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1. 旁 [páng]2. 旁 [bàng]旁 [páng]左右两侧:~边。~侧。~门。~出。~听。~若无人。其他,另外:~人。~的话。触类~通。责无~贷。~证。~白(戏剧角色背着台上其他剧中人对观众说的话)。~落。广,广泛:~征博引。邪、……
汉语拼音:páng zuò
We sat down at a table outside; a waiter unfolded crisp white napkins on our knees; we decided to take a little wine with our food.
我们在外面的一张桌子旁坐了下来;一位侍者把崭新的白餐巾打开放在我们膝盖上;我们决定吃饭的时候再来点儿酒。When he arrived, there was Eli sitting on his chair by the side of the road, watching, because his heart feared for the ark of God.
到了的时候,以利正在道旁坐在自己的位上观望,为神的约柜心里担忧。As we settled in at our table, near the disco ball, I asked him for the best piece of advice he could give an ordinary investor.
当我们在迪斯科舞池边的桌子旁坐好之后,我问他对一个普通的投资者的最好的建议是什么。We were having dinner at a fine restaurant when a young couple, formally dressed, entered and were shown to a table next to us.
我们正在一家很不错的饭馆里用餐,进来了一对年轻人。他们穿得很正式。他们一进来就在挨着我们的一张桌子旁坐下来。Staggering out and running, blinded with dust, he looked back to see a figure sitting by the wreck with blood dripping from his hands.
当时他双眼被灰尘所迷,挣扎着从车里逃出,回头时模糊看到炸毁的车旁坐着一个人,血从那人头上滴滴流下。'Yes sir, ' said Anne and moved slowly to Gilbert's desk. There she sat down and put head on the de sa, with her arms over it.
“是的,先生,”安妮说着话然后慢慢的走到吉尔伯特的桌子旁坐下来,把头埋在手臂趴在桌子上。I sit down at a little table near the door. Mr Webster gives me some bread and some meat and I begin to eat hungrily.
我在靠门的一张小桌旁坐了下来。韦伯斯特先生给了我一些面包和肉,我大吃起来。Well, as I say, they took me to several of these parties, and we used to sit for hours round tables, in a dim light, holding hands.
如我所说,他们带我到好几个这样的聚会,并且伴着微弱的灯光我们习惯于手拉着手在桌子旁坐上几个小时。But instead I shuffled into the dining room and sat at one of the long tables next to a grandmotherly woman eating from a Tupperware bowl.