


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:bù dàn







  1. 连词。不仅,不只是。常表示递进。用在复句的上半句里,下半句通常有副词或连词与之相呼应。

    宋 杨万里 《峡峙》诗:“龟鱼到此总回头,不但龟鱼蟹亦愁。” 清 杭世骏 《质疑·诸史》:“ 三代 时,不但地广人稀,连 吴 、 越 、 秦 、 楚 ,皆大半不在版图之中。” 靳以 《耸天的白杨》:“这真是了不起的民族,不但勇敢,而且充满了自尊心。”



  1. You might have expected the president's team not just to reject this proposal, but to see it as a big fat political target.


  2. Lao shi must have been a good teacher, because a number of my contemporaries became fluent in both spoken Mandarin and written Chinese.


  3. As Peyton Farquhar fell straight downward through the bridge he lost consciousness and was as one already dead.


  4. "As a man, you must have one of those bags, " he said. "It will bring you status, dignity and boost your image. "


  5. The Holy Spirit, Scripture's divine Author, both authenticates it to us by His inward witness and opens our minds to understand its meaning.


  6. The foreign aid to the country was believed to be nothing but a white elephant.


  7. It seems to me there is a Laffer curve for government power, just as for tax revenues.


  8. And it was just as Mama said, I earned enough to give back to the tithe box and then I earned some more.


  9. Notice, though, that this includes the textual content for the target element, as well as textual content for its child elements.


  1. 不但…而且

    not only ... but also

  2. 不但…而且…

    not only... but (also)...

  3. 他呀,不但赌钱嚣张。

    Not only the way he gambles.

  4. 不但要看,而且要帮。

    One should not only observe but also help.

  5. 他不但英俊而且聪明。

    He is as clever as handsome.

  6. 她不但聪明, 而且漂亮。

    She is smart as well as beautiful.

  7. 他不但傲慢, 而且自私。

    He is not only arrogant but also selfish.

  8. 不但合作 而且继续加强

    It shoots up and it keeps going up.

  9. 他聪明, 不但聪明, 而且勇敢。

    Wisdom he has, and to his wisdom, courage.

  10. 她不但善良, 而且很美。

    She is kind, and pretty to boot.

  11. 后来,你不但背叛了我

    After all,you didn't just betray me.

  12. 后来,你不但背叛了我。

    After all, you didn't just betray me.

  13. 她不但有天赋,而且勤奋。

    She is as gifted as sedulous.

  14. 他不但嘴尖,脸皮也厚。

    He's not just sharp-tongued but also very thick-skinned.

  15. 不但疼痛,好像都僵硬了。

    More than hurting, it seem to be stiff.

  16. 我不但会游泳,而且会滑冰。

    I can not only swim but also skate.

  17. 爱不但要感觉,还要行动。

    Love is not only something you feel. It is something you do.

  18. 这不但合法, 而且非常普遍。

    Not only is it legal, its very popular.

  19. 种族大屠杀不但要赶尽杀绝

    As much as genocide is about killing.

  20. 盈缩之期,不但在天。

    Its not up to heaven alone To lengthen or shorten our day.

  21. 她不但会唱歌, 而且会弹钢琴。

    She not only sings also plays the piano as well.

  22. 不但伸起头, 而且掌权了。

    They have not only lifted up their heads but taken power into their hands.

  23. 我们不但要勇敢, 而且要谨慎。

    We should not only be bold , but also be cautious.

  24. 不但使用战术, 还须变换战术。

    We should know not only how to employ tactics but how to vary them.

  25. 那个护士不但能干而且亲切。

    The nurse was not only competent but also kind.

  26. 不但等待冲锋号角响起时

    Not only when the bugle plays

  27. 我不但要考及格, 还要考好。

    It is not only necessary that I pass, but pass well.

  28. 黑猩猩不但使用而且制造工具。

    Chimps not only use tools but make them.

  29. 不但诚实, 而且关心, 孝敬妈妈!

    Not only honest and concerned about, and honor my mother!

  30. 我不但要宣扬它, 还要推销它。

    I will proclaim it, yea, I will sell it.


  1. 问:不但拼音怎么拼?不但的读音是什么?不但翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不但的读音是búdàn,不但翻译成英文是 not only

  2. 问:不但拼音怎么拼?不但的读音是什么?不但翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不但的读音是bùdàn,不但翻译成英文是 not only ; as well as



词目不但 拼音bù dàn 基本解释 [not only] 不仅,不只是用在表示递进关系的复句的前一分句,指出并承认某层意思,后一分句常有而且并且也还又等词相呼应,表示有更进一层的意思 例句我们的家乡不但风景优美,物产也很丰富 详细解释 连词不仅不只是常表示递进用在复句的上半句里下半句通常有副词或连词与之相呼应 宋杨万里 峡峙诗龟鱼到此总回头不但龟鱼蟹亦愁 清 杭世骏 质疑·诸史 三代 时不但地广人稀连 吴 越 秦 楚 皆大半不在版图之中 靳以 耸天的白杨这真是了不起的民族不但勇敢而且充满了自尊心 近义词 不仅