







汉语拼音:bàn shǎng








  1. 许久,好久。

    《醒世恒言·李玉英狱中讼冤》:“ 李承祖 道:‘如此便怎么好?’和尚沉吟半晌,乃道:‘不打紧!’” 巴金 《砂丁》一:“听了她的这番话,他呆了一下,埋下头半晌不说话。”

  2. 半日。如:前半晌我在学校里,后半晌我在家里。



  1. He was silent for a long time, and then he said what I knew was in his mind.

  2. He fall silence for a while. . . , so I came off, and an aunt went up him and started to go over Chinese history with him.

  3. Another time he came and was silent for a while. Then he put his head on one side, and looked at me.

  4. Beginning that fumbled even once sewed him on the training mat, half of the day could not say a few words.

  5. It was late afternoon before he came out of his delirium and gazed with aching eyes about the room.

  6. Joy in one night to the next ring, after a hearing Du Jun spits out a smoke ring sound.

  7. She was greatly pleased, and even a little flattered, when, late on a Sunday afternoon, the two gentlemen made their appearance.

  8. He returned after a time with a smile like a cat that has been dating the canary.

  9. Even though he was dead, no one dared pass through the front gate.


  1. 沉默了半晌。

    A long silence.

  2. 我们楞了半晌。

    We were not ourselves for some time.

  3. 我们半晌没做声。

    There was silence between us for a little while.

  4. 他们静默了好半晌。

    There was a long pause among them.

  5. 他们在那儿坐了半晌。

    They sat there for a long while.

  6. 他想了半晌才想起我是谁。

    It took him quite a while to recall who I was.

  7. 我没有看见他。约翰停了半晌说。

    I don't see him, John said after a long pause.

  8. 半晌, 阿采儿摇摇头, 陷入沉思中。

    For a while Atzel shook his head, pondering.

  9. 说了半晌, 易道终于累了, 停了下来。

    Said a long time, the easy way is finally tired, stopped down.

  10. 将军起初愣愣地对侯恩瞅了半晌。

    The General had looked at Hearn blankly.

  11. 温斯顿觉得半晌说不出话来。

    It appeared to Winston that a long time passed before he answered.

  12. 你怎么才来呀, 我都等你半晌啦!

    Why do you come so late ? I have been waiting for you for a while!

  13. 你怎么才来呀,我都等你半晌啦!

    Why do you come so late? I have been waiting for you for a while!

  14. 这可不是小事, 一时半晌可解决不了。

    That is not a little thing, it cannot be solved in a short time.

  15. 这可不是小事,一时半晌可解决不了。

    That is not a little thing, it cannot be solved in a short time.

  16. 他半晌工夫就把一瓶酒喝完了。

    He finished the bottle of wine in a shake.

  17. 好,一亮为宝!那人沉默了半晌说。

    Well, agreed! said the man, after an interval.

  18. 看完这则新闻,我震惊得半晌无语。

    Having finished the news, I was shocked to be speechless for a whole while.

  19. 她痴楞地望着她妈,半晌说不出话来。

    Speechless, she stared blankly at her mother.

  20. 朱军绞尽脑汁,半晌也没有写出一个字。

    Zhu Jun cudgel one's brains for,quite a while also did not draw up a word.

  21. 调酒师不敢相信自己的耳朵,沉默了半晌。

    The bartender can't believe his ears, and remains silent.

  22. 我呆呆得立在那儿, 半晌说不出话来

    I stood there without saying a single word

  23. 我呆呆的立在那儿, 半晌说不出话来

    I stood there without saying a single word

  24. 为保这样话也不讲, 年少的罪人, 低头半晌?

    Why so dull and mute, young sinner ?

  25. 雷斯脱手里拿一把叉玩弄着沉吟了半晌。

    Lester ruminated for a while, toying with his fork.

  26. 在下午后半晌的炎热中,他们向山坡上爬去。

    They were scrambling up the mountai ide in the late afternoon heat.

  27. 这半晌来颇见缓和的风陡地又转劲了。

    The wind, which slackened off some time since, now suddenly rose again.

  28. 这一次,他就这样站了半晌,向窗外凝视着。

    In this instance he stood so for some time, staring out the window.

  29. 他楞了半晌,仔仔细细地将球棒和棒球检查了一番。

    He checks the ball and the bat carefully and then stands up, tries again.

  30. 如果你愿意,你也可以那里都不去,休息个一天半晌的。

    You can have a day off too, if you want to.


  1. 问:半晌拼音怎么拼?半晌的读音是什么?半晌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半晌的读音是bànshǎng,半晌翻译成英文是 half of the day; a long time



“李承祖道:‘如此便怎么好?’和尚沉吟半晌,乃道:‘不打紧!’”——《醒世恒言·李玉英狱中讼冤》 吕、却二人览书,半晌不语。——明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第三十六回 “听了她的这番话,他呆了一下,埋下头半晌都不说话。”——巴金 《砂丁》