of view.


  6. The sequence correlation shows that this layer should be put in The Forth Member of Shahejie Formation.


  7. A 1970 amendment to the Bank Holding Company Act placed all bank holding companies under the supervision of the Federal Reserve Board.


  8. In many cases, the entity must be trading solely its own funds, otherwise they would land in the managed-money category, the official said.


  9. Funding for procurement of the PNVG in the U. S. Defense Budget is handled through the 'Night Vision Goggles' program.


  1. 铁路被划归不同地区。

    The railways were territorialized.

  2. 他被划归为业余组。

    He is bracketed in the amateur group.

  3. 他被划归为业余组。

    He is bracketed in the amateur group.

  4. 这个企业已划归地方管理。

    The enterprise has been put under local administration.

  5. 颗粒大于2毫米的划归石砾。

    Particles larger than two millimeters are classed as gravel.

  6. 颗粒大于2毫米得划归石砾。

    Particles larger than two millimeters are classed as gravel.

  7. 划归工具类的物品则与此不同。

    Not so with the things classed as implements.

  8. 自1993年以来,监狱已划归司法部管辖。

    Since1993 prisons have been under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice.

  9. 把盈利的百分之十划归自己所有。

    Stake out ten percent of the profits for oneself.

  10. 最初,并没有将妇女划归为退伍战斗人员。

    Originally, women were not classified as veteran combatants.

  11. 不属于鱼类,但也可粗略划归为海水鱼类。

    Does not belong to the fish, but may also incorporate into sketchily for the sea water fish.

  12. 我们的国民收入有多少是划归国防之用呢?

    How much of our national income is allocated to defence?

  13. 民事没收实际上使资产的所有权永久划归美国。

    The civil forfeiture actually results in the permanent transfer of ownership of the assets to the United States.

  14. 这样,所有二级和三级机构均划归卫生部管辖。

    All secondary and tertiary institutions have thus been placed under the authority of the Ministry.

  15. 医学领域凡是心理和行为问题, 一律划归精神疾病科。

    Medical domain always psychology and behavior problem, division of disease of spirit of uniform put under.

  16. 除了国家公园之外,基本上,全国都被划归为第二类。

    Except for national parks, essentially, the entire nation has been set at Class II.

  17. 并非所有的抗击现象都能明确地划归三种类型之一。

    Not all resistance phenomena can unequivocally be assigned to one of the three categories.

  18. 自1922年起,苏联政府就已将白海划归本国内陆水域。

    Since 1922 the Soviet Union has claimed Seainternal waters.

  19. 国内一些地质学家也将胶东型金矿划归为造山带型金矿。

    Some Chinese geologists also suggested that the Jiaodong gold deposits are of orogenic gold deposits.

  20. 新归纳之谜是古德曼对休谟归纳问题的确证式划归。

    The new riddle of induction is a kind of confirmationary reduction for the induction problem that Nelson Goodman does.

  21. 还有人把大学生也划归到已经消失的奢侈品的行列中了。

    Someone put the college students into the luxuries that had gone.

  22. 这些人被划归到一个专家组,不日将开始他们的审查工作。

    The experts are being sorted into specialist teams and will soon start scrutinising applications.

  23. 布伯格和他的斯堪尼亚未来基金会仅要求斯德哥尔摩的政府当局为该地区建立单独的议会,而不是将该地区划归到丹麦的统治之下。

    Broberg and his Foundation for Scania's Future merely want Stockholm to set up a separate regional parliament, not a return to Danish rule.


  1. 问:划归拼音怎么拼?划归的读音是什么?划归翻译成英文是什么?

    答:划归的读音是huàguī,划归翻译成英文是 to incorporate into; to put under



划归 huàguī [put under (sb.'s administration,etc.)]∶归…管理 这个企业已划归地方管理 [incorporate into]∶使从属于… 这个县已经划归另一个省了 划归 方程组中有“划归“思想 方程(组) 解方程(组) 划归基本策略 基本方法 高次方程 化归思想 降次 换元 分式方程 整式化 换元 无理方程 有理化 去根号 简单二元二次方程 消元 降次 因式分解