


1. 扳 [bān]扳 [bān]往下或往里拉:~动。~道岔。扭转,~回败局。~本(赌博时嬴回输掉的钱)。……





汉语拼音:bān dòng







  1. Turn the electric motor shaft if it rotates freely, Measure the air gap between the stator and the rotor.


  2. A bicycle, a parrot fly to hold hands with wings, with its claws, seize the pedal, claws, flexible and throw.


  3. With every bend you weaken the paperclip , and even though it's made of metal, in time the constant wear and tear weakens it so it breaks.


  4. The main strap can be tightened with a pretty simple tug on the inside lever.


  5. In transformational language, flipping the switch "causes" the light to turn on.


  6. While milling, do not press the fast handle and the fast button; do not touch the blade and the machining parts.


  7. Lift the lever at the top of the valve several times until valve seats properly without leaking and operates freely.


  8. By understanding which pedals to push, you can steer your romance more consciously and with less inner torment.


  9. through triggering the operational end, the radiator can be fixed on the heating electronic element conveniently.


  1. 扳动装置轴

    trip shaft.

  2. 他扳动开关。

    He flicked a switch.

  3. 他扳动开关,把前门开了。

    He flipped the switch and the front door opened.

  4. 咔嗒一声, 猎人扳动了枪机。

    There was a click as the hunter cocked his rifle.

  5. 他扳动操纵杆,启动了机器。

    He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion.

  6. 飞机只要扳动开关就可以启动。

    Airplanes can be turned on flick of a switch.

  7. 飞机只有扳动开关就可以启动。

    Airplanes can be turned on by a flick of a switch.

  8. 你不能扳动上了保险的枪。

    You can not trigger a safety gun.

  9. 你不能扳动上了保险的枪。

    You can not trigger a safety gun.

  10. 他扳动了扳机, 但手枪没有发射。

    He fired but his pistol failed to go off.

  11. 扳动联动杆开关控制燃着的发动机

    to gangbar the burning engine

  12. 而我只需要扳动开关,嗯。她就死了。

    All I have to do is flip a switch and, well, she's dead.

  13. 换挡时扳动这跟杆,然后踩油门踏板。

    Move this lever to change gear, then step on the pedal.

  14. 用转换的语言说,扳动开关造成了灯亮。

    In transformational language, flipping the switch causes the light to turn on.

  15. 她慢慢地往后扳动驾驶杆,使飞机下降着陆。

    Easing the joystick back she brought the plane in to land.

  16. 那就是一个将扳动许多变革的性质差异。

    That is a qualitative difference that will trigger numerous innovations.

  17. 那就是一个将扳动许多变革得性质差异。

    That is a qualitative difference that will trigger numerous innovations.

  18. 同时他扳动卡宾枪的扳机,喷出了一道闪光。

    At the same moment, he pressed the trigger of his rifle. The flame leaped forth.

  19. 坎帕纳猛地扳动火车刹车, 拉响了警报器。

    Campana slammed on the train's brake and blasted his air horn.

  20. 他觉得奥勃良一时冲动之下很可能扳动杠杆。

    He felt certain that O'Brien was about to twist the dial out of sheer wantonness.

  21. 主要的束带可以藉由简单的扳动中央拨杆来束紧。

    The main strap can be tightened with a pretty simple tug on the inside lever.

  22. 锁定杆不用太过使劲就可以扳动,太用力会损坏底座。

    You should be able clamp the locking lever without force. Excessive force may damage the base.

  23. 那人正要伸手到枪袋里,这边已经扳动枪机了。

    Before he could even fumble at his belt, she pulled the trigger.

  24. 扳机用手指扳动即能释放子弹的击铁或撞针的械杆

    The lever pressed by the finger to discharge a firearm.

  25. 弗拉维尔不小心扳动了一把手枪的扳机,子弹射入了天花板。

    Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling.

  26. 我认为如果你扳动底部附近的那个蓝色开关,它会启动空调。

    I think if you flip the blue switch near the bottom it will activate the air conditioner.

  27. 绷网完以后,扳动换向阀,使手轮回到初始的位置,关闭电源。

    After the nets, stretch, throw reversing valves, make the initial position, close to power.



词语:扳动 ,使物体转动。 造句:三叔力大如牛,一个人能扳动三百斤重的石头。