







汉语拼音:kuān fàn








  1. 谓内容意义等牵渉面宽广。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·门外文谈十一》:“说起大众来,界限宽泛得很。” 瞿秋白 《论大众文艺·大众文艺的问题》:“固然,有些著名的文学家,他们自己写的作品,宽泛些讲起来,是能够写出真正的白话的。” 郭沫若 《文艺论集·论诗三札》:“你所下的诗的定义确是有点‘宽泛’。”



  1. But don't forget that this is a very wide group of people and it is often better to be more specific.


  2. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.


  3. The second section will take a look to the broad concept of Europeanization of member states politics and policies.


  4. To better support the extensibility goals of the platform it would be useful to have a more general concept of modules.


  5. WITHIN Europe, broadly, northerners and westerners are more likely to leave home when young than southerners and easterners.


  6. As an adjective, alternative means of two (or, loosely, more) things, or possible as an alternative.


  7. The objectives set out by the resolution seem to me to broader than what is commonly thought.


  8. Given that broad, high-altitude view, let me now zoom in by proposing a specific program idea along the lines of what I'm talking about.


  9. No one study could ever answer such a broad question because so much depends on the specific reasons a relationship isn't working.


  1. 宽泛的组织

    extensive organization.

  2. 宽泛地使用术语

    to use a term loosely

  3. 英语精读的宽泛教学

    Broad Education in Intensive Reading

  4. 严格与宽泛释义歧义

    Strict and Sloppy Interpretation Ambiguity

  5. 课程是一个宽泛的概念。

    Course is a general concept.

  6. 它有着更宽泛的意义。

    than just the economic profit in the next quarter.

  7. 你论文的主题太宽泛了。

    The topic of your paper is too broad.

  8. 奥斯丁的感染力着实宽泛。

    The breadth of Austen's appeal is indeed extraordinary.

  9. 竞选期间,议题还是宽泛些好

    During the campaign, the trick is to keep it general.

  10. 这次改革试点的范围很宽泛!

    The reform pilot this time covers a wide range.

  11. 这个判决将有什么宽泛的影响?

    What wider impact will this decision have?

  12. 目前可接受得报价范围非常宽泛。

    Orders are allowed to come in at a wide price range.

  13. 目前可接受的报价范围非常宽泛。

    Orders are allowed to come in at a wide price range.

  14. 宽泛的处理器外设信号适合连接器

    Wide range of processor peripheral signals available on connectors

  15. 联合国还将被赋予宽泛的监督职责。

    The UN will also be given a loose oversight role.

  16. 你对烤肉宴的定义比我还宽泛

    You've got a looser definition of barbecue than I do.

  17. 我脑海中闪现了两个宽泛的预测。

    Two broad predictions spring to mind.

  18. 更宽泛的解释是道义和意识形态方面的。

    The broader explanations are moral and ideological.

  19. 事实上,我们对此术语的定义非常宽泛。

    In fact, we define the term very broadly.

  20. 在英语教学中注重词汇的宽泛性

    Laying Stress on Extensiveness of English Vocabulary in Teaching

  21. 零售商得库存风险可被宽泛而不深得。

    Retailer inventory risk can be viewed as wide but not deep.

  22. 零售商的库存风险可被宽泛而不深的。

    Retailer inventory risk can be viewed as wide but not deep.

  23. 最好是选个窄得而不是太宽泛得题目。

    It is best to choose a narrow subject rather than one that is too broad.

  24. 最好是选个窄的而不是太宽泛的题目。

    It is best to choose a narrow subject rather than one that is too broad.

  25. 在再审的条件的规定上存在过于宽泛的缺点。

    Four, in a retrial of the provisions of the conditions there are too broad faults.

  26. 这项工作可以宽泛地分成如下几个部分。

    The work can be broadly broken down into the following areas.

  27. 如果主题太宽泛, 就不容易彻底地研究了。

    If a subject is too broad, it cannot be easily thoroughly researched.

  28. 此外,决议草案对受害者的定义应更加宽泛。

    Moreover, victim should be more broadly defined in the draft resolution.

  29. 其它的问题就比较宽泛而且总的来说更难处理。

    Others are broader and altogether more difficult.

  30. 此外,政府对非法内容的界定过于宽泛和含糊。

    Further the government defines unlawful content in overbroad and vague terms.


  1. 问:宽泛拼音怎么拼?宽泛的读音是什么?宽泛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宽泛的读音是kuānfàn,宽泛翻译成英文是 Covering wide range or large scope.; too ge...


